
8:58 p.m.

8:58 p.m.


E.H.E… Eternal Harmony Full Circle… Expressed.

B T…R.R…

Beautiful Truth.

So… I am the Devil…?


Yesterday when I got back to Delta Manor…

After I came up from the backyard courtyard, to the sound of Jamel rapping, I entered when he closed his Rap with And in Walked the Devil

He and a guy called Chris, and another, paused as if in shock then let out a roar! jamel pumping my hand and Chris and the other hollering That was surreal…

A little while later, Jamel turned to look at me…carefully.

I called out So now you know my secret Identity

Actually, I am the Beautiful Devil… B.D…As even my room, which this Musical Chair like play of my moving through theis Delta Manor Maze -set up in a parrallel reality, set up to see what my expressions and natural actions and reactions would land me.

*Yes this place is like a Ouija Board set up to test my indenity in the Shaman World of Mind-

I am in room 4B, D.B…/ B D… Beautiful Devil.

But last night as I tried to sleep, and once again my body started shifting, morphing painfully, in that narrow cot…

The Mental Torment, the Physical Torment and then the Sexual Torment of an extraordinary energy rising in me…

3 Planes of my Existence were in constant torment, and a 4th which I had mastered- my Emotion, that which had done to me meaning, my Existence and my Self…

It was the 3rd and 4th planes of my torment, and torture which brought forth a lightening bolt of understanding..

9:19 a.m.


Everything became clear, the treatment, the cruelty, the torture, why the Script, People, the Unseen realm had all felt it was Okay to put a Being through such and inconcievable script and existence.

Why it was allowed, why it was okay to go this far.. why the people were okay with this treatment of me…

The words of Geoff LaCour came back to me, your brothers betrayed you, they planted an Evil Demon in you- which is not your.. it is theirs

Michelle, had once asked me if I was the Devil.

People who I had helped, had in turn sent my things to Shamans and mystics because they were scared of my Power

Things happen around me, strange, what they felt were inexpicable things- not bad things… unless I am pissed off and they know or knew that not only was I justified in being pissed off but also that they had pushed me to far.

People often spoke of my energy, but more especially what they felt was the supernatural things which happened around me.

And the blessing, the instant manifestations, the strange magical things. My appearing in their dreams…

And the things which I would say which would manifest.

I would appear in peoples dreams, even here on Face book

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula is just one example of people here on my face book page who had this experience as well as Nadee Nakandala and so many others…

It happened very very often on this very page if any one would like to go back and investigate.

They thought that I was the Devil!

I realized that this was a truth which had followed me all my life, even causing me as a child to cut my hair looking for the sign of the devil 666 despite my not feeling evil.

And I realize peoples almost wary respect, and love attraction for me, which was based more on an idea that I could make their dreams, desires wishes come true..

*Albert Santana will testify how at one point my legend in New York grew so much that people would jump over the fence of his garden to me.. There was a moment when it was sheer insanty.

And I was mystified and incredulos…

In Paris I had been nick named Belle Bete.

In London, I was called a Mystical Man,

In Nigeria and every country I attracted the attention of Mystics, Shamans, Dibia, Voodoo priests, scientists people involved either with the occult, Philosophy, Physics…

I kept running into Geoffrey Holder over and over again, who played Baron Samedi ( Saturday) in the James Bond movie Live and let die.

*Baron Samedi is a fictional character from the James Bond novel and film Live and Let Die. In the novel, Baron Samedi is a voodoo figure with whom Mr. Big has chosen to identify himself with to inspire fear among his followers

When people found out that I was not fearsome and non threatening they were strangely disappointed.

It did not take long for me to understand that because of my height and build and the deep tenor of my voice…

and my eyes that they were feeding a fantasy.

That part I knew and understood but the intensity and the seriousness and the consistency of not only people believing I possessed a supernatural power, and that mixed with all the strange events, or out of the ordinary things which brought me into thier lifes- was this willingness to associate me with the Devil

Why the Devil, I wondered mystified.. but not for long.

Then there was the unseen realm…

I had long understood from even my childhood, and my mother who would often say ‘Emeka is not Human.. Madu or the inability to place me in the family structure and history..

And more importantly my nature, that I was not from here.

E,T was another name given to me by many as I walked the world.

I did not understand but I was not that concerned.

But it was how the the Unseem world of the Mystics, the Seers the shamans which should have alerted me…

And I must say that Yogi’s and Sensie’s (Yes Senies, one came all the way from Malaysia to istanbul to prepare me he said, he owned a School of Martial arts and used to come to my house every morning for a period of time playing a impressive number of instruments to wake me up each morning.. to early..

And scold me that I must wash my back… Smh.

I do not wish to get into that and the numbers of people such as he who I encountered through the years…

But it was the people willingness to believe that I was the Devil. whom many did not mind.

People confessed things to me that they really should have kept to themselves, how they sold their souls to the Devil in rituals to get money or things they wanted.

I assured them that it was not me…

Sex.. That is what Geoff said, that was the Demon who had possessed me.. The Sex but it was not mine..

It was peoples.. Sex.. and their Desires… that is what people had projected on to me here, While the Unseen realm and even people in this world saw my power as something which could only come from the Devil, despite by being incredibly transparent in how my Art and Science works…

In Fact I realized that in 2010-2011 when I was told or informed that I had to explain my Art and Science that I had to explain my ‘Abiities to the World.

Which is the true reason I was brought to Facebook…

To make transparent the source of my Power which I had refused to do so because it was all about Fear and a Ruse to access how to gain Power and use it for Themselves…

I was fully aware of this, not only in this realm and the Unseen realm and called it out over and over again..

The powers that be looking for the E family.

I also said to the Guaridians of the Galaxies the secret societies, the Rosacrutionists, Illuminati the aspects of the Occult society who had good intentions but were also tainted by fear, that it was all knowledge from the 5th Dimension which everyone has.

Instead I was made the Devil, given all the sins evil of the species to carry as a challenege to prove that my intentions here were not evil, because they The Ascended.. the called Enlightened, those in Secret Societies, Secret Intelligence , even to C.I.A, FBI..and even more secretive socities and bodies which the world do not know about, who call themselves the Gaurdians.. Who set this up…

Do you not find it strange how I have not been able to get out of the country? Get a passport, documentation of any kind..

Do you not see it as strange that I arrived 5 months before 911 and the Switch to Homeland Security. And the change in all the World…

Is it not strange that I am in Lock down in the United States, everyone seems to want to get in the States all I wished to do was leave…

(well not everyone want to live here… less and less every year)

They went too far….

Way to far… I was being polite, and obeyed the play in deference to another play of that which I call my Father Son…

But this, went to far…

And so as an Artist and Scientis.. not an ET, not The Creator

but simply the proof of what a Human being can do.. an evolved human being can do, I have accessed the Source Codes and brought forth the End of the World.

And no one can call me A Mad Scientitst, insane.. or full of vegenance… for what was done o me or because of the life given me.

It is a response justified and which was step by step mae transparent to the public for 6 years.

The choice to look up, to pay attention, review the evidence and facts where up to you. Your right to free will and choice.

But it is not my business or concern if you did not pay attention, take note, show support, or send some form of encouragement.

A Key factor on the equation to rise is to give Praise Acknowledgenent and Recognition… Contribute Donate.. CD..

or Simply say something.. postive add.. and spread the Beautiful News that there is one Present here and now doing the work which no one else was willing to do..

To investigate and find the facts to bring forth the Truth.

I have no iota of compassion for what befalls humanity the unnaturals.

Peter Nyarkô gave the correct equation from the moment I met him to the very end…

P.A.R… C D S… and even care… Showing concern and by the movements which shake and move my body while I did the work.

From the first day I met him to the yesterday, he acts like a Human Being, caring, generous but not stupidly so, and the more he understood my work the more he called out what it was doing for him, benefiting him…

And showing gesrures of appreciation from dinner to cups of coffee…

I am glad that this ends on his note, someone who understands Beauty Humanity.. without guile or seeking to promote himself as a good person…

He is the only one I found in the and apart from Chris and Yarsakary… Y C P…

The others some are better than others, but one thing for certain each one will pay….

For them, according to thier play.. nothing will come free for them from Creation Nature or me.. they band of the Hamony wave will not carry them as it will carry the Elu..

They will work and work for the rest of thier lives living by the sweat of the brow, until the are old decript and infirm and then they will die and be no more.

At least their fate shall be better that the majority of the Human population 2/3rds who will become extinct with three years…

Yes, plagues, flu colds, the simplest things will take them out as well as the violence cruelty, torture, torment. fear.. which they have grown so accoustomed to that they chose to hold onto it because it is familiar…

Their fate…. yes.. I can understand why to them I am the Devil…

To me they are the Source of Evil.. Evil beyond endurance… who can never resuurect in any form or be born ever again in any form from a sub particle to dak matter… they can never take form beause they failed the most simpe test of how to simply Be.. Who you are.. Human…

…so touche…

11:04 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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