
8:43 pm. – I suppose I should t

8:43 pm.

I suppose I should tell you about the C.A.S.E and The Case of Nnamdi.
N= 14= 5. E. E
E to N.
N= 14/41. AD/D.A.=9

And Nnamdi Nnoyem. N.N=1=A.
And 1 28= 29.A. MAN.
and 1-1=56.
1-57. 15-7 O.G. O G King Map ( 9 mutual Facebook Friends *9)

Recall that play?
I asked Jae Sherman if She or her friend also named Jennifer. which was her own birth name, who was the O.G. and she laughed at my being so dense- “Of course, I am definitely the O.G!
She had snorted.
“I am the original one”

Jennifer was also in my script, but no female Jae Sherman.
Jennifer who I knew in University- girlfriend to my ex-school son, Uzoma Nwakuche. ( U.N. Meaning “The Beautiful way, of the child of Thought- Thor),
Jennifer the same, in 1996 at Chelsea but not “The Collection” where I met Jay, Taun, Jerome, Paulo… at the Bar and Peter on the floor.
Jennifer at 268 East 4th Street, daughter of Chucky, Alberts elder brother who lived above us called Eddie, she was born 5-28… 5-28 Hertz Love Frequency. L.F.
Not Jennifer the Babby sitter of Jeron whom I met while at 900 South Road.

8:59 pm.

I said nothing, it was all posted and she was a Facebook friend at the time and could read without hiding.

I gave hints, but what a waste of time.


There is a reason that Eternal -Nnamdi rose immediately.
N to E.
NN yo E.E= A.

They took the one fastest way, using Clarity Supreme.

Nothing to Explain.

9:04 pm.

The long way was not his way.

The Long Way.

Laura Walsh.
Details and line a Ray from Eternal former Nnamdi, who simply travels the Rays of Light of his Cee-See which pierces all and sees the Linking connecting as he sees reads, a blink-link, connection of the eyes, Two in one connection by the true First Eye, which is why his God Mother was from India and wore a “Red Bindi” on her forehead, and was extremely close to my mother, her coach in another form of Beauty, like Venus De Milo which my mothers form always reminded me of.

The Long way… well that is what are those rays Landed and broken down manually step by step creating that stairway to Heaven.
Jack and The Bean Stalk.
Golden Ratio.
Fibonacci Sequence.
The Sacred Journey all take within- reflected outside.

When you get tired of climbing, what do you do?

You pause, catch your breath, take a look around, maybe even explore the plateau you have attained, but you always have to come back and climb until you reach the Highest Point.

And then Sacred Portal 96 Happens.

To See things as E who was Namdi did, but was always First Light. First Love.
First Clarity, First Constant, is the same way of seeing through a perspective like an architectural drawing rendered.
Follow the Line of Vision.
It is the same way everything is built and seen here.
It is Sight.

9:16 pm


I was going to say and describe what it feels like now that the Dreamer is awakening and why he is linked connected to Arden Gemino rising and All.

9:17 pm

To feel both rising in me here present and hearing the Eternal Nnamdi, and the Eternal Arden, and now the Eternal Lady…

9:19 pm.

& I.A.I.

But I am knackered from all this posting and listening to the now physical echo while still holed up here, like a rat, with the rat pack, the first Ore of matter, Oregon 33rd State.

I never was sent there, 3/3= 1.
A.W.A.K.E. / E.K. A.W.E.

I , We are now at 4330 Facebook Friends, and I was literally made by both my Being & Body and Awareness Naturalness to share this with you.

9:23 pm

Anything to get out of E-Nnamdi’s Dream as GOD- H.OD and I.O.D.

9:24 pm.


9:25 pm.




Edit 9:33 pm.

And that is what I had to add, my Hot mail account 1999, is password “Dreamer”

9:35 pm


I don’t care was what I was thinking.

Time Stamp is the Response.

1:36 pm.

I- 360 Degrees

I. Cee Facts

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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