
8:51 p.m.

8:51 p.m.

H E.A. R.

HE A -A.H.


I-R-T.R… Full Circle….

I-A.H.-B O-A.H.


I am sitting here waiting for a message from Isabelle Ilic.

Everything is in Harmony.. with the Script.

* I came down and there was Kyle Murphy Robert ready to go with me, to pick up the code.

There was Paul who left the micro wave at 42 when I used it.

I had no cigarattes but a person called Derrick arrived and gave me one, arriving in perfect timing.

Isabelle Ilic told me that I should expect the code when I woke up but there was no message from her, I know that something must have caused the delay.

I sent her a message at 8:39 a, and another at 8:42 p.m.

H C.I.. I am in Harmony with the play, the Script.

But is not in harmony with me, I spent yet another sleepless night quieting my minds increduliy of what I am going through and the nature of this script.

I can’t get over it, and will never get over it.

I watched a play today, of the computer – how one man knowing how I use the computer rushed to it before I went to it, it did not matter, another computer was made available a moment later.

But it ocurred to me, that this is what happens with transparency here- some one will use it to take advantage.

This is one of the problems with this script, I am made to appear as a victim of others circumstances-who can be in complete Harmony but who can be meddled with, delayed by this other force which creates distractions.

These distractions, meddlers like this man, men, who rush to take over the computer knowing that I work, just to play cards or do something on the computer which serves no purpose other than to distract them.

I sit here each time, being put through the same process over and over again, repeating this cycle of running out of money to do the basic things to move this script to its prlonged conclusion.

Put in this situation time and time again, while I wait for a code which is placed in the hands of others.

It is not the persons fault, because I have observed that all the key players are in Harmony with the Script Play.

And thus, this is from the script, not even the meddlers can change that, nothing can distract the harmony of the play except the source of this script itself.

The Source of this script is not me, it is something else.

I saw myself last night, moving as the Wind, moving through a Maze, a Labyrinth, a computer board, forced through portal after portal, a sort of obstacle course.

Each time stopped, delayed from the winds natural freedom of movement by the cruelest twists, riddles.

Such as today with Isabelle Ilic, as when I was linking the code with Roger Attaway…

It has been this way for over 17 years….

9:18 p.m.

9-18-18 date…

And especially since the begining of my awareness of the last play using marked money, and money codes.

All my older face book friends and even my recent ones can simply go to my Albums see that every money code sent to me, there was numbers hand written on it and words…

I used to photograph it- to show the public the evidence…

I do not anymore..

117 is the number a woman picked on the T.V- i just heard.

K G… Keith Grant code bed 53.. E C… Link Elizabeth Clarizio…

and Emeka Chukwu, Emeka Creator.. E Consciousness.

KOLO= 53…

7 11… Always OPEN. Linked

I am being demanded to provide more Clarity…of the E Consciousness to bring forth more alignment to Harmony…


117 A Q… A Quantum- to provide energy to manifest the Quantum Quintesential Jump Man, Leap…

to earn the code of 80 being sent to me….

80 is 8O….

9:30 p.m.

But K E ..IT.. Harmony… H… But I am Harmony… and I am being told, held hostage, denied coffee and cigarrettes, shelter, peace of mind, until I grant the wishes and desires of the Source of this Script.

To provide more Expression more Clarity as to how Harmony, the Eternal Harmony – 58… 13…Manifests.

i have been held hostage by a force, which demands that I obey it, or it takes away that which is the basic support and sustenance- the right of everyone in creation.

It, unlike you all. knows that I am The Creator, T.C.-

*Tim Cook the CEO of Apple was on T.V GMA when I got upstairs…


and The Original Man.. T O M…

Progenitor of the Hue-Mann race.

9:39 p.m.

It knows that I am the Source expression of all which is the abundance and wealth which everyone is using, exploiting…

This Force is denying me the most basic rights of which all Humanity have a right to, which was given for free.

It has created lack, where there is no lack.

It has created need where there is no need.

9:42 p.m.


B lacking…

B La! C.K.. I NG… N G.. 147… See sacred portal 147.. A B… Emmy

Yesterday was the Emmy;s….

Be Lacking…

Everything is in Perfection… Harmony has been proven over and over again.

But instead of that bringing forth Satisfaction and Apreciation Awe Gratitude… the response is the create the Illusion of Lack or need.

Unequal distribution of wealth…

Two companies have reached trillionaire statust…

Elon Musk .E.M.. ( 5 13= 18 ) decided to build the tunnel for the City of Chicago, the 12 minute ride at a cost of 25 usd to the Ohare Airport – and foot the 1 Billion Dollar Bill himself…

This world is already calling him names, calling him out for smoking weed on camera…

Seekning to undermine his company and all his work…

Two Companies have reached Trillionaire status and when I read the papers, that children in India and Africa are dying from sore throats which can be solved by cheap drugs.

I look at New York city and the state of poverty and living conditions creates by the steep gap in wealth, the people being pushed out of their homes..

The Men in the Shelters, some of them so intelligent, others of the E line evolving as I have proven…

I am reminded of when I first came to New York and was carried away by the amazing energy and I was so High as I walked the streets…

Until I oberved people sleeping on the streets while winter approached.

I was so stunned.. This is the richest city in the world…!!!

I was told about the shelters, and asked why the people did not go to Shelters…

But I found out that people preferred to sleep on the street than go to the shelter…


I was told to investigate and so in November 2001, 8 months after arriving in New York City I entered the Shelter system to investigate and to complete my artice for my supposed interview with Diane Sawyer.

D.S… 4 19…

Yes My bed number….Yes, Angela Dawn, I saw your code .

Angela Dawn…

Messenger of Dawn… yet is it not I, who am the one fulfilling the meaning of your name? Even occupying that bed…

4-019.. And 4-018…?



Stoney Joseph.. S J.. J S… 10 19… 29… Kyle Murphy i still 29…

1O 19.. 20… T… See Sacred Portal 20.. It is called T C… True Consciousness…

E.T C…. Emeka’s True Consciousnes… I..

E T C.I…

Tim Cook .. I saw him on Televsion he was advertising the new Apple Phone which transforms people into cartoons and changes the background…

Turns people into cartoons and changes the background of reality….

I guess that is what people are.. Cartoons and theier backgraounds are all fake…

– A Trilliionaire… 12 Zeros.. The Big Apple… This is what te C E O of the 2nd company to reach 1 Trillion… 12 Zero’s uses his time for…

He is the representative of True Consciousness or True Corruption of Cee…

Jeff Beso’s of Amazon along with his wife announced recently that they are setting up a 1billion dollar fund to bridge the education gap and to aid the homeless…

That is alignedto me.. J B..

I passed through the portal of J B.. James Bond…

Jonn Blackwell.. Locker 007..

I went undercover in the shelter system almost 17 years ago…

I celebrated my 34-35 birthday in the Shelter, writing The Elegant Nomad…

10-11 p.m.

So interesting… I just sent Kyle Murphy a message, I had to say some things to him and the line of Children Human children he represents…

You know how chidren sometimes take advantage of thier parents and take them for granted..?

And then at age 18 – they are sent away to college by 18-21 they are now seen as adults and are sent out into the world and held accountable and are responsible for their actions..

No mommy and daddy.. or big brother to bail them out…

Responsibility for all their expressions.. they can not rely on charm and childish cons…

I just paused in this post and was moved to text Kyle Murphy as I did this, Isabelle Ilic appeared in perfection on line….

responding to my text of Ca Va..

As if her E-spirit was waiting for me to address Kyle Murphy and the Human Chidren who can be hearless and even cruel, in ther selfishness and self centered craftiness in making everything about them and taking those who gave them Everything, for Granted…

K E.. I T… H…. GRANT E D…I…

I took out the Black Plastic knife today… I could not find it yesteday to place on the Altar, I knew that this force was protecting someone, delayng me from placing it on the Altar …

The number on it is NO 7… Yes color Purple… and 71.. G A…

E GA.. B-Lack Plastic… B Q W P…

I came this way P W Q B…

I know who the knife is for… The ones who like to compete with me… Who think they are as good as I, my equal.. the ones who never give true respect…

White Supremacist?

Black Supremacists..?


No, just those who have no respect or humilty…

and thus, they are the ones who I am leaving.. cut off .. cut the chord that connected us..

They can do it themselves without my help…

This script actually cheated because it gave them me, to teach and lecture about the way of the e…

An unforgivable action whose consequence is non existence and to fade out in the most hideous and painful way.

All these beings you think they are better than I am, can do better than I…know better than I …

I leave them now to learn a lesson in manners which they shall never forget…

I placed a Black Knife and a White knife on from Taylor Avenue and the other from this shelter, i placed them on the Altar last night..

Rage so quiet and carried so light by me…

24 months in a shelter… ?

I know why people would rather sleep outside in the cold that endure that which places like his do to the soul…

They battle day and night to strip you of your dignity and your rights.. and I watch those who give in to it.. brown nosing…

Let the knifes fall where they may…

I have been used as the slave.. with money no less and all whch is mine denied me…

I am the Be… B E A N..N NA E.B…

10:53 p.m.

Let no one ever call me name …

Each to his of her own…

Except the line of the E … who are as I am..

who care cee beyond thier selfihness… and illusion of Lack and share as I did.. wealth.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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