
8:43 pm – 8:44 pm right now. – I

8:43 pm

8:44 pm right now.

I was just reflecting privately on Anirbas Lem and now I had not seen her presence in a day or so, and Whaddaya know, I opened my page, and there she is.

I tell ya, there is something about the six senses and Perfect Timming= A Fact.
And the code Facebook Numbers 3511 and 3518, and 3519.
Last night when I decided to buy a small bottle of E.J Brandy Blue. ( E.J.-5-10) E J B.B A man kept saying in my presence “59!, I am only 59, stop acting as if I am 80″.
He was not talking to me, yet I was the only one present.
He was African American.
No more hold up from Africa”

I just went out, it was not easy, the EASE -Y of the last couple of days was compounded by such Tension.

8:51 pm.

I am full aware that this is about Arden Gemino- Age Code 18.

Ephesians 6:12. = 18.
A.R. A-18.
Arden Robert.
18 Alexander Grove
First- Light. Response.

8:54 pm.

And there is the confirmation Echoes back via Perfect Timming.

I bought some E.W Tooth paste and black Berry’s Sparkling Water- it came to 9.87 USD.

I. CHUKWU= 87.
Sacred Portal 87, ‘Bringing the World to its Senses and Sensie”
Back from their Fairy Tales and to Facts.
Fiction- Fantasy Fact.

18 really 19.
That was the number they kept calling out at the C.V.S.
599.USD at the Tangiers shop.

8:59 pm right now.

It was never really simply about my being The Source and Origins, I mean that is something, of course, well at least to me- truly in this reality, or any reality to do that, prove that while providing evidence and Facts Evidence AY.
Arden Y. Chromosome beginning. Energy Existence and Awareness ATom- A.H.Tom, darn, I am even impressed with myself, doing right here, through this world to this place, this venue.

Anyway, that is me, but this was about bringing all back to their senses.

9:03 pm


9:04 pm

94. I.D.

With your Identification Memory.

96 3.
9 64.

Chris Filgueira 12-14-87.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 11-4-87.

Downs Karissa 4-11
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater 4-11.

1-8-1 (x 4).
Liberty C is at 41 Mutal Facebook Friends.
Do you recall the Sacred Portal?

9-4. 13 M. x 36 C.F 360.
49. John Mack 49 Mutal Facebook Friends.

Hey, do you know that John Taylor has 14 Mutal Facebook friends?

Ah, the greatness waiting to expand and explode out you all, the being and doing you are about to unleash, my, my how wonderful it would have been to witness that for myself, as the witness and Pride in Being I would have had…

9:11 pm.


It is what it is.

I will know when I get the confirmation that you have come to your senses, I will feel it… Ease no more tension and stress- but it is nice of the Matrix to let me know, what I already know, but simply o not see, sense, or feel like a fact.

Heart Of Darkness… there.

JR. 10 18… That was in my wallet, a reminder that I had decided not to code the name Kim Arthur Hinds Jr with Jr.

Or perhaps, that Flower of Life Lighter, that vanished before my eyes while I was sitting in the parlor- Living Room next to Kim’s door?

Sacred Geometry- 108 is Closing of the Flower of Life.
10+8= 28


Being Harmonious.
With, I
B.H. B.I.

I. A.M./ M.A. I.

9:18 pm.

But of course.

9:19 pm.



Veritas? Ezi-Okwu.

Did I not know this already?
After all, it is a Rare Unique Version of MY S.E.L.F.

9:20 pm


Bella 9-19-20.

9:21 pm.

Sacred Portals 9 and 21.

So many did not wish it to be me, and then made it even more difficult when they discovered that we are Two. And Three.

I. I & I.

9:22 pm.

I.V. I E



Spirit of Jealousy,
What Else?
Battling with Non-Existence in this foolish non-existent script.

9:25 pm.

Evidence AY

A.Y. Him.

JEALOUSY… Competition

J.C. 10 3.

It makes no sense, the only person you should be competing with, is Your Self.

That is what one does when one is Alone.
Y Expresses- Expands In Silence- In Solitude.

Y E E I I.S S.

And then comes the result,
Yes. I.E.V.E.

7:37 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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