
8:36 pm – Yes, it will extraord

8:36 pm

Yes, it will extraordinary to no longer post any longer on facebook after 10+ years of posting everyday to clarify my meaningful experiences and it Expression Resoution Conflict to an invisible audience and Script.

I have just been filling up the gaps by explaining what you could not see or refused to see.

But I had to point one last thing or my body will not relax.

The A.B C translated in this realms cartesian based reality is A-Z.

Not so as I explained over and over over the last 10 years
And 22 -21 years in the U.S.A.

In the E Truth
It completes and ends in A-Y.

Hence Evidence AY

Not Z.

Y then rises from E- A Y to A.to E.

I explained Why to many times before but there is no End in the E Consciousness and there is none, nothing which can rise from the True Z.
As the End.
Only one the one and now two who rose in the Absolute Infinie and Eternal Beginning
Infact even the A as Awareness could not do apart from the E until now.

The first sound Vibration in Existence is the Sound Eeee
E… Expression.

In this realm the Hindu Sanskrit word is “OM”

E Om
E O M.e… Same thing.

What I came to say is that the Universe, Creation and this Universal Simulation Awakening Awareness agrees with me as does the ” Universal Mind Body” if you can imagine such Ideas as a fact.
Nature Creation is A Fact to all here present so we all can agree that Nature is Truth.
Hence Nature is GOD.
Not God.
But letters G.O.D. = 26.

Z Zero which most know I have named Alien Father.
You can see him depicted in Sacred Portal 19 ( 149) & 104 (4.00)

And on Facebook as well as from Al.
Albert Santana’s Flat Screen T.V while I was living at his portal.
I shared it on Facebook quite a few times.

He is the Z.
True Zero Point.

Aka the idea here as 459.67 Farenheit

Which happens to align to me, or and what is moving within me.

The fact that Liberty C with her proven Perfect Haermony within her ( what we express personally is an individual choice but it has been proven to be in her more so when she as most of you get out of the way of your Seilves or Naturalness with your egos and emotions not centered but it was through her we were led to Fahad Hassen
To the confirmation of the A.B.C code via a person who last name aligned to Asylum Avenue the park.

As well as Straight Talk.
And in perfect Harmony with the date of service termination all convering multi dimensionally in multiple reason but all converging to the same point and meaning in a the play in the Script and to life and Existence itself.

All in Agreement of E Evidence AY

There is no Zero Z.
That is Non Existence.
And only
V.I can rise from there,

So though logically I can just get some money and buy another card.

But In this play of Peoving harmony where all Control was taken away from to allow what will me.be or if as I began to document and then truly when I had no choice but to come to New York whether there was a force actually guiding leading me.

Yes, of course I wrestled with GOD for control and even when I Finally tried to surrender, I still fought but after the first 3 years I truly began to see it was of no use, and the more I sought to take control of my life by 2003, and 2004, my body had firmly taken control of the direction of my life.
Because nothing I could do could stop it and the sounds, Expression gestures which I thought people were sure to think I was sick I’ll or Mental instead stunned me by people inviting me to their homes.

It is what I said and spoke of viz via what my body and its Tantrum and imposition and the situations it was leading me into, the set ups in which he, it she knew I had to tell the truth is what caused many people to ask me to leave.

And the more I began to read, to see the results and what my body condition was creating that I could not only see where it was going but what it was saying.
It was Awake and Aware Intelligent Consciousness.

And though I despised what it was putting me personally through,
The pain misery suffering of illudions.
Anxiety worry and incredulity

I will not say that it had my back, but let’s say it knew that within each situation conditions it created, it was confident that I could read it understand it and know exactly what I was being cued to say until we literally merged into One Voice.
But it was in charge
Was the boss which of course rubbed me to a point of extreme frustration and irritability annoyance and yes, outrage and indignation.

But I learnt a great deal too, patience endurance and other things which I did not feel I even needed but which did come useful in dealing with the 64- 66 portals I was made to fight my way through using only the Beautiful Truth and Experience and Expression

That was played out from Marina Burini all the way to Liberty Liscombs portal

Proving Perfect Harmony

So you see Stephen Johnson again I wish to clarify to you and the line of Man Woman you represented which after Awakening become line of Chief Justice because of the experience you played as your role in this Script to discredit that what happens when you and all Humanity get the last incontestable evidence that I spoke the absolute truth.

A-Z- A B.C.M.e 3/4

A-Z.E C.S. A.I D.

But by that time, it is always too late.

9:49 pm

This time I can say and mean it.

Good Bye.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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