
8;45 p.m.

8;45 p.m.


I can not explain or post all which transpired today-

so for the record the Future..

I am sharing the Text Conversation I had with Nenad M. Djurdjevic today- with his permission of course…

This was after the resolution of a mis-understanding of language and expression.

And recall we stopped at 907… 97…

906.. 96… Then 909… 99..

See the Sacred Portals

97 Light of the World.. A.H..etc,

96…The True Way the We Play.. The Being and the Body.. Expression and Awareness..= Conscious Being…

Then back to 97…. Light of the World… Which explains my

907 Face Book Friend… Finn Sno

And finally 99.. See Sacred Portal 99… Victorious Outing the Virus Rage from Human Beings

The Enigma and Riddles of Existence solved in the 3rd and 5th Dimension Language and Consciousness merged in 8 Harmony to Infinity…

It the Set Up Evil beyond anything I could have imagined…

Hatred D-Evil Cruelty

Hat Red

I D.E..V.I..L.C

C..R.U.E..L.T…. Y-G…3rd planet…


Nenad M. Djurdjevic

By the way

If you have time

let me tell you about a vision I had

Last Friday while sitting on the coutch

I saw a vision of dark-skinned indigneous people in a dugout (canoe) on a river staring at me. It was like a black and white old photograph.

They weren’t really Africans

their skin was dark/black but their hair was long like that of Amazon indians, but I’m not really sure about their origin

After the vision I remembered what you told m about the river

So I think it has something to do with (my’) ancestors

they weren’t dressed much

was trying to find an old photograph similar to that vision but couldn’t find one by now’

Emeka Kolo


Hi.. Sorry i had to walk to the cafe and I did not see you message.. Your Visions are always relevant… Yes.. I know who you represent and saw.. Bloody amazing.. I did this equation on my page some years ago – maybe you recall I traced the Linage of the Proto Indu Europeans… P.I.E.. And it tranced back to the Dravidians… What it proves Nenad is the Dna link to Water.. The Water Bearer.. T.W.O.B… T.R Double U..Double V.( U.E) ..Rob W Barr… links to Water… B/’Eau… ,The work of Catherine Achulonu was based on language and Sound – but she could not give evidence of it being literal Fact… There is a guy sitting besides me Raoul S.. He looks Dravidan… but he was sitting opposite Rahul.. R.R.. I had introduced them to each other… Though he is a face book friend- he had told me that he did not really understand me- how I speak.. ( Which is the opposite of what I have been universally told… but at the same time he could be right because he says I speak on so many levels at the same time and he is a very linear person.. And can not follow too many threads at the same time… But yet you understand me perfectly… ( Also he may have a point I notice how exhausted I am from explaining…) This is the link of the Dravidians to the Caucasians.. And you linking my Codes years ago to the Mitochondria Dna…in the Cell… Ravi who drove me to Miami… * 6:31 p.m ! Patrick Okolo… See it is this riddle I am solving alone which makes me have to bring all ythe threads together… 28 years since I saw him.. Nature as the rep of the H.B..Human Body… Ravi R..D.R.-A.V.-I.D…I.A.N… Jon Jason Lee was part Javanese and part Celtic.. Irish.. and English… It means that you we have accessed the Song Lines of the Origin of the Caucasian Race as Brown people. And that it has been aligned from 1-7.. Instinct to 7..Ti.. Age of Aquarius… The Water Bearer which allows an image in 8.. Harmony to form.. Which creates a vision for people to see.. If they are clean…. I will share this dialogue if you do not mind… This is just too much.. to much work… turned something so simple into such a complex play.. Exhausting… I had a very small conflict with my two nieghbors last night.. Then I see two pennies by my bed.. then I text you.. And we had to resolve something.. just as I had resolved with my Uncle. P.. And then to two RR sitting together whom are really linked to Rachel and Ravi.. All recorded here on Face Book when I went to Forte Lauderdale in 2012.. Left July 4th… 2012… came back August 4th 2012.. with Ravi who had introduced me to Billy Hung… B.H.. 2 8…Orange to Light… Adam Red to Orange to Light… R.O.L…E.. Orien Laplante lived in Orange County… See! It is the Ancestor doing this to me body.. RED is R.E..D…I… R.E.A.D….I… R.E.A.D.Y..C… Dna…challenging me talking through my body.. Using my Energy… H.B.. is 2-8…10…1O.. but 18 was added… 108… The Long way.. 18=R… T.E.N…R..I.O.S…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Ah OK. Thank you for the exhaustive explanations. Will take a deeper look at the subject of Dravidians.

Emeka Kolo

That is I and I… 18.. 9 9… See sacred portal 9 9…18 = 9… i went to 18 Mountain View.. stayed for 9 months…Left the very day of Donnas Fathers Birthday… April 18-19..D.R..D.S..I place the two dates because though it was 19th it evolved from 18…Dewight Smith… D.S… Donna Robert.. D.R..A.V..I.ANS…IONS…IAN means Jon.. Gift from God… The Creator… What is this… This equation this Evil… My mind and being keeps crying out quietly in my heart.. How could this be.. this the play of the Evolution Awakening… What is this.. It is not the riddle being so hard.. it wasn’t…It was the obstacles, the delays and making something so simple and elegant so hellish not even complex.. just making it unnecessarily difficult … And it was allowed… ? And there is no one but my self who knows for the moment what has been done… They used me to prove this a Fact and took over humanity unaware and used them as Equations.. When they were already that… They meddled.. And I… I can not even speak.. about what has been done to the original blue print… And to me and my expression…

I also write the explanations because I have to… I would not do so if it was not part of how it all manifest by writing it into existence as opposed to simply speaking it into Existence… I am playing the scribe

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

I understand. This is very helpul.

By the way. Earlier this evening I posted an image of a deer standing among ruby flowers. So it seems indeed related.


It just came to my attention.

Yes. I checked. It’s about Dravidians.

Emeka Kolo

‘The Two R’s were right beside me!.. Do a Deer… R.E.D… R.U…BY….E… R.D I.E… R.U.E.I… Jesus see what I mean… AN Enigma and a Riddle.. Is what I have solving non stop… Impulsed 24/7.. my body crippled inside.. by the Dead… And no one believing me.. The conflict in the shelter today was about Noise… 58 talks alot.. the other was about Hygene and manners… People use politeness as a disguise a Veil for Hypocrisy Gossip Fear.. I say what is on my mind like Donald Trump… Honest… But they get offended when my manners are about respect and Respect yourselves… I remind people because that is the only way they can know and improve… But others remain quiet because it is easier… It i actually hate and evil because it is based on indifference and they Gossip about it afterwards… Every room I have been placed in apart from the First room 5C a 4 man room which would hve been perfect by someone who is obviously affected by Sound which creates the activation of my bodies awareness…. To have to start solving riddles of people.. cleaning it up because I have no choice but to call it out because it creates suffering and pain in my body… GeeezUS! What is this..? This Selfishness this cruelty… Instead I was sent to rooms where each place was of conflict..Which I hadto resolve… ..DRAVIDIANS..See how I am being used…??

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

‘Yes. You are right. That’s highly unfair. People should force themselves to understand these codes better. Me included.

By the way, Brahmins were said to be white, Kshatriyas red, Vaishyas yellow, and Shudras black. I made a post of each of these colours this evening. Just take a look at my wall: red, white, yellow, …

And Yes. It’s about Dravidians.’

Emeka Kolo

I was used Nenad… I could have expressed these codes so beautifully and clearly but They kept on Challenging.. So what I claimed I had done was impossible… And when they finally sent Billy Hung…and his brother Tom..Hung..And Bill Confirmed it..they had the balls to force me to teach it by Force… And with no acknowledgement…Just ingratitude and without the people being given more help facts to understand..Because they were controlling every aspect of my existence even money… They were still challegingme making it impossible to do what they no wished me to manifest because I said I will cut them out of Existence and would not and have no changed my mind.. Existential Death is now… Humans.. My aunt Iesha married a Brahimin She looked white… The Girl I lived with in Paris Erika (Ekayani) became a Vaishyas. ( She was yellow half black and White)..Kshatriyas would rep me.. Shudras… S Black which is 9…White is 8.. Red is 1.. yellow 3… B 8..White… K Red…1…Yellow Gold…3 V…Sudras..Black.. 9… Is a damned code.. again..all pouring out of you… 8 1..3 9… I finished my post at 8:10 p.m…last night 1 Dollar Bill 50 and the other 31… 81.. 39..C,I….H.A… C.I.. E Galaxy 1O11 C.I.. Jesus… !

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

‘So that’s why I feel so tired and exhausted.

But OK. I keep going. With you.

And sorry for letting coming all this our of me

out of me

Emeka Kolo

‘Will post this whole dialogue..way too tired…to explain any more…It really is not worth it..Evolution Awakening of the species for this price… Which is why coercion was used because I would never done this never..Not this Way… .And so I was coerced…Forced to do it their way..the most long ardous stupid way…No rest… It is enough… I feel so nauseous and ill.. and the desire to weep is so great by what I am understanding and what has been done… No it is not your fault.. you were are being used… abused too…

7:28 p.m.. My sisters birhday…’

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

It explains my visit today to the place called Fontanella ‘Standpipe Spring’


Emeka Kolo

Yes… and the Weather here is 60 Degrees! Spring…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

My most sincere and wonderful birthday wishes to your sister!

For your sister!

Emeka Kolo

‘She was used as my enemy… She lives in Virgina… And we have not spoken since 2002…and the last time we communicated was 2013..She wished to visit me.. And my brother came with my cousin.. They invited themselves.. I called her a Witch… Which I knew she was because she was being used and I sent my brother and first cousin back because I knew that they could not pass that portal… Ah..Nenad… That was the time.. her birth is July 28th

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Taken today ??


Emeka Kolo

‘What kind of flowers are they..?

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

‘Not sure…let me check

I think it is called Trifolium Trefoil

They are many variations

These are among first spring flowers’

Emeka Kolo

Thank you.. T.F…20 6… 206..2O 6..26…8… You were used again… Line of Nnamdi…April…5th..’.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic


Have t o rest now. It’s very late.

we’ll keep in touch.

And thank you for the explanations.

P.S. It seems that these flowers are also called ‘Little Mouse of the Argentinian Valley’.


Anyway. Please try to rest as well.

Be well.’

Emeka Kolo

‘Well Done… Thank you for being present today.. You were a great help and today a literal Right Hand… 7:46 p.m.

The Movie Dune…

9:03 PM.




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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