
8:56 p.m

8:56 p.m

Do you remember this?

Older Facebook Friends

Expand it and you will see the Tiger now aligned to John Spencer MacDonald

John Mack

He is on my Right side

And do you see the Knights Templar?

Do you see the Key Bottile cap in the Center and the Two Big Men Mannequins in the background..

See the Coil

And the Cross Sword?

Do you see the Grid of the planet plays behind the Tiger Wizard.

T W O in front of the TW O

McKayla Rays M R

Kayla means: Keys..

And Mira Cle…

Mirror C le

Un Cle..

Mckayla was a Miracle Baby the 5th

It means the Key to the Miracle

* Axel Love Anderson A-A

A Course In Miracles

A. C. I M E.

9:03 p.m

right now




John is Stephen originally before this new play

John Esteban Miguel Filgueira

9;04 p.m

Red Roof Plus

Esteban Stephen Sarah Kaizer

John Josh Joseph the three who came there and Peter Bragino.

But only two came into Rm 904

E S. 24. 6. F

*(Notice that the Knight is standing in front of a letter F

Christopher Filgueira)

S.S. 38. 11 2. 11 1

See the Coil representing Spring Transformation.



The Script

Tree Sage

To determine who E.K Is he The Source.

T S..

20 19

Spring it is decided

4:20 is Easter which is the code of the past.

Spring is April

Spring Solistice.

S S..

E A S T. E R. Energy Reflects and Mirrors.

E A S T. E. R M

The Sun Rises in the East

Do you know J.D

Johnny Deep * Pirates of the Caribbean

Lives in a building called EAST

It popped up on my phone today

East is not a place it is an embodiment of Being

E N S W… S Double U V S S. U.U…M M. O O N.N E E. H H. ..



9:15 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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