
8:48 p.m,

8:48 p.m,


1-31-1….( 2017.. 37..10…)

A.C-A.A…. 31 is 26+5=31.. A-Z.E…

A.Z.E.A… L…

A Zeal….

31-1-1… A.C.A.A….Z.E.A.A….

Z is Enkil..A.

I Have Been Going Through The Process of Evolution.

I have been stating this for the last 11 years…

And then to my absolute amazement was made to proof it, Provide Evidence of it.. while going through it alone….

To provide not only Evidence, but to Prove It…

And in doing so provide all the data and intel required which would allow those who are about to Evolve. Consciously and with awareness that they must they themselves direct the process…

Not experience the Horror of what I know was meant to be a glorious and fun adventure for the Human Species, that I did,

An experience which became so evil so beyond anything I could could have ever imagined possible that the Law of Cause and Effect…

The response to Efficient Cause, Eternal Law manifested a Response as Existential Death and the Literal Death Ray of

Weeding Out the Virus which even I had to admit which had created a Rat Race…

A race of rats but not as these efficient garbage collectors…

But rather as the Garbage Itself which is the source of the very infection of Everything..

There is nothing I had not done to get the Worlds Attention..

But the Universal Script which Human Expression- their response to Truth.. to Recognize Truth was adamant…

This Universal Script was set up, for 4 to now 5 years after the 2012 D Date set up a sort of Judgment Day…

A set to Observe what the people would do if the information and the evidence was provided everyday for 50 months by the very person going through what was at first and continues to be a frightening and disquieting experience….to say the least…

9:04 p.m.

Why Me?

I had asked the same questions for years, until I finally had the answer as to why…

It was given to me over and over again by people rising from the Highest level of Consciousness in this Human Existence and to the Lowest…

You can Handle it

Perhaps… But there should have been support…

Not the total rejection denial and being left at a Universal Script which manifested through Human Expression of Consciousness, way of perceiving from Past to Present.

I would have gladly changed places with anyone and been an observer, but I would not have done nothing…

I still can not get over that. and I suppose even when this Species becomes Extinct, I will still not get over the fact that no one did anything….

That It was Okay… to leave a person whose evidence, efforts, will and Beautiful Truth was the only thing which kept the person going…

Where not even Death’s blessed release would come….

Why me… and Why not you?

And why must I go first through this process and not you…

I would have gladly have given it to you…each of you to experience yourselves..

To be the First…

But it was not the way things Turned out.

I have fought all your assumptions, all your denials, all your expression from Voodoo Spells put in me, Demons possessing me, to my being Insane and Schizophrenic..

I have endured your tests, your questions, and challenges..

Mockery Insults, Hypocrisy and Expression of saying you care…

The Hypocrisy and Pretense was even worse that the Indifference and being Ignored….

But through the years, I studied and worked and I knew it was evolution.

And a few people were aware of it, figured out that this is what must be happening…

I gave evidence after evidence… Nothing would move you…

Nothing except the Experience Itself happening to you…

I knew I told the Truth.. I am a brilliant man… even in my human consciousness and have been given that dubious Title of Gifted and Genius my Entire Life, especially in the West…

And yet, nothing I could say could move people to truly investigate. instead they came to judge with preconceived notions…

And with their own Script of what I am experiencing…

The same way they tell God what He or She is..

The same way that they inform Being of how to Be..

The same way they inform the past.. about what It experienced, what its Truth is without having ever been there.

Then founding an Entire Premise on that Assumption.

And why would it not be a Brown Skinned person..

Does not your very Science of Dna inform you of Human Origins and the reason for Melanin?

What response can you give to the person who was put through such an experience and who people realize he told the Truth…

And while going through this Process.. Totally Alone…

He proves it in every language of Human Expression..

And that all this expression of His documenting the entire process and steps was and is the greatest act of Love ever, a love which he did not even know existed.. in him.. or out there..

For my life has been brutal, I just made it Beautiful..

Transformed it into the Beautiful Truth by Beautiful Pride.

Hary Spencer H.S.. Worries about the Women who follow him on Face Book, and being their Savior.. perhaps without even realizing that is the Role he set himself up to play, while he had tortured me for months on Face book.. as I sought to bring him home…

And yet his Expression is at opposition with what he posted…

A Spirit in Him which Loves me Eternally,

A Spirit in Each of you who loves me..

And recall to love someone is to Cee.. See them..

But the Human being.. is distracted by What they need.. and that which is in them which makes them even indifferent to that which they have put others through…

Indifferent to what their own Spirits E Spirits are informing them.. bringing to their Attention.

And the true absurdity of why on Earth would someone given the experience of the Human Species.. H.S.. give one hoot if thy are being deceived by a Beings set up for that very reason…?

To test them check them as they checked me..?

Why would I care, sincerely if 2/3rds of the Human Species cease to exists after getting such an in depth view of the level of their corruption and willingness to come even here, even now and play God… By deciding that they know better than Eternal Law of Energy Harmony.. The laws of Attraction, the E.M.F..The Universal Field O…

Of the Full Circle..

Who have no scholarship. no evidence of how they know who is True. Peaceful when they are the very tormentors of my own Existence…?


Welcome ,Michael Trahe the 5th Time.. and the 5th 88- Face Book Friend…

Welcome… 5th Dimension Consciousness…

I welcome the End of that which has been a Source of my Enduring Torment .. The Rat Race as the Human Disease of Expression of Consciousness…

And look forward to health conversation with Clean Beings who understand the Beautiful Truth of Consciousness is Infinity…

Sharing… that which benefits all..

And not just the Narcissistic quality which has nothing to do with the True Echo Narcissus Truth of Self Love…



Each to His Own..

I protect now only the E…

9;40 P.M.



With Eternal Knowledge…



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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