
8:37 p.m…

8:37 p.m…

8:38 p.m.

This is what it is all about

Victoria Jackson.

It is about Ascension of the True Sacred Feminine

Donna Lady Warrior ..

Divine Feminine

I.Q as the masculine principle not being masculine.

Intelligence Quantum…

To Jump from one dimension perception in a blink of an eye and yet still create such a perspective which is clear to Every one

Hence Air Space A.S .

Is Clarifies- Kelsie Bissell line where she creates order out what may be seen when not expressed to be Chaos Madness.

Cassandra in Greek Mythology Prophetess of Doom

True meaning of Cassandra The Brightness of Mann

Eric Ebright.

Eric James Murphy.

E J M .

E Jump Man .


E A..

Eric Ebright Miami Florida.

Ebright Scholar Rahul D’Silva.

Rahul at the Motel Owner



Tone.. key is Tone of Voice.

8:47 p.m

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