
9/1/2014 19:29 – Facebook Post

Cafe Bean….
1st and 9th.

Sept 1st.
09/01/2014… 1st and 9th.

The Battle with Great Serpent was really battle with the Great Illusion Deception I.D.
Which I spoke about in detail in earlier posts and again when Edward Eceinco EE
(I am E.E.. Emeka Kolo E.K
5 11…the address where I went in Forte Lauderdale where Nikoma went to school with Billy Hung B.H.and Rav Sing-H.)

If you recall I spoke about my memory of how Existence began and how I rose up from the nothingness which contained something…Me E.

And how in that nothing I created the Everything. And how when it was completed full circle I rose because it was an Orgamsm of J.O.Y which forced me to rise to tje Music.
And I went from within to the now outside to explore what I knew was not a dream but real.

I also spoke about encountering an illusion of my creation which challenged and distorted all that I knew was true.
And how I fought it for it was the challenger called doubt which wished to know if I truly recognized my Creation.
But was really challenging and testing the Truth of me.

And I fought through this house of mirrors…
This tunnel until I got to.the end.
And I had fought which.made me move from Chill Bliss to Anger Heat Fire.

And in the end I turned into a black panther (B.P Beautiful Pride) and Existential Death for such was my rage at that which dare distort that which was so beautiful.
But in my great battle I had turned that which was real to me, into solid fact..Creation.

Edwardo E played this part.
*see the Leviathan symbol in our play which was in his F.B page plus 9 F.B
See Sacred portal 9.

And when I completed the battle I was walking on solid land and I was in a Forest..

Yes Pelham Park
Code P.P.
P=16th letter
P.P. 16+ 16
Cafe Bean 3rd and 2nd.

32 is 8888…
Four Harmony Infinities…

*My mission this time was to “prove to.my Family of E the ones who move in you and the ones I primarily address when I speak to you and the ones who are moving you and are the real true beautiful.you within me.

Recall that I had turned everything into blackness with my quiet rage as the Beautiful Assasin after my first experience with war, only to behold a Man Child squatting who was afraid of the Dark.

And I saw him and from passion I felt compassion and I turned into the 19 yr old youth.
And I stayed awhile with this being I called Jah.
And when I completed my stay with him in the forest he did not wish me to.leave him l… For just as this play, I was on my way home.
And so.he employed tools of negation dominance and control to make me stay.

And I put him to sleep and sent him to dreaming and sent him into the Leviathan which had now become the Birth Canal to Earth School.the Mateix, so he could experience what I had taught him…And thus he went thriugh the process of being born a baby..
The Beautiful Illusion
B.I. 29.
And pass through the cycles of Birth Death…until he understood and Consciousness his twin as the feminine went with him so he could discover 69 the two sides of him self and become 1.

And I told him I would return and I went home to my completion (he complete) as Nnamdi Emeka..
And my beautiful true E art H

But he was also my sensie bc he taught me the experience of Love.
For I loved him and it made me gentle with him…
Even when his love he could not name…
I understood.

* see Davids vision in a forest of a branch from a Tree falling off and seeing the wolf
(The Devouring Wolf…which was not my form it was my expression of Existential Death Sacred portal.49 which we played out..
And his second vision of 4 sided Rhombus green (8888)
Recall the play of David and I was at the Bean 3rd and 2nd)

No did not see me…

The Sensie in the Forest who saw me and who stayed with was Li…
My Panda F.B friend
Who liked Sacred Portal 9O
And who posted my five aspects himself a few months ago.

His name is Li.
Which means Light
It also means First Born.
And Leaf.
He is Nature and the one first B.H.I.

I have been forced to replay all I recounted to the E on this F.B play and reenact it all to prove it true.

Right to Pelham Park.
But that first action can not be replicated.
That is why Li is not in the forest with me..

Instead i was with Albert a child of Nature morte an illusion a movie for 5-8 years.

Pelham Park

Orien Laplante grew up thier
Fritz Venneiq took me there.
Universe awakening we saw there.

U 21…Fritz F…Orien.


The Unified Field of the Full Circle.


Nikola Tesla’s assertion that the person who solves the equation 6+3=9 has unlocked the keys to the Universe.

(my body is locked and the more I solve the Equations the more the lock in my solar plexus opens…N.T is 14 2O
2014…I do not exist inside the mirror the box N.K is the energy of Nature Nikoma)


David Philipe Gil asked me the other day why I continued to come here when I did not wish to be here…

1st and 9th
9 (September) 1st.

Full Circle.

Fabien Suquet
Fabiana Shantalla

Two F.B friends
Fabian means “Bean”
Both names are S.

The First give David gave me was 19 usd.

Nikoma Rios had told him.of my.morphing into three beings and how he had asked me which one was the real me..
The Gorilla (King Kong)
A Blue Alien.(Blue baby).
A Beautiful Tan 19 yr old.

I said the 19 yr old.


1+9= 10

Zero does not exist

But the Full Circle.Does which I am have proven.by.linking my I and I (Instinct and Intution) to Individual understanding…
III to form an H…

And by being natural going with the flow and reading the true mirror…The Ahtomosphere and the people events circumstances and conditions of my Existence, I can link read in Hindsight, I can link and read why.I am.there and solve the riddles and equations of the Riddles as to why I am there and solve my.way out of there.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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