
8:38 p.m.

8:38 p.m.

21-6-1 O

U F…A..O…

I noticed that Heather Hastings H H.. was sharing my posts as I was writing on the sacred Portal 94..His Her cruelty.. and there are 88 likes on my World Icon… Which is strange because it was a 90 a moment ago, and is meant to go up and not down…

HIS HER…. H..IS… H ER… H.I..S…H.E..R…

R.E..H… S. I.H… R ..E,H…S.I..H …

His and Hers denotes a Possession…

Man Woman… M.W….

The code of H is 8… 88…

Has been moved by me to 16… and to 7….

HH…P…G…. Harmony as Above and Below… equates to P..

Planet, Particle… Person….

I noted that Bradley Edward Manning… B.E.M…

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning was sentenced to 35 years.. C.E..

Which was later commuted to 7 years….

By President Obama…

And that He Her was born in Dec 17th 1987….

Do all recall that I have a Face Book Friend from the Army who asked me if I could hold some money gained from her in Iraq?

I was fully aware of people believing naive when I took her seriously. it was not the money of course, it was the play and why she came into the play in that perfect timing…

7 represents the Age of Vision.. This was played out with Nenad M. Djurdjevic but he thought the Visions where his, when he was being used to prove in this Universal Script the Clarity of my Vision…

And this is why after that play was completed Elizabeth Clarizio codes came into the play…

This person, born Dec 17th 1987… Represents that which I call the Visionary of this world which represents the Idea of the E…

People assume Him Her Idealistic… to take an action of which Transparency was demanded…?

As was with Snowden…

Sacred Portal 123 of my Sacred Portals has the words

Transparency Supremacy ..Rocket Fuel… T.S..R.F…

F.R…S.T…. Do you see the code? And how it has been non stop in this Equation over the months landing on these Letters…

F R… E E… S T… O N E….


F.. RUE.. STREET… CAR called Desire…

F R S T….

Add I…

F I R S T….

123… Is A B C… Which has figured non stop in the Script…

L.C…E A B C….

What I am saying that say that I am reading that which I claim as the E.T Script of which a Species may Evolve to.. back to the their Future Present my resolving their own Problems and Equations….

And figuring out the reason why their World is such a Horror. and that which is the Solution….

That it the Rocket Fuel is Transparency Supreme….

Which is what I was compelled to to do to a point on Face Book which is the one thing which almost.. almost crushed me, made to be naked in front of you… To reveal my most sacred treasured expressions thoughts to You…

It was not the revelations of them but that I had to do it and say it to you…

No insult intended but I am fully aware of the ‘Consciousness of this present reality and it was really akin to throwing Pearls at Swine ( if you you will excuse the phrasing) because I was fully aware of where Humanity and people were at and how they would perceive what I was doing on face book…

( Though not even I could imagine that it would go this far… to such a Nightmare..)….

The Entire work I have been posting and moving through for 5 years has been about the relevance of Transparency…

Water .. Clean Water…. B’Eau…

The First Correcting came from a the First being who was born from the Nothingeness ( Not Eternity… The E Rose from Eternity rep by myself, he was not born)

Who did not express his question which transformed into a doubt….Which caused and created a Cause and Effect which brought forth the exploration of All that which could not be…

Which this current state of the world represents….

I was reading the New York Times about CERN..

Established in 1954…. Yes 54.. 22 Countries members…

Yes, D.I.S…C.E.R.N…..

Go back to the play of Daniel Browns Angels and Demons which is the Book I found the first few days I arrived here at Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter which I knew was my James Bond 007 Brief…. A A D….

Hadrons Collider…H.C… 8 3….

Hilary Clinton… H.C… 8 3…

Code planted on my computer by Erik Ebrights Highest self..

8 3 69…

See The Awake Experiment which….

COMPASS and NA62….

Seven experiements… CMS. ATLAS LHCb, MoDEAL, TOTEM LHC-Forward.. and ALICE…

Did you know that they are admitting Failure…

I will not bother you with the codes of what CERN was really up to. because I solved these years 7-8 months ago and it totally went over your heads.

Literally and the equation it has sought to solve of Dark Matter which moves through All.. Which I have proven is the E.. By moving you all to Super Symmetry… which was another thing the Scientists thought they could uncover and failed…

And of course the Prize was the Mathematical Equations they expected to find behind the Working of Reality

Again which I have already exposed and explained…

Kevin G Gordon

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon…

K.G.G…. 11 7 7…

K.W.G….. K.E.W….Gardens… 2012-2013…

K.W G SUNNY G…G….. K.W.. G..S GG…

What is a Wave… what is a Particle…

Look at the Equation of the Transformer of at the Caged area of the Delta Manor…. B.Q. W.P… G…

B’Eau Quantum Wave Particle … G…

88.. 16…7… G… 7 IS 8…. 78….



56…. 11…1… 30…. 41… 5… 31… 4… 54…

But then Dec 17… 1987…

But then I am Nothing.. right..

but a Homeless man in a Shelter…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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