
8:53 p.m

8:53 p.m


Finbi Senyawa

Born 4-11..

Link Nathaniel Thomas BywaterNathaniel

That was also the number which after a conversation yesterday with John Mack and McKayla Rays I saw and pointed out the time.

Referencing the alignment to the day.

And the code 4.5 = 9 and 20.

Which was on the Reciept which John who helped me with the laundry which I knew was a play.

For Christs sakes, I can do my own laundry that is not a problem

But the play script is using the play and people’s gift of free will, to demand that I be respected and that it is natural to do things such as that while I focus on solving or linking the last of the Script which is all this force inside of me and our Side of us is intent that I completed at all costs against a force which was the last of the spirit of Spite Hate Evil..

In it was also the Hate of White People.

That force is a Lie of course and had been an obstacle through out this 18 yr play really 29 as Full Circle.

9:02 p.m right now.

The Reciept was for 9 p.m, 20 u sd

Date 4-11. Code 66 1 85.

66 Sacred Portal Black Hole J.A.M as Johns Father 1 as A.. Andrey Klebanov ( New Mexico )

85 linked to Thomas Lang= Liberty ..

Freedom from the Viscous Circle

Liberty C Liscomb


John was in perfect harmony

Date Time Hour

45 I was at 12 45 Facebook Friends


×= 20 ..




The way to read the codes is simply read what you literal see before interpreting

Anchor it

66 1 85 with what has landed as in people who incarnated that equation.

66 1 85

6. 61. 85.

66 18 5 ..

All have of these twins or pairs have been literally walked by me

6th Sense 61 Days on the Streets of New York.

1385 Starbucks

S.P Crowned by Devi Devoted Supreme as the Piercing the mystery of Consciousness.

18 5


18 my last bed number 4-018/19

Christopher Filgueira daughter Izzy.

Re Ra Sacred Portal 12O

12 O.. rep Fritz Venneiq

And so John was in Perfection of Harmony but then was swayed by Rays Mackayla in her head and not heart..

And so that force used her.

John had the code 44

And Mac Kayla 404

S.p 40 is Africa…M.A. Mother Africa

Mother Earth

44 is Goddess Bliss who is Father as C.I Sacred Portal 46 see First Drops which created the ripple effect.

There is no doubt if John… or Mackayla had been paying Attention and focused on the Truth they had Understood through Mund as her, and Heart Will Mind as he, they would have been able to change the outcome of a play which they could have escaped from by simply paying attention and being Aware.

Instead they were swept away by the waves of the past, but which past Africa Pangea the correct one where the world began with Brown or Afro Adam and Eve..

Adam also means I fell in OINri Igbo

But really is Nwoke Nyanyi. ( Man Woman)


They work at a place called Nourishing Necessities 509-511 Farmington.

Owned by A West On.

I represent A West End


Where I met my own version of John Jason Lee J J L. 32. And 1O 1O 12 as 14..N.

They did not meet with Tree Sage on the 2nd Floor they met with Johnny Newman leaving a mess in the Kitchen

I could not even prepare food to eat.

As if I did not exist.

Johnny is Caucasian

And the Causuan story is the Bible Book

In which Eve tempts Adam causing him to fall from Grace and enter the realm of death leaving forever that Grace of Immortality.

I watched the play and John did not have to swayed, no one can blame another for swaying them if they stand firm on their Eternal and Natural Truth.

It is a choice.

No one can put the blame on Eve or Woman because she is just expressing the inner thoughts or ego projections of yourself.

9:35 p.m

No there is no blame to Mackayla except for her allowing herself to the illusion taking her over, she could have recognized the set up and supported him.

The Bible Story of Adam and Eve is a Lie

So is the White Yeshua Christ

Jesus Christ.

It makes sense considering all the evidence of First Man and Africa and me here with Tree and Esteban Miguel Filgueira with Nathaniel and his lady Harmony who Stephen connected both as well as being The one who linked me to both, that the True Story T.S in the present aligned from True Past to True Present

Would be 11 4 – 4-11.

4 11 is Finbi S my 1246 Facebook Friends birthday and that F.S links S F

Stephen Filgueria.

Who is present here sponsoring people but travels full Circle to meet Nathaniel to celebrate his birthday totally unaware of his 6th Sense displaying is E.S.P marvelous harmony of the True Script


Grant Moor 114

4-11 D K. D A. Darius Alexander.

9:46 p.m.

Sacred Portal 46 is the past

64 is the Present

Played out when John gave me 64 u sd change meaning that his True Natural Self sees me and loves me..

88 Squared.




1O A.O


FA 6. 6. 1 85. Proclaiming to a


Just as Mackayla name switched from R M to now M.R…I

M.R B I.G- H.I.

He has been in perfect harmony from the first day almost to full Circle.

What happened.

Whispers in the ear

Conversation not transparent within it something veiled?

And so without being Aware he and Mackayla were used to support the White World’s version of Creation as Blame Shame Guilt and False Accusations which is not even the True Christian story even in the West.

Making them appear racists, when obviously

1 3 8 Mercury Earth Neptune

M.E N.


Supreme representative

If each had been aware and paying attention to what this play and responsibility is about as Humans Anchored in Truth they could have changed this outcome.

And spoken up for them selves to this Spirit of Eternal Truth which manifest Actions Thoughts and Expression to meaning .

Being Aware allows you agree with the conclusion and recalibrate, explain or realize that though true, that that was not Their intention.

I did not realize until I saw John how furious I was him.and Mackayla because either they did not take me or the events, I a grown man who loathes this Script, was moved and bound my a force of Pure Love to interact and converse with all these Elected Chosen people.

I asked my self why I was so angry, with both of them when in truth I had reclaimed the last portals and the last to obstacles

S.P 42.

As the Golden Buddha and Man Woman in perfect balance of Nose Knowing


It’s is because I realized that I cared.


Anger came from Hurt the same cycle and the revenge of the Viscous Cycle om me for

10:11 p.m


I was used as a living sacrifice, an example to show people that they did not have to play such roles they were Fated by the Sum of Time to play.

That they could change i

All have Free Will and Choice.

I cared because He is Beautiful Honorable young man, just as is Mackayla and all the Elect

I fall in Love which is how I really came down from cloud 9

Isabelle Ilic CLO UD post

I came down in Espirit Energy but not my Being that is Constant but I created the Two Particle and Wave..The Narration

The Telling of The True Story of The Beginning of you all.

And how your are all expressions of Eternal Harmony so you could be free of repeating over and over the same to

See the series Sense8 they were in Harmony but could not escape to I.

Indivuals Individually complete as Sarah Kaizer exemplified to fact as Esteban did with 6th Sense

I fought so hard not to care, but each time I interact with these Elected people, I realize that they have no idea what is coming-

Most are to conceited and superiority smug that they can challenge and defy my perfect translation on the Script created by Humans refusal to take responsibility for Actions Temper Tantrum Expression


The Truth that there is Hell

And Prison Cells

Are you sure you wish to challenge my translation

Go ahead

10:31 p.m


Tis Kim Arthur Hines and Serenity age 3.

Who represent The True Original Past to True Present Script.

I Desired for all the Elu to pass through.

J replaces Stephen Filgueria E.M.F

S.F linw crosses over in Time.

With Joshua By-water

This Dimensions One Balance as A H E

Joseph Byron line of 2

10:38 p.m





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