
8:53 a.m.

8:53 a.m.



C-U-R… E


Its the 33 degree’s outside in New York.

Code Esther Uzoma Rue means street and The Way In French.

Esther Uzoma who I facebook alogorithm anounced that I had become Face book five years ago to the day yesterday, the 17th anniversary of my arriving in New York.

Esther Uzoma means Star of the Beautiful Way”

Please see sacred portal 14… Ëvolution of Consciousness, Star of the Beautiful Way.

The Codes of Time and Day above mean,

Harmony Emeka’s Consciousness ..

And it is the Cure for the Human Condition It Evolves Consciousness…

And the Way has now been Cut.

Meaning that all those who are meant to cross over to that vibration have been crossed over by my playing the Elu The Crossing Guard. See Sacred Portal 41 ( D.A)

And this was manifested by the Bridge collapsing in Miami when Flip J Hendrixs was there of code Apt 6E…

Meaning that he represnts the Six Sense of the Eternal -Evolved line and because he reprents the line of my Brother Nnamdi Line Evolved to the E as the Line of the Beautiful Assassins and the Sword which by simply being in place, represents the End.

Link the Play of the Black Panthers with him and I and Peter Nyarkô.

The correct version.

*Its is 33 degree’s in New York and there is a snow storm on the 1st day of Spring. The last time it snowed on Spring day in New York in 1993.

This is the 4th snow storm in just over two weeks, and it is all over the East Coast ( E.C) and is breaking records.

33 degrees represents sacred portal 33 Änd D came to E to Arouse and Awaken him from the most Terrible Dream

Ït also represents 33rd Street where I lived with a young lady who was born 80% Deaf, where I literally travlled through a Worm Hole- my third Eye to the dimension of the famiy of Ten and came back with their Energy Personalities in me, carried by on my E.M.F and I wrote the Story of our coming into Being and planting the Plan E.T in the Planets Atmosphere.

And in all the Human Species who are all aspects of the family of 10 called Expression Creation. E.C.

The Elegant Nomads.

And then was challenged by all the Idea’s of creation creation stories allowed to come alive, powered by Blief in a Universal Simulation Awarness ( U.S.A) Set in the U.S.A.

It is that which I was Ïnvitedto New York- with an offer which I could not refuse ( and believe me I tried) one of the most prominent emissaries sent to formally invite me was Durek Verrett.

It was 17 years yesterday that I arrived, and 17 years todday that I became ‘Homeless’- as The Elegant Nomad.

Following a series of circumstances and a strange ‘Neurological Condition which affected my body and my movement as if I was literally bound. Which doctors had never seen or witnessed before.

It started as a small tick and then in the end of 2004, it became full blown including sounds and movements beautiful but obvious Alien to this world which would come upon me out of the blue.

It began with my looking out at Baruch University…

Link the ET News caster Baruk

*(Baruch Yehudah Shemtov (born September 22, 1987) is an entertainment reporter, journalist, fashion designer, and entrepreneur.. he is a rep of that portal in this world.

B.Y…S.. S is the Family of E’s Name… Splendor which is the number on my world Icon today as I opened up my page. Meaning at last the Family of TEN have been confirmed as the original Family and Source of All Universe .. Hence U.S… Supreme. See the 2 2 2 2 2 usd last one from Allen Murray.. 6 usd from within Delta Manor Dre Don and Alan… D D A…. 4 4 1…=9… i.. and 4 outside at Starbucks.. Nicola Robinson and Rahul D’Silva… N.R… It was an extremely viscous play becaue I was betrayed by the Human Family whose line which me to solve what they felt was thier version of the Creation Story of the Nri People who were linked to the Naturals and Clean Forest People… Yes link the Lord of the Rings, Highlander, Camelot Ifa Yoruba, OInri.. GreeK, Viking – Kasper Lomholdt Serup ended up betraying- South American Austrailian Aborignal Song lines, Japanses, Chinses, Javanese, Zulu, Masai… in short the full specrum of the Ethnic Odyssey of All humanity through out time.

Way to much added and then I was forced to bring it up to date to this time line and this age of Nonsensical Reason and align it to the beautiful Natural great Humans who contributed thier truth so distoredt through time.. And!!! deal with all the Plagiarism and quarrels of ownership copyright and the source of the true idea…

All these you will see s documented and you will see it clearly in hindsight when the world of the near future will re-read my post and see the trajecory more clearly and .. my having to deal with people insane ideas of themseles – distoted ego’s and a word infected with P.T.S.D.)

These Movement forced me out of my plan to publish my journals and work as a director which I had been quietly trained for. Instead I was informed my a non stop series of messengers whom I will call Human Avatars Descendants who informed me that I was here to direct a Universal Play, and train for an ultimate battle ( they did not tell me about the battle, but I could tell ny the intensity of the training while being forced onto the the Waves of the 1-7 frenquencies Solfeggio and Rainbow Spectrum that I had every reason to be worried.

It is how I developed the codes.. the hard way moving through the Streets and 55 different homes one after the other, each time not knowing where I was going to live, or what next chapter I was going to face while seeing, literally exisiting in Multiple dimensions of Existence through out time simultaneously while moving through the Matrix of this reality.

I learned to read the Matrix,car license plates, shop window displays, colors. people, I walked the streets and would amaze people by solving equations in my scores of notes books where I kept my calculations and then the peole and the events I had written would manifest. And then I could do it off the bat.

I soon garnered a repuatation in New York-

But the condition intensified and all efforts to recover my stolen documents, portfolios, everything which could allow me to escape the play proved abortive….

I could no longer work and had to spend every waking and sleeping moment looking for the Cure- which of course, was linked to the contest and challenge of all other Creation Stories, and the alignment of the E consciousness through every Dimension or layer of being. Link layers of a Humn body, the process of and idea manifesting from Idea to manifest reality, link the layers of which form an environment; from stratosphere, ionsphere, atmosphere. Link the layers in the earth to core..

Link the Flower of Life, the levels and the layers of the Human Pysche.

Flip J Hendrixs and Peter both work on that 33rd street and 3rd right now, at Insomniac Cookies I.C.. on the 14th Floor.

14 is letter N.. Nature Naturalness is mastered by Men.

Not controlled, by unnatural Humans of Artificial Inteligence.

This has been part of the great war and battle as well as dealing with the rage of the Family ( lets call them cousins whom humanity calls Elementals, my line Then Elegant Nomads are the Ethereals.. I was the only one of both line of the family who rose complete with a Body.

This actually Plan-E.T was to complete the manifestation of all of my family getting a Human body which would evolve them, you to Hue Man bing with Immoral bodies, or bodies which vibrate with the literally Conscious awareness of of Eternity which had to be bridged by Human .. or a Human awareness.

That was the reason the Human Species came into existence, to be bodies of the Eternal ones.. Your true Eternal selves.

*Bioelectromagnetics, also known as bioelectromagnetism, is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities. Areas of study include electrical or electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms, including bioluminescent bacteria; for example, the cell membrane potential and the electric currents that flow in nerves and muscles, as a result of action potentials. Others include animal navigation utilizing the geomagnetic field; potential effects of man-made sources of electromagnetic fields like mobile phones; and developing new therapies to treat various conditions. The term can also refer to the ability of living cells, tissues, and organisms to produce electrical fields and the response of cells to electromagnetic fields.[1]

A pulsed field magnet is a strong electromagnet which is powered by a brief pulse of electric current through its windings rather than a continuous current, producing a brief but strong pulse of magnetic field.”

I completed the work with Peter Nyarkô yesterday and it was deemed Victorious.

Flip J Hendrixs called Peter who then asked Flip ( Sha-Ron ) if he wished to speak to me, which he did- the first think Flip noted was the the Time was 8:45 and the seconds had just turned 45…

Nnamdi was born April 5th 1969….

i had done the year through Erik Ebrights portal -See the play of Time Travel ( Flash Gordon.. F G.. 6 7… Coffee 67O And how Erik Ebright appeared and a few days ago after no contact in over a year, im perfect harmony quoting the codes 305 and 718…

And see the time of the recordings made by Peter Nyarkô.)

That was the year code I had to do alone for 2.. Sha-Ron Nickel/ Peter/Nickel…

i did a battle in my room with Loernzo where I equated his Hyprocrisy and false piety with the horror which brought religion into the world and transformed beautiful truth, streamed the Natural Mystic in the air and the stream of consciousness into that which it became….In the name of The Rose…

Umberto Eco and Stephan Hawkings, great men that they are, all passed away recently… jus as Prince Micheal Jackson Whitnsey Houston, and so many other greats..

It is because I and my Family of E are the orignal versions.

When I finished the play Francis Frick has spoken about leaving things on the floor that people might steal them. I said I had nothing of Value…

But I found that I had given my Lighter to a young man called Mark who came upon me while I was outside in the court yard.. I was alone when he arrived and he was speaking about the code 44 Aloud.. The number is 441 he kept shouting.. 44! I knew it was the code of Dre and Don.. 4 usd… and then the 4 Usd from Nicola and Rahul…

And he spoke of the end of the World over and over again walking very close to me.

Then as I sat speaking with Edward Mohmmed and Randall he arrived called ou the trinity and started speaking number codes…

It was insane…and then he asked for my lighter- I gave him my deep blue one. And he did not return it and I did not remember until after…

I had another under the bed, but it vanished too..

And as I was looking for it, I found behind where had placed my brief case and the book The Name of the Rose

Á Nickel…

I knew I had linked Nickel – Flip J Hendrixs’s Lady and mother of Dejeuner -Alexa and George and Ethan… N.D.A..G.E

add me and Peter..E…P END AGE…

A Pen Ends the AGE


O P E N… I.S..

A Man Ends the Age of the Human Race….



From Leland Johnson


Yes is my answer an yes it’s time for the awaking of what shall be he beginning of the an I shal take seat in which I have been do to elders leaving sooner than they were supposed to I thank for allowing the gift of knowledge which as quote from his word is the greatest gift in life here on earth thank you once more..My true Freind


59 is the 4-5th sequence of numbers after the 3… ad well as the 10 and the 11…

Notice the time Leland Johnson sent me the message of comfirmation..

My work in this world has come to a close and gradually, now that the play of getting Peter line home is done and Flip J Hendrixs is back.

I will begin to work with Flip on recordings until the Big Event manifests which now is finally any moment…

And then when I am finally seen I will retire forever from all until this world is no more and the other my home is here…

I have laid out all the blue print of what takes place and there is no reason to fear, except for the Unnatirals who will be swept out of existence in a moment… less than a year…

now that Flip J Hendrixs and I have got the day and time..

10;45-10:46 a.m… as well as 365 -366 days….

24 HOURS.. Rep by Jace Horsford


To the point of Nickel.

10:47 a.m…

47 11 2 8 88…16..P…C.I

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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