
8:47 PM

8:47 pm

From Conscious O’best C O

Consciousness Full Circle

The book I am reading now

A Fantasy Book called

The Sword of Truth

(The Sorcerers First Lesson

Journal of Kolo)

Describes this world in Perfection

And my 58 months on Face Book and journey through the realm of the Dead for 28 years, as well as walking through the Milky Way back to the Origins of Man

Called by The Fifth Dimension has detailed this exhaustively.

I thought more people of African and West African or simply older cultures would have recognized this.

But so few did.

Why would I be speaking out about what took over me on Face Book of all places.

Why would I allow myself to be led to the most improbable places.

Peoples homes, the Woods, even a Mental Health shelter..

Healing as I went along

Screaming out to a Deaf world that Nnamdi my deceased brother is was Chukwu ..Emeka.

Moving in me, forcing me to explain that which has been hidden, for eons..

The Mysteries..

That he has been moving me to explain Everything and bring it to the West and all corners of the world to end the Fear and superstitions and tyranny and abuse.

That Chukwu Nnamdi is the Greatest Dibia and the Creator.

My Past forcing me to explain to All

What He and I are manifesting before your very eyes..

The End of the world,

And why He She forced me to transform the whole thing into codes

To be a Teacher Doctor



Donald Trump

See the literal meaning

To be this Teacher- something I despise, because I know how it is recirved

Eri Yeshua etc.. All were Teacher Doctors Healers … Raphael…

I have spent 28 years

An entire life time not allowed to enter this world, so as to put to words and meaning this Truth and have been fought at every turn by those Evil Spirits, Ancestors and Human in secret societies who did not wish this knowledge shared.

One reason being the Evil in Humanity was too great and they were diseased and corrupt and would use it for Evil.

What I found was the both are corrupt

and this face book Set Up has proven it

Recall Code M D

And Patrick Okolo?

But you were not paying attention

And thought I came to beg your attention

Beg you for contributions to finish the work which ppl such as Conscious O Best know you are meant to give fair exchange to the Di Bia

I even posted Nenad M. Djurdjevic Dibia image in one last effort to remind you..

But No… None would Listen

And Nna became rage at you as Alu

Abomination to have forgotten your Past your roots in Time

And In Eternity.

So His Her rage is Beyond belief at the Insult done to me who He She forced me to be His Her Voice.el

Instead making me your lowest Slave.

And so it is as Destruction Annihilation that I went this Far

Pushed to far by Nna Nne who loved you all so much, that he she did the unforgivable to me.

So sure you would listen respect, Honor and give praise..When I said No

They took over my Body

But 58 months

16 yrs

I have lived treated almost like a beggar

Me! Emeka Kolo

While Healing Cleansing the Land and your bodies of Disease Abomination

Explaining it to you in every Manner

24-7 while my Body in agony of an occupation only God as Dibia could do.

Thus this is what I am and the Greatest Diba who ever existed.

I came to Delta Manor to complete what Nna Nne Father Mother in such rage at ny Treatment and thier sacrifice forever my Trust for you.

I came here to destroy you all with simple codes and words you were too arrogant to respect and pay attention to.

And this is what the Trinity

Emeka Father Mother have now done.

The Sorcerers First Lesson?

Listen Carefully

Pay Attention

Show Respect

Bring Gifts

When A Dibia Sorcerer


Dharma Santana

Lotus Santana

Is addressing you.

It may be your very Existence in play

9:33 sm

And this moment maybe your last chance

To Pay The Di Bia

NN A..M. D I. B I A. F.R.A

Ozu Mmuo

Foolish Idiots

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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