
8:39 p.m.

8:39 p.m.







Kal El is the name of Superman.


Kal El means Voice of God in Hebrew.

Hello Everyone

No I have not changed my mind about Facebook or recording here.

But yesterdays play with Anamla Qayin was the ECHO response from You…

Thus, I was obliged to respond to what was an Echo…E.C.H.O…5 3 8O.

Then yesterday, I received a new Facebook friend request…

Which I could not ignore..

It was from someone in the shelter…

Bed 004…

9:24 p.m

I.X… (9)

24 year old Luke Wilson.

Recall how the play or pendulum paused at 724 Facebook friends.

And how I noted Luke is 24…

And that the place I lived after meeting Erik Ebright is called Generation X Gardens…

X is the 24th letter.

Eric Eposito and Luke Addison Wilson were the first people I met here in RM. A.

Their initials form E.L.

The Eric is on Bed 009…

Luke is at bed 004.

4-9…Eric Eposito is 49..

D.I…E… See sacred Portal 49…

94 is I.D.

For some reason (Which I have spoken about) I found myself being challenged for the last 15 years to exist and live in New York City with out any Identification.

It started during 911…first passport…

Canadian I.D…and everything else.

After 3 years of battling with the British Consulate…

In the most astounding twist of fate and events..

I finally surrendered to the play.

9:40 p.m.


No I.D in the United States of America meant I was not allowed to utilize the System because there is nothing you can do in the United States with out Identification.

I saw my by resistance to my getting any Identification,

-(Stolen three four times… Original birth certificate held by the British Embassy which will be one day soon be held accountable)

..was about True Identification not one issued by the State..

Big Brother is Watching you


9:49 p.m


I have lived in New York and the United States for 15 years…without I.D.

I never had to go to a Shelter in all that time until last year when I was brought here last year…

Which I gave evidence that it was is a set up and a Script….

But who wrote the Script which was moving me with such implacable Will?

Luke Simon

Luke Addison Wilson…

I met both in Green Point.

The first at Lisa Levine..Maha Rose after I left Marina Burini…M.B. and Tom True man through his brother John at Forte Green Adelphi… All to meet Luke their brother…

Then at Williamsburg…

It was from Williamsburg that I moved to Green Point…


Then to Apollo Akil Davis at Green street 2011-2012…

Full Circle back to 2 48 Green Street where I had met Erik Ebright who had just become fully aware…in 2006…

Why has the play paused at Green Point.

G.P….7..16…1+6=7…bed 007.

Eric Eposito is not my Facebook friend.

Nor is Eric Ebright….


But I received an invitation from him today at my Gmail account Eternal Law.

(E.L) dated, the 31st to join a group with the initials


Kal El.

/ Le La K…

Why Green Point…

From Williamsburg Will

To Green Point…

One can see the point I am making?

Of a constant loop..A Play…all about Green… Not Money as Green but Life..

From the Green House in Soho to Green st, Green Ave to 4th St (Green is the 4th color in the Spectrum) Forte Green…to Green Point..again…Assessment Shelter Green Point…then to Stone Ridge Poughkeepsie (Nature) to the 7th Borough South Miami to and full circle back to Green Point Assessment Shelter a year later to the day…+1.

366 days.

A Leap Year.

Once every 4 years.

Yesterday and today I noted that Anthony Bienke and Amoza Born…Both initials A.B.A.B…

Represents the Room I was in full circle last year, and Room A, bed 49…

and now, Room B…bed 007…with Eric Eposito in bed 49…EE.

Sacred Portal 49 is I.D Existential Death..Non Existence…

And now the play has entered into the very place I am…

Assessment Shelter.

A.S (link Albert Santana ..Generation X gardens)

Through Luke Addison WIlson. ..L.A.W.

722 Facebook friend..


W is Double V.V…Double Vie..Life..

A Spy.

Eric means Eternal.. Ebright. Eposito. ..

Luke means Light Bringer

His initials are L.A.W..


Eternal Law.

E.M.E..K.A.(L) E.L.

Eric Lile Brown

In the shelter each person is assigned a case worker..

My case worker last year was Frank..

And he is Eric’s case worker…

And was meant to be mine once again but instead, today I found myself with a new case worker who works the same office as Young Frank

..her name..

Larri Washington…


Luke Wilson


L.L..Double V.V.V.V…..

12 12..24…..88

11:28 p.m

Luke means Light Bringer…

Addison means Adam Son of Adam..

The First Man.

Wilson means Will Protection Helmet….Desire.

Larry means Laurels of Victory..E..

It means Bright Light Protection

Washington means from the place of intelligent, people..Hunters

I noted that she was not surprised by my story..seeking a cure for a condition which led me here…

No, I have worked in Social Services for 10 years…I no longer believe in Human Beings…there are a few good people but…

I smiled..

I and my research have come to the same conclusion

Yesterday Luke was stunned to see the very image of Mappe D’Inferno I had shared on my page (from Anamla Qayin)

On the internet moments after observing it on my page…

But this time it had quote..from Proverbs

6 12:15.


F.L…Florida Forte Lauderdale. ..

O Full Circle.


I know why I was brought back here.

Sacred Portal 49…D.I..E

007…To bring Death Destruction to the consciousness represented by Green Point.

Polish area.

North Pole

South Pole

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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