
8:58 p.m.

8:58 p.m.


@ 1159 Facebook Friends.

I am fed up.. Fed up with this play, this Script and having to go through this process over and over again of passing through a Script i which I am used as an example to obedience of the Eternal Laws- to inspire others, who simply take advantage of it.

Humanity has to evolve, and I am so sick of this script trying to bring me down or trip me up, by creating non stop testing of cruelty and traps to make me like those who chose each time to ignore the laws, even after I have been sent to each of them with the intel, the codes, the reminder of the way and the proof that They are Being watched and observed.

That they chose to be disobey the laws of which Eternal in them has indicated the correct way.

Everyone has the Eternal in them and as I have proven, right to Billy Hung to Jace Horsford and Kyle Murphy that each every Human Being is full aware of the E in them, and because there is no consequence, they chose to disobey the Laws of Being.

They chose.. again and again to make others their slaves…

they chose greed.

I am sick of living this way, 29 years for a force which sought to give them a chance, sending me undercover to give evidence and facts as to why they should become extinct.

Humans are inherently Beautiful.that is the seed which was planted in them, but they will always reach for cruelty evil, selfishness, this has been proven over and over again in the script.

While others,will do that which is the Beautiful Truth and for doing and being true,will always be taken advantage of for obeying the Laws by the others…

They will always be hypocrites, Deceitful and point the finger of blame at others.

All the monies I shared with the designated people I knew was a test and I tried to warn the people but…smh…

Tiger Woods is the code on the male mannequin I found at the Taylor Avenue- in my locker arts I moved the two mannequins an enactment of the Tiger one giving the one with the Double V the Laughing Buddha medallion- that was created in my locker about 3-4 months ago..

I found the laughing Buddha on ledge of a house 1848 ( i wrote 1148.. in a way same thing.. I I 48…)

Randall Michael whom I wish a happy birthday linked to Igbo Anthony by choice- and chose to play out what he did after beig given all the data and being my face book friend,

His logo is Tony the Tiger- an animation…

I am the real Tony Anthony the Tiger, I went to Agusta Georgia,

Tiger Woods…T WO…

Will Woods

Steve Woods… S. W W W.. … S ..Link Ogonna S Omocrafts the S line…WWW 23 23 23… 69…

I like Randall Michael but he is not even aware of the true implications of this play of the Spirit world and that he is being used and moved as is all humanity, all based on the choice each made as to what they chose to place their focus on..

I am so sick.. dear lord of being the messenger who people Kill and shit on the intel which I was forced to spend my entire youth on 43 years!…Since 7-8…

When all of these people are gifted with the Truth in them.

They chose to focus on what they wished to, to enact out that which I, who was given the role of the Guardian of the Eternal Laws who had to go into these pits and places of human perception and used as an example of not compromising the E- the Treasure of human potential which all betray for a momentary pleasure even in the Shelter where everything has been taken away from them- they still chose the lie.

And yes, they act all humble because they have been reduced to almost zero, but have you not observed how each leaves and forgets except maybe 1 or 2, they help and support they were given when they were down…

The species deserve extinction… and they few clean deserve to rise and I have seen very few who deserve to rise in this play because I was led to Avatars who chose…

Not the embodiments…

I am so sick of the Spirit realm and Mind seeking to bring me down, to make me like them who chose to give up their true song…

Lords knows… Enough…

Sacred Portal 59 is End of the Story… End it then.. Because I will no longer solve riddles which come to the same conclusion over and

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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