
8:48 p.m…. Second upload..

8:48 p.m…. Second upload..

Ah… All Vanished… Computer crashed with the post… smh… 🙂

It changes nothing…

But I recall…

Today is the Winters of My Discontent

It is snowing outside….

It is 1 Degree Celsius her in New York City, the Bronx.

33 Degree’s Farenheit.

1 Degree..

33 Degree’s..

Yarsakary served me my coffee.. the number is 88.

See sacred portal 88.. Ascension of H.R.H the Living End, Queen of Existence Death, Supreme and Ultimate

I almost roared my delight, instead I purred quietly inside.

I asked if she had chosen a name for her daughter about to be born in April…

Yasaarky told me that she is going with the suggestion of her of to re-spell a name she was thinking of naming her daughter…

I smiled.

‘Dear Cherished Pure True Light…

Yamenin is here.

Y and Y…

I overheard then speaking about movie tickets…

Are you going to see the Black Panther..? I had inquired.

Yasemin responded, No she is going to see 50 shades of Grey, She is nasty, I am going to see Black Panther on Monday.

I purred even more dangerously, content…Just it should be, the two aspects of the Y in the female form, the Reps of I E as the two Awakenings… The one who mother and daughter have names created and not really in existence, Y and K…to the true alignment YY= 25+25 = 50.

See sacred portal 25.. I just posted… Woman as the P.H-ALL U.S as Yarsakary going to see the Sensual Sexual movie which is aligned 25…25… Y Y…50..E.O

The Great Titan Serpent of Destruction linked to me as the Black Panther- Yasemin is going to see..

Sacred Portal 21…and 25… My as the Jorgumdr… The Serpents which bites, constricts- squeezes and swallows whole…

Titan Anaconda actually existed in the past…

It became extinct… but not really…

The Black Panther has gathered all his aspects of Destruction and the Flower – the Scent of Two awakenings have now been confirmed.

They are playing Marvin Gaye… I heard it through the Grape Vine was playing earlier and now he is still singing…

Everybody wants somebody..

It takes me back to the what I called the Jungle School.

The school, and 3 other people from the Universe of the priviledged families, who had shamed and ambarrassed their families by failing or not doing well enough in their G.C.E’S.

We had taken a Rooms in this school located on the outskirts of Nsukka, called Opi Boys High School.

I was the most notorious- I had come from the most priviledged school in the state, if not the country, I had come from abroad, from a very powerful family, the richest and most powerful in the town and one of the leading families in Igboland at the time.

With a legendary mother, known for her beauty as well as her long sojourn away in the west.

I was the one meant to have fallen the highest from Grace, the Golden Boy, nicknamed in Canada as the boy with 50 Talents.

Meant to be the Golden Egg…

How dare I Fail..

I did not see it quite the same way..

That my value lay only in what I could do, and my talents .. and the promise which I represented.

My brother had just passed away a few months previously, killed.. murdered.

I had spent the next few months following his death, going to court, from boarding school, because I had made the suggestion to my mother that we fight to get O Booms back from wear my Father in rage that my Grandfather had dared say No, to him.

Dare tell him that he would not take on the financial and total burden of his family, and himself, so that he could go back to school to study Human Medicine.

My grandfather had been so incredulous that he thought that my father was joking.

My father was a Veternary surgeon who had attended the best schools in Nigeria and England, from D.M.G.S, to Oxford Cambridge .. Royal School of Vet Medicine…

Nigeria had just come out of the Biafran war, and my Grandfather of Biafra had witnessed lived that experience, counseled my Father to be happy with what he has and to use what he had to help rebuild Igboland.

My father did not like take No for an answer.

And came back to inform us, his kids that we no longer had a grandfather and that we were never to speak to my Mothers Family and our blood… again.

And so began a War, such a brutal war which led to the separation then divorce of my parents and the most bitter, terrible battle of wills.

With myself and my siblings caught in the middle.

While the public opinion was the barter used.

My Father, was of a nature which no one believed despite what my Mother told them, so when he unleashed his war, intelligent, efficient brutal.. with no limit at how far he would go.

My mothers family was in shock, they had no idea of to deal with a man willing to go so far…

And who understood the Public so well, and how to use the idea of my mother being the spoiled and beautiful daughter of a Rich and powerful man who despite building up most of Nsukka after the war with his friend and other legendary occupant of Nsukka the First President of Nigeria Doctor Nnamdi Azikiwe…

-the public of course chose to side with my Father.

And so a war and battle took place with me as the pawn used to by each to enact a war-

I was expected to literally fight my father, in intellectually, Emotionally, Physically.. and even when discovered his Voodoo affinity, in the Spirit realm also…

I recall that it is I who discovered his box of Voodoo hidden above his Wardrope…

And I who found his passports, when it was discovered that he planned to move back to Canada where he still owned a House and go back to school while dumping us with my Grandfather to take care of the financial burden of raising us.

Yes, my passport being stolen during 911…

A Jamaican Resturant…

So, yes it is no surprise to me considering that in the Jungle School I meet a Jackal as I studied alone in the School Library.. a shack which they said had come from the Evil Forest…

It comes as no surprise after I recount what just took place with Dwayne Samuel of bed 5-013… contd

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