
8:59 a.m…

8:59 a.m…

9:00 a.m.

3-9-20 18…

* I noticed that Aiden Bartok my latest Facebook friend has 59 facebook friends.

It was a number which kept appearing yesterday as I made my way to Starbucks.

It represents Sacred Portal 59 which represents the End of the Story, the Last and Final book of life which is the Book of Filth and Self Hatred- and the departure of the Last guardians and protectors from this realm, leaving it at last to self destruct,

59 is E.I and was represented in the Delta Manor controlled setting Micro-cosm- Anthony Malgren ( C.V) A portal which I passed through.

A,M the End of this World.

1 8…

Is the code which I observed when I opened up my page…


I went to my room and last night and was overpowered by the Stench from Yeun Chin bed.

Each evening it is the same, as an alcoholic his boy sweats and secretes a pungent odor.

I had politely asked him to make sure that he cleans himself and his things. Lorenzo who sleeps besides him, has resorted to not sleeping at night but only during the day.

I had politely, spoken to him about it but he had been rude and dismissive.

Lorenzo said he felt contempt for people of African descent, I was not interested in that, and went down stairs where I saw him again and then made him loose Face in front of everybody by calling him out, telling him that I would throw him and all his belongings in the shower the next time.

Last night I came very near, the smell was outrageous.

I came very near to doing so and he ran down stairs…

Lorenzo I knew felt relief that I had stirred the dragon in me.

Meanwhile, Francis who speaks nonstop of the NSA, and the importance of his work with all the intelligence Angecies in World, takes one hour two hour showers and speaks as if he were the most important person working for the government.

Takes Two hour showers and believes that because of his imprisonment in China when he used to live there that the Chinese are evil and intend to take over the World. ( Perhaps)

He told me that Kelsey, the 26 year old director is in deep trouble, – class action law suit has been filled against her by someone who she pushed to far- with her truly cruel and racists and hypocritical ways. ( I had smiled calmly)

She is being attacked on all fronts and ifanything happens to me here, it will make her case much much worse

I had stared at him, his Self Importance, and sillines…

She gets in trouble if anyone here gets ill or whatever in this place.. I said in disgust and sadness.

It never occured to him the cruelty of placing him in the same room whith this Chinese Man, whom he despises with a vehemence that is truly awful to hear-

that they staff are aware of his experience with the Chinese yet but placed the only Chinese man in the shelter in the same room as him.

Lorenzo insists on trying to speak to me and convince me that he is the Chosen one. That he too works for the government and that all the blessing which have recently come to the Shelter comes through him.

He calls me Satan each day for my cutting expression of calling out his delusions, then compliments the next moment for my intelligence.

I am want silence.. quiet..

The secuirty guard chief said they placed me in this room so that people would leave me alone…

It goes on…

I listen and watch these men and see a 17 month and 17 years synposis of the mental state of people living in this reality.

Megalomania .. the Insanity of creating an idea of their own self importance which had become so over blown, that it no longer had any basis in reality or on facts.

And the extremity of this condition and the pursuit of these Delusions and Illusions of grandeur, and my being placed in that room after 17 years and 17 months of actions of Extreme Humility with a script designed to highlight my Identity in a manner which was sure to antagonize people, was and is not lost to me.

Irony? No…

Spirit of Jealousy… as simple as that.

I have no Delusion of Grandeur, I did not even see the relevance of my I.D when the truth is that this is really meant to be about the Evolution and Awakening of the Species by Thier following a Script created in the Begining of Time to earn their Freedom or what I call Graduation from University.

It instead has been turned into one person being forced to take on the responsibiliy of the entire script, going against and Entire World view, while battling a Spirit of Jealousy, Malice and Spite which finds every manner or way to transform each victory into sour decay and decompostion…

9:39 a.m.

But this is the Spirit of the World…

It is not Love, as People so hypocritically proclaim and then do actions of Hatred and Hypocrisy which quiet frankly should have caused the extinction of the species for such an extreme, extreme hypocrisy.

Where is the Love, Back Eyed Peas sing…

Where is the Love which is Conscious Cees, and truly cares?

It is sold to the highest bidder, who has money and the power and wealth place you in a proetcted gated communiy and enviroment- which inspires Jealousy and hatred from those who want the same thing as they watch you The Chosen Ones spout hypocrisy about Love and Truth Chairty and the State of the World.

Flip J Hendrixs..

Flip the Script… I listened last night at Starbucks to three women with a little girl speak about thier co worker and how she sets people up and then the next day Flips It so that she seemes innocent and has Covered her Ass..

I look at m own immediate family and how my Mother has been left alone in Nigeria, while her two oter children are successful and my mother endures as other children toast and treat their mothers like queens, flyng the around the world.

An I am used as the constant scape goat – the paragon of the bad and selfish son.

My disgust and comtempt for this world and its Story and what it allowed Itself to become, what It was allowed to become and go so far, is boundless…

9:50 p.m.

And my greatest shock and disgust comes from the Self Deception of a Species who walk around acting as though Everything is Fine.

The White race was predicted to bring the End of the world, it is true, but they had a great deal of help from the entire Human Race…

Aiden Bartok….

Meaning: born of fire/the fiery one/ little firey one


Male Meaning:Bright, shining, famous raven.

A I.D…E.N… B ART… O.K.

A.B…Sacred Portal 147 A B.

Born of Fire, The Fiery One, the bright shining famous Raven

*The bird is generally thought to be a symbol of freedom. They can walk on the earth and swim in the sea as humans do but they also have the ability to soar into the sky. Birds are free to roam to earth and the sky. Many cultures believe that they are a symbol of eternal life; the link between heaven and earth. A comprehensive guide to Raven Symbol:

In Greek mythology, ravens are associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy. They are said to be a symbol of bad luck, and were the god’s messengers in the mortal world. According to the mythological narration, Apollo sent a white raven, or crow in some versions to spy on his lover, Coronis.

Béla Viktor János Bartók was a Hungarian composer, pianist and an ethnomusicologist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century; he and Liszt are regarded as Hungary’s greatest composers. Wikipedia

Born: March 25, 1881, Sânnicolau Mare, Romania

Died: September 26, 1945, New York City, NY

Full name: Béla Viktor János Bartók

10:05 a.m.


Joseph.. means Add

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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