
8:54 pm. – And so we conclude,

8:54 pm. – And so we conclude,

8:54 pm.

And so we conclude, by using the blueprint of the present social and culture – ways and laws invisible and visible which you yourselves abide by.

If, someone- a group, a collective falsely accused you- believed in you ( instead of themselves) and relied on you ( instead of themselves) and then stop believing in the Beautiful Truth which they sacrificed that person without even telling him or her, and then the person faces that everyone abandons him, mistreats him- Throws him into a Pitt, ( as in stopping to believe in him and their initial hopes they had in him, for them) and in anger throw him in the Absolute and Ultimate Pitt of the worst nightmare.

He is abandoned to the Streets to die, shunned by all, and left to the foulest Dungeons, and Tortured to the Peoples satisfaction for having dare make them dream, hope.

Despite his not ever doing anything but himself- going about his business and it is they the people 3 D and 4D, who chose him, her, elected him, without his being aware and force him that mission ( for them) and they ignore his cries his innocent and the proofs and truth he brings forth despite being thrown into the Bottomless Pitt of the people rage and fury.

And his physical, mental, and psychological torture is just terrible, and yet from that Pitt of the greatest hell, Dungeon.. & Dragons ( for company)
Dungeon of The bastille- where the Marquise De Sade ( Marquise Jenkins M J… Marquise whose was given my bed at the Shelter by Marina that first day)
And yet, despite bringing him to New York, against his will, he arrives at the 11th State and finally brings forth the answer they imposed on him to solve.
He completes it in 2004.
But no one in the 3D or 4D is buying it, or truly paying attention to what he has done- prooving their Orginal Creation Story, and instead, his work and truth are meddled with, his body is invaded his thoughts everything and he is only allowed to exist in one tiny place in his body, say the Mitochondria Bean shaped single cell- his room with a terrible view.

And then for 8-9 long years, after bringing forth that truth and made to endure even worse torments night and day.

9:11 pm.

In 2012, 2013 there he begins to emerge and be seen, that he had told the truth, but instead of the People and the ones who set him, and contested his truth, joining in paying attention, to understand the codes, language the people the so-called Universal People set him up to solve, decode in a language of their liking, having been moved by the 4th D Spirits which move the Human Species, they expect him now to stay in that dungeon, that jail Cell and show them, and they impose limitation with shelter, income, keep him locked up, but only now to serve their purpose of teaching them the codes, the play the truth because they realize that their very existence is now threatened if they do not, So they decide to use the one they had falsely accused, placed in prison and allowed the most unspeakable things to be done to him, which they ignored then and ignore and are indifferent to now that he proved that he was not lying.

They sit back and watch the shown and demand to be spoon-fed by the one who they have limited and contained now to show them tell them over and over again and in their own time. meaning when they wished to pay attention.

9:19 pm.
I S.
I A I.

He has to rely on them for everything and is only allowed enough of an allowance so that he can not become independent, enough to eat, but must always ask them, each time the monies given him, ensured to last but a week, so there is always lack need, and his having to come back and ask for more, be dependent on them to solve the riddles as Spirits playing at being humans.

9:22 pm.
I V.

And so he lived in a perpetual cycle of cruelty, insults and shock treatment, body bound and yanked when he slacks of, the yoke made heavy around his neck as he walks on blistered feet, toling in the farms, building the furrows, the lines, planting the seed, as well as doing the other work of solving the riddles of which he does not need to solve for himself.

He does this until 2012- 2013 that is 8 9 years after his truth manifested through him.

He is given a further 8 9 years, but by 2012- 2013 something changes in him and his intention- he becomes the one darkness blackness with is not an illusion, it is the solid darkest cruelest end.
The echo response to what was done to him and his truth and proofs.
Nothing would satisfy these people, they want more and decide that they can give him such torments and bully him into submission.
He is polite, a gentleman has elegance, and even then they are not satisfied that he is suffering enough, not responding to their torments, tortures in the way they had sought to before when they were disappointed in him, and now even more rage at his Beautiful Truth manifesting more and more but also with his terrible response.
He loves the truth of his persecutors despite all their avatars are moved to do to him, he loved them when he sees them break out of the spell, he lauds praise and sincere delight as he observes the effect of his CURE on them, and warns the horror doing the horrors to him that it is better you come clean because I am making the most terrible consequences for you.

He is ignored and the torment as reinforced to subjugate him to their will.
They take away his teeth, his smile, his hair, the shine on his skin, they give him an Iron mask to wear, and his once effortlessly seamless way of walking is replaced by the awkward movement of a cripple.
Still, he moves forward.
Still, they the 4 D and many most of the 3 D are not satisfied.

They found that they enjoyed his suffering, the shocking his system, electrocution –

*”Milgram divided participants into three categories: Obeyed but justified themselves. Some obedient participants gave up responsibility for their actions, blaming the experimenter. If anything had happened to the learner, they reasoned, it would have been the experimenter s fault.”

Until finally he moves Him Self- through the darkest nature of Man- through the shelter, the Mental Health shelter living sheer hell in every dimension apart from that one corner of his cell.

He solves their riddles, but at the same time tells them what he is also doing. Most mock. laugh, steal his ideas and claim credit for all he has done…
Still, he is in the Cell, the dungeon the nightmare for they see now clearer and clearer the light in him that thought dimmed as a Giant Super Nova Star collapsed into itself, not knowing that it was the Tunnel of Love- portal to his home where he always had access to even in the cell and torture chamber.

9:40 pm.

* It’s now inverted and sucks all that which is not real and of Light out.

Gradually more and more begin to pay attention, but still, he is alone, he praises and delights in the one who begins to get it- to understand what he had to share with them, teach them or he would not eat, for they made it clear that his only value lay in what he could do for them- make them rise, evolve.

He navigates their portal – their families, societies humble his role but also transparent in is Beautiful Arrogance and Beautiful Pride which he makes sure they see and know is present before once more going down to play the dutiful servant, lowly slave * “12 years a slave”
The 4th and 3rd D now are worried and find all manners of ruses to delay him to prolong him from bringing that which he promised when he reached 268 on 8-26-2006.

And to the very end, he shows amazing grace and quietly witnesses the Echo confirmation of the Car Bon manifest all he stated and is, like a shadow it follows him.

He is fighting from the depth of the Bottomless Pitt they threw him and he rises, at the same time inverting it, and struggles with the one hand that grasps his ankle seeking to drag him back in.
Yes, see the meaning of the name of Jacob- Israel.
I met one who fits the bill at 268 East 4th Street.
Israel Cotto real name Peter- “The Rock, The Stone”

Day and night his toils, under the worst conditions, in the worse circumstances, each designed to wear him down, force him to submission of kill himself.

9.4 years later, he is vindicated, but never required it, he ignores it to keep a promise he made to the Viscious, the Vindictive, the Cruelty this world, and they sources veiled in the illusion called Outer Space- Death.

And the very end of all this, the line of the Matric realizes and expresses “I a messed up, I made a mistake and offers and apologize, and the code he already knew of his perfection as N DC 69 5 7- 110-01 but only after putting him through hell, from beginning to end of his time in the matrix which was trying to mimic the true Matric Web known as the Body, and Espirit as Being.

And that apology came only at the very end and the moment of his manifesting the Hatred and Destruction he promised, which was ignored and challenged using the pettiest things including the Internet, electricity… money food, giving and then taking away.

While the rest as the Illusion of Darkness Dark matter, refuse to apologize, even in the face of extinction they hold fast to refusal and the doing of things they’re way.

Tell me, when someone has done the most terrible, vile things to you on and on to the very last moment while learning from you and then adapting to what you do and your meaning, and then uses it against you and you still defeat them.. and they apologize what would you do?

And the ones who simply refuse to accept responsibility or accountability no matter how much you do to hint, help them save face and thair beautiful pride.

What do you do in this reality to such a person?

An apology is too late, what has been done is done and it has gone too far and the apology comes when you have proven Victorious.

And the other… which is still quietly challenging you, despite acting all Tame.

And please recall that this is not personal to Tree Sage and Jae Sherman their enactment allowed me to see the Micro-Macro- Macro play.
Mirror Reflections.
Smoke and Mirrors.

Just as the noisy neighbors play KO of downs stairs was the same play as countries to parallel universes, represented in my finding my self watching the move set in 1967 and completed in the park with two men in 1988.

Yes, 19 88.

I do not require an apology, and if I accepted it, it is the same way a man or woman wrongly convicted to Life Sentence in prison and after 53 or 55 years of being there fighting the entire system is not given an apology by the Judicial System but is given loads of money, can never truly forgive that system, that persons that which he endured for 55- 53 years.
He may accept their gesture of apology but there is only one way that such universes, systems, matrix, Mother Earth as the usurper, The people, the person who set him up can only do.
And that is to make amends by devoting the rest of their lives to doing so.
correcting not simply themselves but every level of existence which allows that thing to be done to one person, any person
… Amends means transforming totally and being a time frame to do it.

10:11 pm.

The later case… Ah!

That is easy, as you would all agree by how you all respond when one iota of that which was done to me, is done to you.
You would tear them apart and making them suffer in a hell they created for you but in one, in which you are aware and made sure that there is no way for them to get out, get help- totally alone locked in the most awful nightmare but now made solid and real.

But the former, well, they can have their boogie and see the beautiful truth in them which I saw and fought for.
They will have their festival, and boogies, enjoy even as they work and pay.

That would be my revenge.

And then I and the I Family
I C will leave perhaps forever, but we will stay for a moment to see you re-build your world in harmony- but never be allowed to come to the I line instead we, may come down to you and mingle with you for a while but always return to the I.Home.

While the Evolved can have the HOUSE with three floors and its Basement- Reminder.

10:25 pm.

That took way too long to write, and I have said all this before, I guess I had to another Version for the I & I.

10 is now the number on my page and I started with it at 9.

10:26 pm.

J Z…

Yes, I know S.HE/ H E is.

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