
8:57 pm – H-E.G. – H.E.I. – I jus

8:57 pm



I just got back from a Two Stop & Backward Fords Knights move on a 64 Board Chess Board, repeat play.

8:59 pm.

So, who is the Orginal Magical Portal and its Carbon Copy Conduit?

All the cast as Women, have been ruled out since we have established, through their own version of this Script, “Where Thing Goes” and “By any means necessary” that sixth sense comes from the masculine principle which could in male of the female form but must have been the male form first. J.S.
J.S/ S.J.
1 58.

That it came from One Man who became Two, 3-Five-Six. 5-6, and not 5,6).

All the most powerful and highest women are gone from the play, through a Natural process of Elimination.

There is a strange overcast day and wind blowing, causing the doors to slam creating a bang.
I went out to investigate since it is often the one leading to my balcony, but it was secure as I already knew it was coming from downstairs, I still checked and I was right,
it slammed again twice and so I decided to do it close it myself, but it was not from the ground floor but from the second floor, as I knew.
It was the door to their balcony and where the little dog, is kept.
I heard it, bark as I secured the loose door with a paint can I saw, and reassured the little one, and went up strangely moved by the little Dogs gentle and quiet acknowledgment.

I had gone outside, with my mind occupied, and after taking a shower, and feeling my loosened body begin to contract again, like Rigpur Mortis, despite my efforts to ignore it, I was unbelievably back in the play and posting.

My True Self was of course present, but at the same time present in my world, the true play.
And my discomfort and desire to get out but also my frustration at just how far this is going, and with me having to write everything like a bloody Stenographer, (Yes, smh. S. T.E.N. O. G.R. A. P.H. Y P.W.H.Y at this point?).

So I was distracted with controlling my body and my movements, and the play and what I had just posted.
I walked all the way up to Tangier directly across, from Tisane, ( Yes, meaning “Tea”. Ti A drink of Jam and Bread. J.B)
Tangiers-Tisane. T.T
Gate. Way
Gate – Keeper
Arden. Fred-Gemino.



I walked hurriedly finding that at 7:39 pm, I had completed my shower and still had time to get to Tangiers,

But on the way, I realized that I did not have my wallet. which irritated me, I had intentionally made myself aware of it by deciding to take a 20.USD bill leaving me 180 U.S.D.

And I had 200 U.S.D which aligned to my grandmother and her test to me, when I left Nigeria and she asked me a riddle, and test of hearing and seeing beyond sight and sound, to promise to buy her, two bags of rice.
I had sent it to her in 2004, and my mother reported chuckling in that lady-like voice and acting puzzled, as when my grandmother received the money 200:USD, in 2004, that she was dancing in the street, literally. I smiled but I knew why, and I knew my mother knew but was investigating herself if I knew.

I smiled at the telephone…
Pls, The red and black box, my mother had handed to my sister, it was made on Tin, and no one would tell me what it was for, because there was nothing inside.

I got to the building which houses Tangiers and realized that its number is 1544, the same number address as 1544 C-Town, that is when I realized that I had to come back.

9:33 pm

All I could mutter was damned stupid play, I was thinking and reflecting about the Holy of Holies in the Judaic Philosophy Religion. (J.P.R)
The Passing of the Holy of Holies which only one man had passed through in the Temple Built by King David, and Then his son Solomon.
Samuel “Name of God”
The Incense is your scent perfume ( Innocent) and the Bread is your Body (Purity)
Very much like the Egyptian Story Phliosphy Region

And Harry Potter in the Philosopher’s Stone. P.S.

I was irritated even more since I had scripted coded all this publicly on Facebook in 2012, and had pointed out all the details of how I had naturally found myself recreating all these portals in the layout of my * Apartment which Billy Hung had arranged and promised me when we met if I was telling the Truth.

I knew about the merging all the Portals home out of this play into one years ago. Stated over and over again, but most of you were not paying attention or not even yet a Facebook friend,

9:43 pm.

I came back, and this time Kim had come back or woken up, and I though he was in the Bathroom and as I had attached the door, still unhinged thanks to the absence and no, news from David The Worker. V.I
Village I.D.O.I.T in my Grandmother s Village in Etiti, where she grew up and not Ogugu where she married into and my Grandfather his elder brother and younger sister are from.

‘Etiti” means “The Center Point”

Please see sacred portal 22.
The name of their Home Town is Enugu-Agidi.
Agadi means Old or Aged

9:49 pm

But it does not necessarily mean to be decrepit or decrypted or deceived, but “Descrtipted” crippled with age but could be any age because it means to be and act wise, like an elder. Wise Child.

I suddenly could not find my wallet Perry Ellis P.E. I heard Kim in the bathroom I asked him if he could see it there and he responded with what he heard I had said, but before than and then after I heard a strange other sound and voice behind his voice.
I looked and searched, until I siad why bother, I had been through that play so many times before. That play when things just go missing which the ancients stated that it was the Elves and Fairy worlds.

* Really wish to stop this flow and recounting, I have sated all things before even to the Tree of my Grandmothers remembering her past incarnations which she was awarded the highest title in Igbo Land, and to her memory of the Garden of Eden.

I seriously resent my body being twisted and manipulated to past it yet again.

So, I finally left, on seeing that which I always knew that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was of that Ore- Charcoal Line, from which the Carbon Copy of E.N Family did rise, but not of me, only E-Nnamdi was and is, and E.I.Arden now that this all proven.

I went out this time, understanding the play scripts were proving through me as Emre, M.P, and Devi-David proving that new Ore of the past S.P 55,

I could not go to Tangiers, because now it was too late, because of that play…
And so I left without my wallet, took another 20, which left 160 in my Black Brief Case, no longer my Perry Ellis brown suit case.

I observed my awareness moving to David the workers comment of Douglas upstairs as “the Fat Gut” T- F/G.

20- 6-7. and yet I was here as the 20-6-7 and yet the play had allowed this person to say it was the Caucasian upstairs on the 3rd Floor where I had lived 3 years before.
I am Douglas Adams or playing him in the script 41. S.A. Sacred P0rtal 41 Portal

Who turns Myths, Stories, Fiction Fantasy, into Fact-Logical Concrete Real?

10:16 pm

/ P.T.

And who is now the conduit it flows through and will do so in this world?

The Sorcerers Apprentice, First Lesson- and in English the book is called The Sword of Truth.

10:19 pm


Everything I bought at the 519 Amigo Market bodega, 6 USD, then I came back and bought a lighter because the large Black one gave up yesterday and the little yellow one, I can not find? smh leaving me with the little Light Green One. L.G Leander Gemino ( yes manipulating cheating even if it was for a noble cause).

I spent 6-1=7

And at the C.V.S, my thoughts had already concluded that my adversary moving abjects using it magnetic field and creating all this mess and False Accusations in the play was the line of the E.M.F. of the past. But there is an evolved one now.

Evidence AY

6:24 pm

And the one in the past has been cleaned up
by The American Rag?

Oh, no, A.M. E.R. I C A- R A G E.

Beautiful Rage. B.R. O.
Terrible Death. T.B.

10:26 pm


Jeron Jay. Maritza John


Magical Portal is also Death.

Pls recall the Play in my then Room on 9 and 11-2020. With Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, Donna, and Jae Sherman all converged in my Magical Portal room when a Blue Jay appeared. Mortimer, Silver Tongue- Blue Jay.
Ink Heart
Ink Death
Ink Spell.

10:59 pm

Fiction to Fact.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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