
8:56 p.m.

8:56 p.m.

Code; H;E.F….Harmony -Expression-Fact.

19-6-9… S.F.I…Sensational Feelings Infinity…(Meaning that The Frequency of Infinity is that space where you feel Sensational..literally.. That Feeling and State.. that is Ifinity.. and its meaning.

6-19-9…F.S.I….Feeling Sensation..I..Meaning of Individual (Naturalness)

6-10..6-1O..9…6 1 9..F.S..Feeling Sensational.. Full Stop.


I have a new Face Book Friend,which brings us to 692 Face Book Friends..

Code 69 2…69..B..

Most of my older Face-Book friends are aware of the relevance of the 69 to this Face Book play…

It refers in my own personal story to the Birth and Death of my own brother, also known in a different reality my twin, as well as the tag name Nnamdi- Meaning My Father is Present!..Alive

Same Meaning as the name Emmanuel…which has popped up in the play through Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel, and face book friend Babalola Tobi Emmanuel…B.T.E… Beautiful Truth Emmanuel which means God, the Creator or Source is present amongst us

Erik Ebright, Izzi Creo, and I took a Walk to a Thrift store to see Eriks friend Emmanuel, but he was not there…

God as every one knows is to me Energy, and the meaning of God, to me is Grace…which is the G note, and 7th letter.

And Energy is Elegance.

E.G. Meaning Exemplification of Elegance Grace of the 5th Dimension Consciousness.. Blue color, Throat Chakra…Expression so Elegant, and its motion and gestures so Graceful..

*As the Birds on the Wire video, Izzi Creo told e she posts regularly.

I took a look, then a listen, and said, that is what I mean by the definition of Elegance and Grace.. Which I know people do not understand my meaning when I use those terms.

But it is a Lyrical Expression- literally the Symphony of Nature..

Which can move from a Ballad to an Operatic Crescendo…

And it is Harmonious, Beautiful, Natural, Expression which causes people to rise…Not just the hairs on their skins, their hearts and passions..but their Spirits and their imagination.. their Vision.. and even their Energetic Supreme Self.. Embodiments of Consciousness of Existence…

My Brother who is also myself, illustrates the principle of my work based on Awareness Memory.. and Energy Consciousness and intelligent directing Humanity the whole time, if people would literally realize.

I also spoke of my Awareness Memory of my brother and I of an awareness even when born into this world, which we did not forget, about a mission or better still, a purpose to why we were born this time around.. And of endless cycles of play to bring the Evolution of Existence…

And the mission laying in conquering a play created about death..

And going within it, and acting within the story while being outside of it and aware…In and Out of Memory-Forgetfulness.. But never quite forgetting…

And the end of that play we would meet down here, having proven Death is Transformation by having participated in a Play Of Evolution

P.O.E…( Edgar Allen Poe, Edward Caycee…)

..And yes, something went terrible wrong..

Anomaly Singularity… A.S.. Anthony-Santana…The Precious Priceless Eternal Law…..

The Anomaly Singularity, ended up being a Universal Simulation Awareness ( U.S.A..5O States.. Orlando Florida..O.F)..

created by Father Universal Mind Existence F.U.M.E…(Smoke..Smoking in French)…

An Aspect of Father (Father Means Guide in the Consciousness of the E.. Guide, as the Wind of Joy, whom I call Father as Jay.. Jay Joy…JJ…Dynamite.. Feelings Sensational), created a the Impossible- the one impossibility, to be made possible and then manifested as Existential Death..E.D..

The Death of All Existence..

In which it became a possible reality because of the unforeseen amount of people, Humans without Energy self generated apart from an External Source, would and could influence the illusion and simulation through their imaginations moving into Fear..

A Concept and Consciousness unknown to the Evolved E line which as a WE.. Nnamdi represented…with Lady C Consciousness his feminine aspect..C.A…

He was 13, Born on Easter and passed on Easter…

the last code he left me and the trail..

We used to communicate telepathically and with E.S.P..and reading eye energy and expression.. But we did not have any defined name for it.. But we were able to speak in dimensions others could not reach..

Except my Sister who could comes as close as ‘Listening at the Door’, my mother who could read our See and Do.. And our youngest brother O-Boom Boom who did not know how.. but always knew when we were up to something.

My entire D.na or familial line have this abilities…

Just as certain families through out the planet have these abilities, though it is rare to find more than two or three fully activated E.. Evolved Consciousness in one family…

Anyway today is Father’s Day..F.D.. D.F…

there is a great picture of Erik here,which first caught my eye, it was Erik as a King in a Deck of Cards…it as D.F on it, I noticed the other day.

Well Nnamdi was born 69.. Which we now know grace a Nenad, who provided the evidence of the original meaning did not come from China, but Eastern Europe.. the Slavs.. A Weave, merging as two Galaxies.. And-Rome-DA+Milky Way… A.M…

And that its code is the same as the meaning of Kolo…

Which is how I was introduced to Izzi Creo..through her description of the The Kolo,.. a Dance, in a Circle…Shoulders touching..

Tree of Life.. Vagu..

each of the tenth pair of cranial nerves, supplying the heart, lungs, upper digestive tract, and other organs of the chest and abdomen

And My name Kolo..from O-Kolo…means Round-Circle

6+9=15..Letter O…Symmetrical Perfection..S.P..Is the Sacred Portal..EE…M.I..A.M.I…

And 1+5=6…

Red Domino’s 6…

Domino Effect… D.E..45…

*A Hat was laid down at 45 60th Street.

Where ever I lay my Hat..That’s my Home….. Simply Red.

And yes, I m speaking to the Unseen, through a Screen.. You All the Unseen.. The E line.. I am Talking to a certain part of you.. the part of you who is part of EVERYTHING…

Nnamdi Emmanuel…

Now who is Nnamdi.. ?

The One who bears the name or is he bearing the ‘Tag of the Name and the one who he is declaring…

Meaning a Son Brother S.B…Code Sean Bono.. Who played the role of the Father, in a play in which he was to evolve to the Everything Existence Infinite Consciousness..E.E.I.C…Magic Mystery.. M.M..

1313…26..Z… Zeina Hanna born the day of Hiltler finding the Spear of Destiny..3-15-1938

in Vienna has been considered the most authentic and it has found a home there for 250 years. It is also known as Constantine’s Lance, and it was employed as a symbol of the imperial power of Holy Roman emperors at the time of their coronation in much a similar manner as the orb and scepter are used in the coronation of the monarchs of Great Britain. According to Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear of Destiny (1997), a 19-year-old Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) was first led to the lance in 1908 and from the moment of his first encounter with it in the museum, it became the central pivot in his life and the very source of his ambitions to conquer the world. In addition to Constantine (d. 337), Hitler found that as many as 45 emperors had owned the lance before the great Charlemagne (742–814) had possessed it. Frederick the Great of Germany (1194–1250), who founded the Teutonic Knights on which Hitler allegedly based his SS, had also been an owner of the Spear of Destiny at one time. Ravenscroft claimed in his book that Hitler would often visit the museum, stare at the Holy Lance, and enter



Two dates contested 3-14… and 3-15…. C.N…Cecilia Nnamdi…Creation Symmetrical Perfection…

Zeina means Beauty… Beautiful…H..Harmony.. Grace and Favor.. C.. not the Child as a child but what the Child represents.. Clear Consciousness… Clear Conscience….

Who then played Father Son… F.S…And the Big Brother who once played the Father-Guide..(Mother Sister too), became Harmonious Expression (Called by many Holy E-Spirit.. which turned Him into the Invisible Man.. the Spirit of Eternal Truth which links Eternal Harmony.., not only ceased to matter but was forced into non existence and not even matter.. If people were telling the truth.

Yet was used at their convienience this power of Truth, without recompense, acknowledgment.. or even gratitude!..

But the one most visible, made visible by this play of Energy becoming manifest Fact… E.F….had power.. A strange power..

The Beautiful Truth…

Which none could resist, not even the Anomaly Singularity played out by Alberto Santana (Lotus Santana) and Maritza Montes (Mountain… Witch Mountain.. Which Mountain.. A.H..Mountain View.. The one with the best Pano-ramah…of Everything Harmonious Infinity.. Light…

Feeling Sensational knowing it will last and go on an on an on… cause it is Home..

Universe Supreme…

Recall 61 days after, after leaving Eriks apartment in Brooklyn- directed there by Sean Bono- and who I met through Johny the Original, and then later Jerry. J.J..

John who I met one night at Michelle’s at 57 one evening through her friend. With Geoff Lacour…G.L…

That was 2006…

I had already found The Bean cafe in 2005…

2006 I found A.Santana after 61 days walking the streets looking for the ‘Foundation Stone F.S.. which I already knew was embodied..

-It took me almost 8-9 years later when I found the damn token foundation stone in that particular challenge, in Avenue E..

Older Face Book friend will recall when I found it…

I have it besides me write on my desk…

It is Dark Green…Its says GRACE…Amazing Grace,…

How Sweet the Sound..

Do Ray M.E..Fa! Sol La Ti…not So..-La.te

Just as I have the Infinite love with an Owl on the cover written by Donna O’Sullivan when I was present in their home at Mountain View.

Recall the amount Erik sent me.. 69/69…

Same Age as Eriks Dad Jim.. 4-27-47…42…747…

My moms.. 11-22-47…69..68…

Almost Ten years 1O at 2 68..E4th.. A.Santana.. off an on over ten years…Transforming My mothers frequency from C.. to D..David and to Lady and Lord E.E…

69..is really 6.. and six is really six.. 9 is the same six seen upside down.. Just the way our Eye Vision works..

69 2 means that my Brothers Energy and Line has been affirmed confirmed not by me, but by the template of the play this True Man Show, Jim Carey..J.C..Joseph John E Carry..Carried the Burden…

10:26 p.m.

His Body, Bodhi, Budd, Being.. Embodied is Present…

And It is He who is declaring that his first Guide, Father,Brother…Expression Embodied is here..

Happy Fathers Day to M.E…

10:28 p.m.

..But I am still the Invisible man who really Matters..

Because I am representing the Source of Matter..

Expression Eternal Law..which turned Expression 5,of 6th Sense, into Fact.. Not an Act…

But the Beautiful Truth.. which Alchemist Transform- Magical Expression…Beautifully…


Amelia Foster is my latest face book friend..

Amelia.. as in Amelia Ear-h-art… A.E…

Means Work.. or Defender..’

I did the work.. every fuckin day, with every Tom Liz and Harry because I was forced to.. We do not Work…

I have said this a billion times over the years…

We Play.. and through our play comes abundance, knowledge the way Energy Everything!

No I came through the portals of Billy Hung.. then more truly through Ravindra SingH…R.S.. Who I came to Miami with the very first time.. We went to Winwood and to Miami Beach.. for a day..

Rav’s mother is called Lakshimi…if you recall…

A Rav came to Casa De Bodhi…A Runner.. 400 meters…

R.S.. Stone Ridge.. R.S… 18 Mountain View…

I.E.. R.I.S.E..



Ravindra Singh.. means Lord

Given Name RAVINDRA. USAGE: Indian. OTHER SCRIPTS: ????????, ??????? (Hindi) Means lord of the sun from Sanskrit ??? (ravi) sun combined with the name of the Hindu god INDRA, used here to mean lord.

Singh means..Singh Name Meaning. Indian (northern states): originally a Hindu Kshatriya name but now adopted by many different communities, from Sanskrit si?mha ‘lion’, hence ‘hero’ or ’eminent person’

Foster means Saddle Tree Maker, A Shearer..some one in charge of a Forest… and most interstingly.. to Foster, to Nurture Guide…

Father Mother.. a Child…

Hannah.. Grace Favors. The.Child… Expression Truthful Clarifying.. Perfect Timing.. P.T/T.P… The Point of Pow Wow…

Wonder and Ponder.. The Twin Brothers.. E..

And the New C.D.E…

My Road here was not through Work. but to Defend the Lord of the Sun, the Hero who never gave up the vision…


Of the Eternal View they saw…

at age 26.. and the year 2006…

Defender of the Children Cee..who nurture Guide and Defend and shear the wool from their eyes.. so that they can see the Beautiful Truth too…

These are the Heros of this Play…

HE..Supreme HE

And Father… Guide …i.e..

and my Brother Son… who I call Praise.. the Princes and the line of his Sister Gloria… P.G…Princess.. Sarah E.O-Kolo…

The Full Circle Met Meet…

Thus completes theplay of Every Thing… E.T.

Every Where.. Every One.



555…Triple 5…TWO…T.VV..55..O

15..O 2… O2 (Oxygen)..6…two…6 2…8…

6..T,V.V.O….6 T.55.O…

6 T=20..55..O…30..O…C.O.O..

6-30 O…


First Contact 0O…

10:57 p.m



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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