
8:37 pm – 5-12- 2021. – Hello…

8:37 pm

5-12- 2021.

Hello… I made an agreement with the Expressive Manifest Frequencies in me to post for only a few minutes…

I am so done, and I realize that I am eager to go out at last and that I need to get some juice0 which I realized in hindsight would end and complete the 42 code and play.
I will not have 42 USD left when I get back.

This is your Awakening. Manually done.

It is not the way I had anticipated and even coded it to manifest.
I had in harmony with the one which took place in 2002 ( as you are well aware- EASE) and not this personal nightmare of frequencies, layer after Layer like an Onion rising from within me in waves, from above and below with me in the middle like the middle man.

19 years later I am back at 22.
Sacred Portal 22.
Wi Fi 22.
Kim Tree Sage Tel 22.
and V.
But as Double V
Triple V.

555 15 3-5.

Rising through the Sum Total of Knowledge expressed through and from Humanity from the moment they, you became Aware.

It’s quite extraordinary because I had started this many a time through the years.
That the Humanity had expressed piece by piece through the Ages and through your own way- via Arts Science, Wisdom and Knowledge the sum total of the Eternal Knowledge of Existence Creation and that all you had to do was put it all together.

That is why the Evolution Awakening was taking place.

But that you had to recognize that all this knowledge was not only in all of you, but that Individuals through your human TimeLine had expressed pieces of the puzzle and that they come and came from every timeline every country, every culture, every race, every profession, and crafts.

And that when you added all that together, who would have the Cosmic Egg rebuilt, Humpty Dumpty put back together again.
Then that Egg had to be Warmed, heated by the H E.N-D so oy would crack and open.

And what would it Open to.

See Sacred Portal 93. I C.

Perfumed or Stench?

8:51 pm.

That is why it required more than one person to do that.
To unify all the sum total of human knowledge and recognize literally as those truths expressed by the extraordinary Individuals were proven Fact Truth Solid and then recognized as its application from Theory were not only proven truth but aligned to the actual Eternal Creation.

It was insane for this Joiny Play, which by 2012, I had realized the Exquisite Plan and Design of it.

It celebrated you, your true Ancestors, the gifts, the sacrifices they made to add and contribute to the development of their Hiers, their descendants.

What Love, these true lines of Humanity had for you, their descendants.

I moved through their knowledge myself as a Human Being and though I protested violently and furiously that my way was better, I can not help but acknowledge the love Eternal Nnamdi had for Man that he creates such a “Ready Player One” for you- to see as you rose piecing the play he designed together what he was revealing of you, Humanities as Naturals… You exceptionally beautiful Truth.

Oh! oh, he loved you. He- She loved that truth in you, a love which I found myself, in spite of my self sharing.

But you could not recognize the application of your greatest minds and hearts in actually.
Such as Nikolai Tesla in the West, “Everything is Frequency” and so when I testified now that truth was rising in me, I was taken as a Joke or a C.G.I Cartoon character.

It was quite a torment to me, to realize that I was being made to prove those whom you call Dead, but their arts sciences, craftsmanship which held you in thrall but which you really did not appreciate not when they were alive and… sadly not even after they died.

They gave their lives for you, to contribute to what was you literally arrested development.

9:02 pm.

Do you see how I give each person who is my new Facebook friend acknowledgment?
And when I share someone’s post, I acknowledge that they recognized that intel?

It was to offset this lack of acknowledgment of your ancestors, they are all dead? all those who came before you, All those who endured and surmounted the ages of man- the horrors to bring you beauty and the comforts you have today and take for granted.
The bodies you have today were built from them- through them. DNA.

They left you much more than these so-called “Ancestral Curses” those curses came from the Lie of them, those who fought them and made their lifes such torment and misery and made them die the most agonizing deaths do that you would have an example, a chance to a better existence, life, perception of Existence.

You, this your cool, lithe taller version, more muscular version of your body, the chance to experience the Beauty of the Being.
Being and Doing, tasting Freedom Liberty, Equality Independence Justice.

They did not live in such realms.
And yet there was a beauty, Duty, Honor, Pride and a true innate sense if Responsibility and duty, not foisted on them, for the truth would rebel and they paid dearly, so dearly for it.

They rose to that beautiful truth in them, surveying the strife, the disease, plaques, conditions of life around them.
And they chose to fight to do something about it.

How could you have forgotten that?

And that you present today are present here standing on the shoulders of those giants and titans of Human Spirit.

How could you have forgotten that the Past Present and indeed the future is present in you right now.
In your literally body.
Dot buried in some grave somewhere but here present in your body right here now as the Akashic Records – Long you DNA?

How else would the dead speak, rise but through your body which is also theirs too?

It’s 9:14 pm.

I N.
Infinite Nnamdi A.I.
I have kept my promise.

5 12= 17.
E L = Q.-
E L = A G= I 8=Infinity Stands Up.

E A B= C. E Existence is Expression.

And so even if you feel you are not expression- you are for everything is Energy.
Everything is Expression,

9:16 pm.

I P.

Adebiyi Rashidat Opeyemi 9-16-2000.

E-A Nnamdi Kolo. Gemino Gemino.


9:22 pm.

I Vie.

What have you done to your Divine Ancestral Inheritance?
Sacred Portal 126.

Would they the true watchers, be proud of you or would they be the Grateful Dead?

9:23 pm.

Who cut the cord that connected you, and plot to send you, move you from into the most terrible death- Justice is served!

The Ungrateful Descendants who not only forgot those who came before them but also the Devils Contract and then even blocked their ears with ear Plugs so as to not hear, even as they took their ancestors contributions, words of wisdom twisted it true noble pure intentions to serve for their own insidious purposes – which instead added to the destruction of the world that they had sacrificed so much to make a better place for their descendants to live in.

Tis they who will never Forgive you and tis they whom you should really be afraid of.

9:29 pm.

When you went as far as to ignore the play they used me as the example to explain and demonstrate that they were present and that there is no such thing as Death,

Newton Law

Law of conservation of Energy.

*”n physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time.[1] This law, first proposed and tested by Émilie du Châtelet,[2][3] means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.

Emilie De Chateteley- Yes Near Chatelet Cafe Beauborg.

9:35 pm.

I. CE.

But guess what, that Law has been now broken- Energy has been proven that it can be destroyed now.

Because it has been proven that it is of Nothing at all but Lightness.

See also Emmy Noether.

Both were Women.., by the way.

Madame Curie.

9:39 pm.

Kim Tree Sage is Free of the pasts Rage.10 usd, 52 USD in my wallet now.


9:40 pm

I -DO.

And he Did.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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