
8:53 p.m

8:53 p.m

H. E C.

7-27… 2019.

Alima Yucera Holt..

A Y H..

Is my most recent Facebook Friend.

Alima means. Skilled in Dance and Music..

Mermaid… Wisdom Intelligence and Strength:

Yucera comes from the name Yusra

Meaning..Luxury Ease.. no difficulties

Holt… means Grove.. Pristine untouched woodlands

Skilled in the Art and Dance, A Mermaid of wisdom inteligence and strength See C

No more difficulties or obstacles just Ease and Luxury flows to Pristine Woodlands.. Grove

Alexander Yeshua/ Yonathan Harry He-Nri the home ruler.


Archie Harrison..


Kim Arthur Hines


Harry Meghana.

Markle Mountbatten Windsor…

Frank Archambault?

Francis Archibald Harrison ( Ford)

@ 13 28 Facebook Friends

M H B..

( 13 28. 41. D A. 1 3 2 8… 14 N

D A N.

( Daniel was my Grandfathers Name)

9:22 p.m right now


4. Delta

V I.

6. Sixth Sense.

D A N. 4 1. 14.

N A D..

Tomorrow is the 28th


As most of you are aware, I have stated especially in the Shelter and afterwards, that I have commented and protested that I should no longer be posting, solving equating, nor living with anyone in my current state of Exhaustion, especially in such a pivotal point in the Play.

– I had stated this a simple Fact.

9:29 p.m right now

Yes, John Mack Ol Chap…

Its is because I am aware of my body and being has been over worked, overlooked and the exhaustion which moves be each day to death each night after posting and forcing me to Ressurect.

Each day to re-enter this truly vile and evil play which uses evil doubt and uncertainty on that which I have always known and was sure.

This was meant to be sacred and holy, all this play of Knowledge linked to Knowing, and that I was led to People’s homes and to Facebook pf all places to bring the Truth which all Humanity has longed for, yearned for, and it treated in what I can say is the Absolute Ultimate Insulting way..

Where all dignity is stripped away and instead of having the Quiet, the Peace, the Protection Support and Sanctuary to resolve and present this knowlefge to the World..

I have instead endured temper tantrums, battles wars, meddking using Human bad behaviour allowed to go to far to thwart me every moment and the Dead in my body ( an illusion made to feel real…

And the Insult which I never will recover from.. the Insult Suffering and insane Cruelty of me proving that I am evolving – The greatest even Ever..

To a Indiffernt world…

Most insulting of all, is that I am in a dimension of people who call themselves Healers..

And out of all these pretenders called Healers

Only one person sought me out without persinal gain or Being prompted

Brooke Lee Lemery.

I should not be posting in this state.

I should have been resting, surrounded by people who recognized and know what I am doing and have done, for the Evolution Awakening of All.

Instead of this play of … smh.

Incredulity Defiance Doubt Disbelief..

Most of you are aware of my feelings for this Script and play and the fact that I will never forgive it, or trust Energy or even The Truth ever, or A Gain.

That my Feelings is that for such a play to have been enforced and made possible, that I negate everything of it, and recognize that only I and the E K Line Exist.

I will not elaborate on this abomination of a play and challenge, contest of Control Power

He Who Commands power..

But I made a Vow that even that which is an illusion, I will make temporarily real, and even solid, so that it will Feel and no it, they will not escape Consequence..

And that each will pay according to the evil they did.

I made that Vow chez Marina Burini portal and that of Tom Truman 8 9 years ago.

This is what I could not accept, the Indifference, Callousness Selfishness of so.many people, despite the evidence of this being the most sacred and highest play for Evolution Awakening of Everything

The way it was made, set up to me made a mockery, mediocre, malicious maleovent…


9:58 p.m right now

9:59 p.m

Exisrence Creation Universe Nature is Evil Beyond words represented by Humans, who never had a right to exists….

Much less used as a weapon ti use against my completing this task.

I am E.K. J M. A H.

This is the True Story of Two Men who are One And the recounting of how The One who is 2-3 5-4.. manifested Everything

And the Story, now forever recorded and indented onto Eternal Memory

The Most Impossibly Evil and Cruel response and reception and resistance to Awakened One Messeger..

A Story which I could not accept, would be the Story of the Evolution Awakening of the World.

-Not Beautiful as it should be, is meant to be..

But of an Monstrous Ugliness..

.. But yes, this will be forever the True Story of Evolution Awakening ..

Shameful beyond belief.

10:08 p.m right now

It began with E K. P E

and Ends with I.E


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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