
8:43 p.m.

8:43 p.m.


There is a play going on right now with Robert Kyle Murphy and Jace Horsford..and Isabelle Ilic…

Tejumola Raheem Osazee I want you especially to pay attention to what I am about to say and post since it concerns your posts and that which you are representing.

Dawn Piercy has been the witness to the most terrible play of which money has been used against me time and time again to either move to rage and dismiss this Script and play as impossible and to walk away, or to hold steadfast to the truth that this is really the way of the Script.

And that instead of given into my rage and anger at the use of money to give up on this Script, that I have managed to navigate the cruelty of using money as the code of the play and to move the script forwards…

There is not doubt that as a young man my greatest fear was to take money or be dependent on anyone one for monies.

Which is why I began working at while still in university forming my first company at age 19.

Yes the 19 year old chef Flynn McGarry of the lower east Side GEM. Restaurant…

And yes, I cook very well and every home I was invited into I cooked.

And I cooked every day for 4 years straight at 268 East 4th Street- Generation X Garden chez Albert Santana in the Lower East Side. Where I discovered his home after 61 days walking the streets because I was sent by a woman names Sue of the Green House – a large 5 story building she inherited which I had been the instigator of transforming it into what became a well known Art Gallery.

19 is the code of S…

Bed 5-019.. 4-019… /18..

And so, in this play witnessed by the world for 6.8 years I have been made to endure so insults because of money, I the script forbade me from charging people for the work I did for them- they play demanded that they give naturally from their Hearts in appreciation and recognition…

Which of course, most people will find any excuse to not do so, and even turn the tables to make it seem as though they did you the favor,.

There is a good reason that I truly feared, not having money, but rather what people could do to you if you did not have money.

Especially when it came to the money required to sustain me and to help my mother and family while I Traveled to this other dimensions which required me leaving the anchors of this reality which involved the basic necessities.

This Awakening Mission which in 1992 I was asked ( Commanded to do) when I came back from passing through my beloved brotherss portal Death, twin to life, when I went home..

I came back and when this Presence, within and now around me told me in 1993 and 1994 what it wished me to do, I told it that it was insane, that to ask someone to bring the message to people in this world was impossible.

They would not listen I said.

I said no.

And I quietly looked and questioned the truth and true Identity of this presence who could ask such a thing of anyone…

Especially considering the historical precedent.

I had already spent most of my life up to age 25-26 documenting observing and studying Humans… People.

That is what my journals where about- my interviewing people to understand why they had become so much less that themselves..

I did not accept their point of view not they becoming so much less of themselves, but I understood their point of view and what the world had become like to them..

Though I also felt that they had not solved their riddles so they were carrying all this Anger Hurt Rage.. poisons which poisoned their view…

Code of Endless…

There is only one Endless… Endless Love…

Everything else Ends….

Just as this play must End because it celebrates Cruelty Hatred Misery Suffering and I have been transforming it since I came into this world and documenting the process since 1989…

End less… End the SS… L.E.. SS… The Negation… there is only Positive.. That which adds… the equation for Existence Creation is always to ADD …

Clarity. C..

Thus I have been put through my greatest fear and nightmare, to be dependent on these people who put forward their worst side to protect the last of their Beauty which they had buried so deep most had even forgotten where they had buried it.

I knew that the way to stop me from going forward was what was being done to my beautiful pride, and the notion of my having to challenge money, do this mission for 17 years without a formal job..

I had at last stated to this force, ok, if I do this mission and go into the depths of Time Travel and all the dimensions who would take care of my mother and my family.. how would I eat and live..

It told me it would be taken care bit I did not trust it, and for good reason, the mere asking of a person do do such a journey and not even the way I would have chosen but in Its way…

Ah, If I had known i would have fought harder not to do this mission…

To enter the Human Minds..Non Existent mind thoughts of the Sum total of Human Existence as a Lie and told to correct and align the Truth, that in them and in all the everywhere was the presence of the Truth.. God.. The Music…

Insane… and then to deal with the Hatred and Spite .. on the ground…


But I was forced and when in 2012 , I knew I had finished the play, just as I knew in 2004-5 and then given more to do.

After bearing the insults and cruelty of Humanity and all the chosen ones whom I checked and checked and saw the confirmation that I had been led to them and that they had been moved to invite me into their homes because they knew and were aware of my Mission which each was meant to help..

Everyone except Marina Burini betrayed me when it came to money.

She betrayed the play not because of money..

But money was the one thing which turned nearly all the so called chosen ones against me…

No matter what I contributed with evidence that they would even publicly proclaim, after a while the money issue would come up despite they being so obviuosly blessed and protected…

They got blessing for housing me, were in terrible states beforeI arrived and during my stay their messes problem were taken care of, they got blessings…

Which many would admit came through me, but was because of they doing or encouraged to do what was expected of them.

They last few weeks it has been about Robert Kyle who got his New York I.D date 7-11 -2018.. and began working at Dig In on the 24th…

He was was given gifts by me which he freely acknowledges.. the money people send me is sacred money..

So I am aware of every dime I spend.

He was meant to give me a gift of 8 Usd…

And Jah who benefitted the most recently from my getting monies from Billy Hung was meant to give a gift of 10 usd.

Quanma’e Lewis play was so vile, that he was cancelled from the play…

I was then moved to ask Jace Horsford which again infuriates me, because if I had my own income or worked I would never ask or even have any interaction with these people..

But each was being used in the play..

9:41 p.m.

I unfriended Jace Horsford because of the money play with him and the work I did with him.. I just could not endure the insult I was being given… But it was aligned with the play…

So I brought him back..

Kyle was meant to have given this code over a month ago..

He had the means but decided not to..

I had to ask Jace for 10 usd because there was a gap in the play, the script points out that I am meant to have monies after 17 years of being forced to do this play where people tried to treat me like a beggar…

Yesterday I realized that the play was yet again, I had to find the Harmony – since for 17 years I have been proving that everythig is in Harmony and thus have been given the worst worst scenarios and set ups and challenged to prove the harmony by fulling the gap and doing the right action and placing reason behind it…

I asked Jace for the ten which Q was meant to have given me but I was not even aware, I just found that I required ten dollars..

But I was aware that even my lack was set up.

10 and 8…

The one person who I contacted who was in the perfection of Harmony was Isabelle Ilic recall the code of her entering the play

42.. Ohm…

Recall the last monies sent by Klien Alicia… and the 100 code written on it as has been all the monies sent to me having had numbers on them…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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