
8:54 p, – Kim Arthur Hinds Jr – S

8:54 p,

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
So you are aware, I just caught Jae Sherman setting me up at the Micro-Wave.

I left and took my things, for I had finished for the day and then came back to recall, I had left my coffee in the kitchen set for 3 mins.

I had been contemplating if it would be at 4000 Facebook Friends attained that at last Terrible Death”

The Coffee spilled over, so I sought to clean the dish, but Jae was at the Sink. I knew something was up because she let it run and run, same way you might of heard get up and ask if she was okay, because for the last two hours, she was acting as if she was falling or hurt hersekf in the bathroom.
I knew it was a play set up and her seeking attention as usual
Despertate means, the same way when you went away for a month.
And like Clock Work as I had long since noticed, again anf again but fatser, quicker, right to my taking the garbage last night and when I got upstairs “Did you take the garbage downstairs/

Of course, she had heard me, and come out in perfect timing to what…?


Anyway, she finally decided to go to the Kitchen Sink rather than my first intinct to the Bathroom sink.

But I decided to try the sink, knowing fully aware that I was holding the filled with coffee glass tray.
Because not only was I vocal, but I was moving, and said my name aloud,
“Emeka man.. look what you have done”

So I asked once and then twice if she could let me throw this quickly in the kitchen sink. S.K.
But she acted as if she did not hear me “Huh.. Huh…” I know her plays, so I went to the bathroom sink and then realized the momentum that lead me there – A wave, and irritated, knowing it was a play, took my cue and expressed it aloud.
Sink, Sink into the deepest darkest whole, not staisfied with just vegeance, but swallow her and her line, and slowly digest.

I cleaned the fllor of the coffee all over the Kitchen as I said my lines, imbuing them with Breath of Truth with Emotions 7-1 1-7.

Sacred Portal 88.

So it would manifest as Truth Witnessed and documented Transparently Supremacy – Rocket Fuel. Sacred Portal 123.

And that is when I saw that the teephone I saw earlier she had placed for some reason on the shelf besides, higher.. was recording.

For whom, Julie- C.I.A… who?

And what made it interesting was I was reading your Like on the photo of Aurelia Driving but I was looking at it the second time

Amp Drive.

I as Driven.

And that is when I heard the micro wave and the stage was set and set up by Jae Sherman, and the scene began.


Sacred Portal 120.

10:15 pm.

10 A.E.

10 0
10 O.

I figured I would share the message with you here since all the world is literally and has been this stage, My Stage, M.Y STAG- E.
King Stag of Nature.

That the Liquid Soap Jae uses, you see it right?

That is why I was talking about the Golden Man- Osar,
My Maternal Grandfather before he died, his sons made him a surprise gift of a Full-Size Statue in Gold.
It was, of course, Hollow. Poverty Hollow.
Perfect Harmony with5-6-8 character cast.

But what i t were and should have been made in Solid Gold.
King Midas Touch come to Life.

Joseph Taylor

Long Gone
Glory- Heart made of solid gold is hard to find…”

I always did say to you Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, that this was a production.

Paradise Factory Theater Production- that is where Joeseph Carey works. Off Second Avenue directly across The Bean Cafe formerly “Kudos Cafe” K.C The BEAN Cafe.

Last night Jae Sherman left me a Cafe Bustelo on the Kitchen table
Because I bought two Supremo coffees and she had taken one?
That was absurd because I intentionally took up the offer to share hers.

C.B. Cafe Bustelo.
Sacred Portal 3-2.
3rd Floor- 2nd Floor.

So the Oscar goes to…

10:29 pm.

Tired of this.


Bonne Buit.

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