
8:36 pm… 8:37 pm right now.

8:36 pm… 8:37 pm right now.
8:36 pm… 8:37 pm right now.

8:36 pm… 8:37 pm right now.

Just one last thing…

Instigated byJason William’s question on my page, What is a Brother


A City of Brother Love.


In the Forest.

In the Pit of Darkness.

In Prison in a Cell, Dungeon, Prison or Script.

Emeke Kim Arden.

This is the quote from Neil Armstrong A N 1 14

114 Grant Moore.

Le Petit Prince.

M O T. M


13 15 20 13.

28 33

2 81… 81 Usd Alicia Norris then 120 Frank- Alicia Norris.

Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aldrin.

N A B A ( Naba in OINri Ifbo means Going to bed)

/ A B A N. A Ban? On waking?

A-B ( A Story Narrated) by A N.

The Man on the Moon.

28 = Man.

33 = 33 Vertebra 33 Degree Mason Body.

Man Body.

10 1.

101 Delta Manor. Dark Matter.

11= K Kim.

2 Body.

1 Aware.

111 usd.

1O 1.

1 6 1

1 7.1.

1 62… 63…9

17 1

( and read to carelfully his words)

* That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

One small step for man, one giant leap for Mankind.

In one step by a man the leap Quantum Leap: Forward

Man is 28 code


M K.

Again Main Kind aligned and connected to Kim as a rep of Man Kind.

Not man Cruel or unnatural Man

One man takes a step… Spiral – stairways to heaven.

Golden Ratio- Kind Midas ( clean version)

Man and Mankind.

Only one man stepped on the Moon first- even in this human version.

It goes on.

*Houston, Tranquillity Base here.

The Eagle has landed.

Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon. July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.

*Apollo 11

Jul 16, 1969 – Jul 24, 1969

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC. Wikipedia

Landing mass: 10,873 pounds (4,932 kg)

Mission duration: 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds

Launch date: July 16, 1969, 9:32 AM GMT-4

Return launch: July 21, 1969, 17:54:00 UTC

Launch mass: 100,756 pounds (45,702 kg)

Members: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin

July 16-24-1969.

7-16 G P X.


G P B D… Kim is watching Prison Break P B G-D. 7 4 11 28= 39 C I.

You will note

Tranquility Base. T B.

One of my tattoos

Serenity Tranquility… Peace

The Eagle has Landed. ( T E-H L)

*Here men from the planet earth first set foot upon the moon.

July, 19 69.

We Came in peace for all Man Kind.

7-6/9. Is Ti in Solfeggio.

Age of Aquarius 2020 Vision.

Came in Peace for all Mankind.

Hence no one is Quantum leaping through the Star Gate who is not Peaceful and Harmonious by nature.

Now See Apollo as 11 K.

A K.

Apollo 11.

Commander A N.

Pilot B A Being Aware

See Duration 8 days 3 hours 18 mins 35 secs

(H-C R C E

Harmony Circle Round Kolo C E

See the launch date and time. July 20th, 1969

@ 20:17 T Q=H Q.

July 16 @ 9:32

July 21@ 17:54

* This is the date I left Arden and 900 South Road he was 17 the date was the 21st and the code 54, not 45 it was ED-EN

*Pounds and Kg code numbers

Pounds ( Sterling) 100 756.

KG 45 702.

Pounds and KG.

Knox Gemino. 45 left code 54 on completion with the play with Arden Fred Knox Gemino.- 25.

Kim visits or works at Kamora who lived on Sterling.

But is it Pounds Sterlim of

Pound -KG.

Both are the same different measuring systems.


Intel from the sleep or world of death Anamla Quayin. A Q

1 17. Sacred Portal 117.

D M. I C. K/P 115 A G E while at assessment shelter Green Point July 2015 when first entered the shelter play.

* I had been in a shelter before for about 6-8 weeks for my article 3 months after September 11th.

Astral Projection is the way one can get to the Moon.

But it is actually a frequency which you can embody here, but really never been here, but living all the time in the awareness frequency of the Moon has arrived in this dimension through the back door. Anus Pluto.

And become a satellite all-seeing eye viewing from the moon frequency this reality.

Circle Around the entire 360 Orb of his Brothers incarnation ( In Car Nat-IOn of All).

Kim spoke of that experience recently from the view from above.

I lifted off with Liberty, in her bedroom as we watched a film aligned to my being dropped off by my E Family when I was a boy, and onto a field.

E M F.

Pennsylvania: Harriet Tubman.

Only via the example of the one representing Man can the entire Mankind Quantum Leap- Jump Man to Mankind.

Only man exemplifying man Noble and Appreciative can move an entire species to the species called ManKind.

It took one man in this story and he is represented by Kim Arthur Hines.

But as I stated, I am not Kind,

Empathetic, Compassionate Fair yes… But I am not really Kind.

I do not suffer fools- only this script bent me to its will to play Kind.

One of a Kind really.

9:43 pm.

I work so hard today because I want to wake up tomorrow in a different reality and circumstances as if finally wakening from the most terrible dream in which no one is awake and the entire world has gone insane celebrating Lies and loathing the truth.

9:49 pm.

and awakening from a play in which I entered and there was only and now there are many.

as well as the original Eternal Family.

A Nightmare of Lack and Need when there is plenty.

If not I pray that I do not wake up from my sleeping as I go to bed tonight.

That is my one and only prayer.

9:51.. 9:52 pm.

You do not realize it, but your world is a most terrible dream for anyone awake or awakening evil cruel, crude beyond words- you do not see it because this is normal for you.

You adapt, to even this… putrid stench and accept it… even the wearing of the mask to hide the stench.

9:54 pm.

I pray.

9:55 pm.

Not another day here in this dimension called reality or this play.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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