
8:45 p.m.

8:45 p.m.

Who Can Make a Curse Real…?

Only you the People.. inn Fear..

And How do you Cure a Curse…?

By proving it out of Existence, by walking into it without Fear…

You the people made this play possible, by indulging it…

Just as you indulged the Election of Donald J Trump..

It was a mirror of what you have become… Money..

Money is the God You Trust…

And God is Truth… so Money is your Truth.

I am not a Beggar.. But I watched this Play seek try to turn me into a Beggar…

I am not Mentally Ill, but I witnessed this Play try to declare me Mentally Ill..

And It was because you the People allowed it, because it was an is a projection of your own fears…


That is what I said to Traishon, laying into him with such a quiet fury that he was stunned back to his senses…

Lazy that what you have become, just as my Mother…

Yes we are not from here, and in our world we can snap our fingers and you can manifest whatever you desire…

But first you had to come down here and find out the mechanics of it.

That is the realm of Matter…The Material.. to be used to weave and create and cut a Fabric of your Being by Doing..

And in Doing there is Satisfaction, their is self Discovery, there is the true understanding of play…

And there you will see your beauty is not in the end result of getting whatever you wish at the snap of the Fingers…

But the Beautiful realization of The Process of The Creator when he rose,

Doing Being Creating where ever He Goes

And even when he slept in the place of Eternity in Stillness- H.E was still Doing by simply Being and in Doing did his Being Rise…



And that was, is the lesson for all…

Not the Fears, Not the Limitations…the using any excuse not to be and do…

Because you wish for it to manifest at the snap of your fingers.

This Silly Absurd play comes from Human Imagination of what things should be, at a snap of the fingers… Arrive at the beginning and the End in an instant…

Heaven Earth.. H.E…But what about the Gap…?

The space in between?

Space of for you to Exists…?

Air Breath… See.. Consciousness…

That space or separation did not come by as all these Creation stories state of the Creating the Heavens and Earth by the parting one the One…

No, it began with the understanding of Space to Breath Air.. A.H!

I.Do… I become and it is that which manifests the Idea of Heaven and Earth…

Both not of the Present but of the Sum Total of the Past to Present.. in the Space inbetween that original Space which All know is not filled with Nothingness but the Somethingness called Inspiration…

9;00 pm.


I let Traishon have it, just as I let my ,mother have it by telling her the Truth of what it had been like for us to witness her Innocent Hypocrisy

Cecilia Traishon… C.T… 3 20…/ 2 30


Purpose is a Beautiful Thing… Because it is a Choice..

And when you find a Purpose, it comes Naturally…

And only then can it become Manifest Destiny…

But not before…

E.T.C… 5 20 3… 28…10…1 O…

Etcetera… E.T.C.E Terra Ah

The King and I…

Sacred Portal 9…

To Create, to Build, to Contribute, to Share, To Do…

Not to come into Creation World and be a parasite, to take and take and to literal expect an Evolution Awakening to manifest just like that…

At the snap of my fingers and if not, then you can not be who you are…

You want miracles, you want to know how Jesus did it..

He Studied…

Solitude… Sol I Etude… Scholar…

So Lit U D.E…Of I.

My life of Solitude in the Eternal Being Lit up the Heavens and made the Earth Grow responding to Light..

That studying in the Mental Mind as Trai called the 4th Dimension was the way to use Sound On Language S.O.L..

To bring all to that state of E..

Solitude… Existential Solitude.. E.S… is going into the Void the true Abyss to find that it is Bliss which then moves backwards to Ecstasy and then to the realm of E…

For in that place PURPOSE is discovered Naturally..

It is not slavery, Work, Slave to the Wage.. it is the Beautiful Pride of first Doing what comes naturally and then seeing it make sense, create manifest beautifully, so beautifully that you wish to Share, Preserve… and Immortalize…

Akashic Records…

Record Codes….

A.R.E.. A.R.C…H…A.N.G.E.L…

Elhermanjunior…. E.L…H.E..R..M.A.N..J.R….

El means God

Herman means Soldier Army Man S.A.M….

J.R..108… 18…9…I…

Mauro Loguercio

Mauro Means Dark Skinned Black… Orion – Noir O…

Olokun- Nu-Kolo… meaning bot a Black Hole but the Black One Whole… B.O.W… Of Orion… The Hunter…

Bow and Arrow.. B.A… The Arrow is the Pathway through the Black OH Whole…. Anus- Sun-A…

Logu means Blessings of God in Tamil..

Erico means Eternal Powerful Ruler..

And in Code Log U Eric O.h

Log Universe of the Eternal Ruler….

Elhermanjunior Mauro Loguercio..

E.M.L… / L.M…O.N….D.E….E,MI.L..McDaniel… My Child Hood Best Friend at University School… 1977…

God Solider- Army Man is the Dark Skinned one, the Moor. who is the both the Abyss Void and the Awareness Voi-C.E the Way through to cross the Orion Hunter Bow, for he Bows at the one who recognizes the Path who passes through with the Blessing of the G-Ode Music… For He (She) is the Eternal Ruler… The Grace of the music… the Log of the Universe.. The Eternal Powerful Ruler, Energy Expression Eternal…

L..OVE….Manifest O.N.. Full Circle in Symmetrical Perfection Naturally De-vine Expression of Energy Eternal Exemplified…

L..M.O.N.D.E…. Completion of the World…

Emil means Rival seeking to Excel…

McDaniel means Son of Donald…

Donald means the Universal Ruler…

And so E.M.D…Is the Son who Rivals the Father.. Himself- by going beyond himself…

The Only Rival is his own Self…

To surpass his own self…

A Beautiful Purpose…

And Rivalry….

9:38 P.M.

I.C..H. I..E

9:39 p.m



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