
8:49 p.m

8:49 p.m

Harmony Sacred Portal 49

Fork in the road.

Northern Lights

Nome Alaska. The 4th Kind

9:09 p.m

I have been sequestered in my room.

I could not see Arden, despite the In Synch of our Harmony making the Self Evident obvious.

9:11 p.m

But since yesterday and the 12th his 17th birthday, I realized that from the moment of my arrival I have been in battle, a battle which took all my focus and attention, which turned out to be a battle to prove the Truth of his undercover Idenity as the link of my knowing him – since Eden Eternity.

Along with his 4 siblings.

Over and over again, which would signal the Evolution Awakening and the Quantum Leap Jump of Humanity back to the E.

My focus and determination when faced with the Truth, preculded my Mother’s crossing over, and all other things including my own bodies rising.

But now, that I have completed this task, and the Script full circle of my recognition of him and having to prove it, until Liberty C Liscomb who was present that day I identified her son as River Phoenix and Nnamdi..

9:19 p.m

9:20 p.m

I.S. I T.

Full Circle from the day I arrived to Joaquin Phoenix The Joker

And his speech and ref to his brother age 17, on Ardens 17th birthday which his mother the lone witness as well as Jeron to the entire play.

Along with Arden of course, and Ferrill, Aurelia


The intel was delivered straight to her, on his birthday, and not to me, as all the intel she recieved from Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh to every single day, right up to Ardens Birthday.

It was not me who required convincing that I told the Truth, but the World she represented.

9:25 p.m

What I had to navigate to prove the Truth, I had already provided a Curriculum Vitae on facebook stretching back now, 8.6 years and to my birth all contained in those 8.6 years.

And yet why was I put through such a hell, as well as Arden, for telling the Truth, after presenting my credentials and proof over and over again.

9:29 p.m

I never lied, ever…. and the Universe backed me up before the entire world.

* I have facebook friends from over 72 countries

My last to arrive at exactly 5:11 p.m Eric Lile Brown.

E B.

The quiet fury in me, the cruelty I and even Arden in non memory have been subjected to for my and he confirming the Truth as the Origins of Everything began with One who became Two

The Story of Two Males.

Its only now, the Fury Anger and Rage of the implications of this play completed fills me, crashes down on me.

9:35 p.m

I C E.

The coldness, the hardening of my being, the hot fire is terrible, and yet there is grief, but almost abstract, for I knew that I had told the Truth.

And I had fought for Arden, and his truth which he has no full memory of.

I knew, and know that the prime force which created this was Jealousy, and rage from who, from All and Everything who had said why me?

And then why him?

9:39 p.m



Sacred Portal 93. And 9.

Can you imagine Arden waking up and all memory coming back and the realization of what he had done innocently as a 16 year old who met this person he felt a deep connection to transformed into a story which was designed to make him appear so callous and evil in the eyes of the World…?

As the everlasting legacy on record for all time of how he treated his S E L F.

I could not let that happen, I could not the distortion of his actions to me, be used to be a scar he would forever have to read about.

Yes, he made me proud, and I could understand what both Beauty and Arden himself was conveying to me.

9:49 p.m

And so I persevered, in this play which was created so that the Eternal Spirit and Harmony would never be made real in this world.

I sit here…

There is no one else in the house except myself and Leander, who like me was sequesterd in his room.

I went upstairs and then he came later,

Are you the only one in the house ? I asked him.

I don’t know..

He checked outside, Libertys car was gone..

Yes he said..

Just me..

Whats for dinner he asked

And soon he was cracking jokes as he prepared his plate.

Their were tons of left overs, I was angry but I did not let it show.

Another play…?

Leander and Emeka..

Next door in the basement.


L F E. I am the original Ferrill aftet

S E L F ..

Chukwuemeka Praise to The Creator Well Done A MAN

Leander Man

9:58 p.m

Emeka Man.

E M. F A C T.

Anger Grief… and such Sadness… and yet a quiet indifference.

10:00 p.m.

Yes, see Sacred Portal 147 A B

Arden Bun.

Arden is all of them in One.

And yes, Arden is M.E.

I have nothing I wish to prove and code anymore, or add.

Not to this script or this play theater set up to destroy the Truth of the Two as now evolved to I and I.

How sure this this force was.. that I would fail, not prove this last, made impossible task of not only another M.E but also and a family of M..E

Called the First Family the E.

And how sure, Beauty was, that I would succed go to the End for Him, and not ever forgive him but that I would understand why He did this to me.

10:10 p.m

For a NEW Balance

For our world to replace the old paradigm

10:11 p.m

And yes, he is fully aware, as is He Her and She what He, they did to me, what I Feel..

For they are also me, and can feel everything I feel.. Beautiful Sadness yes, Anger and Fury so quiet that even they, are aware that I could cut even they from me, by recreating the past, before this moment that they are as M.E I, and cut them out before they reach Me..

They know this, feel this in me, the Depth of Truth and a very quiet, elegant battle waging in me with my Truth.

Making me the One Infinite Unpredictability

Anne Esmeralda M.M.

A E M M. Arden Emeka M.M…

M M. E A. A H.E. A. R.E.

But they know, that I always rise to Joy and Love Endlessly, M.Y. S E L F

10:20 p.m

Because of the Exquisite Beauty and Joy which the I.E bring..

That some how, after the destruction rage and fury released cleanses and destroys all which is not E…

Perhaps after my experiencing my own self Love embodied for the first time in a physical material form by they now here in form to give me the only Love they know and knew I could recieve no matter how so many in this reality tried to Love me, but I could not fully recieve it, but could give it… but not recieve.

Perhaps yes, I am channeling them right now as I post, after showing and Nourishing Necessitaties of E Love,

That Peace in me.. might follow.

A learning to Trust one day again.

10:27 p.m

… I am not sure of that to be honest

It went too far, right to this moment..

Even now, I feel I am being maneuvered and manipulated…

I suppose I will know after, later when there is just me, in possession of my own Body and Being, and not this vessel in which All E rise in me…

I will know when I am back to myself, to Emeka Kolo, because you see through all these years, I.kept my true self alive, buried beyond the access of even the then, evolving E ..even a place where Beauty could not enter.

And once in a while, I would let him out, see the Person and MAN, Male Youth I am, always was and who IS, but now added is the experience.of what I lived and understood playing such a character and versions of my self

Adding to the One Constant, like layers of new cells, skin layers fitting Perfectly on.the Original like the Emperor’s new Cloak..Clothes.

Its not that I will become Unpredictable after this is all over, but rather… I honestly do not know what I will do when I get in Touch with Emeka’s Feelings

My True Feelings about this Experience in Beautys Story of he being Supreme Beauty ..and the one impossibility made real in a play, of Beauty challenging his Source Beloved…

And his Trust, her .Faith, that I would see through His Play.. the Truth

In hers…The Lie.

10:42 p.m

Literally I C. I See..

But if I am who everything says I am, just before you all get the proof.. can you see and understand my point of view?

10:43 p.m

10:44 p.m

I really don’t know, I must be free of this hellish play, where every thing was set up, contrived made unnatural even.. almost to Beauty and Purity.. ( Power)

Only when I am back to myself and in my own Home.

Dependent on no one materially or in any other way, except on I

I and I . ..


But Rage and Death 2/3 rds of this population must go into non existence as they merited and earned..

First their must be a Release.

Sacred Portal 25

Of the Climax of my Beautiful Terrible Rage.

Eternal Law.

10:49 p.m

8:49- 10:49 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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