
8:39 PM

8:39 pm

H C.I.


2-1- 37


A Brief comment.

Remember the movie 6th Sense?

I see the Energy….


And Energy is Expression which is Consciousness Aware, set in motion which is called the Spirit World or Mind Thoughts realm which manifests the physical realm.

8:43 pm

This is a blessing, or better still a sign of Human Evolution but in this world reality it has been made into the ultimate curse…

But it is not.

Many people are going through this, feeling confused not knowing what is happening to them…

Causing them such suffering and misery.

The evolution of Humanity is a discovery,

no one knew how it would manifest but it is not surprising that it would manifest first through Expression then Energy then Energy in motion (Spirit) and finally into the physical realm and material realm.

This is a basic law of physics.

And so of course consciousness is how one sees and perceives.

And so it is logical that people evolving are piercing the Veil.

Seeing beyond sight.

Hearing beyond sound.

Feeling peoples thoughts…

Touching and Tasting Truths their ancestors have touched but had translated into religions mysticism art.

There is no school or infrastructure set in place to welcome Evolution of Human Conscious which follows evolution of Being, which is linked to the Body.

And it can only be understood in hindsight and while experiencing it.

Reason is the tool which has been identified to align this experience.

The great Battle of the End of time took place up to 2012 and an added grace period of 4 years.

I have done everything I have been consecrated to do to report what is going on in the realm of Expression and Expression in motion, including reporting what the great battle was.

It was with Human thoughts and beliefs held through the ages which were not aligned to logic reason and common sense.

And it was these thoughts and beliefs which were possessing humanity as Demons because they are perversions of truth and thus, not of Truth.

I have spent an entire life time in the crossing of the spirit realm, locked in the realm of Spirits Thoughts Beliefs which are not even real to me.

A non existent realm which I was locked in and made to pass through and align it to reason by riddling them out of Existence and then even brought here and publicly doing it for 4.9 years.

Locked in a parallel universe an alternative dimension which does not even exist.

But made to temporarily exist so as to rescue humanity trapped by their Beliefs Traditions and Thoughts.

I am E.

All Humanity are E

Expressions Truth

Eternal Expressions and we are entering the Physical Material realm of this reality but through a process of passing through the History of the World which only existed and came from the minds of Humanity…

There is no Mind the Mind is Being…

Manifest being hence the portal of M.B

Mark Bradbury

Marina Burini simply representatives of the codes through the matrix.

Not chosen ones but people designated and given the codes and intel which I representing the Consciousness of the E C had to pick up on my way like some macabre video game.

This was the Great Crossing.

The Crossing of the Galaxy Universe


It was never real for us..

Evolved E were always here always .

Expression Truth are always One.

No separation…

It never was…

Just as duality

Just as your beliefs.

Hence my outrage, at being made to enact and live a story of a long long crossing even to its enactment on Face Book to break down fight battle act out human beliefs and stories, legends and myths and align them to common sense and even point out and call out by offering a reflection…

The True See is C… Consciousness

A mirror not an Ocean with silly stories of Sirens…

And even these silly child like stories perverted by adults holding on to Child Perceptions they were meant to Ground Anchor to Truth by the Experience of their life’s in the present.

All this because people did not wish to let go of thoughts and beliefs but most of all Expressions… Manner of expressions which are driving an entire species insane.

Thought Patterns

Behavioral Patterns

Mind Mapping.

Cause and root of Human Illness and Disease.

It had to be cut out.

9:40 pm


I am tired.

Tired of this Brilliant but so Cruel play set up using the very structure Sound and Language, which drove the Species insane, and finding myself walking through it…

And hence the retreating to Silence beyond Sound…

To the realm of Six sense to take in the True View.

When there was nothing wrong the Evolved you were and are always present.

Right here, right now…

But would not rise in you until the illusions of yourselves was defeated and you finally finally understood the Meaningful Expression of one.

You do not know what Love is

Or you would have recognized that the force which moved me…

The sum total of your beautiful truth which moves me even now, created this illusion of me trapped inside my body is Beauty (B eau Ti) and Love…

The True Truth

Whom I can never look at the same way ever again, for making me endure such a play no matter their intentions.

They sacrificed me for your illusions to do as wished to me and made me fight night and day that which was not real and made it real.

9:53 pm


By using me as their example of Consciousness Cee which is the source of Beauty and E V O L -VE…. /E.V. L OV E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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