
8:36 a.m.

8:36 a.m.


H C F…

H G T R… B O A.H…


The more I express, the more the Equation moves to its Fruition.

You have heard me protest, incredulous that such a script can exist.

This is the reality and actuality which was demanded by Laws of Cause and Effect and force which is the rep of the Sum Total.

This is the surprise of that which should not have manifested but did- an anomaly that one probablility out of an infinite amount of possibilites- all Harmonious, and thus part of Existence..

This Play of Non Existence.

Created by the sum total of Human Expression manifested onto the Air Waves and indented onto the Carbon Foot Print of this

‘Play enactment of this possibility made real in the play, resolved back into the Waves of Infinity.

And you have heard me say. over and over again that I am not addressing Humanity.

I am addressing Hue-Manity.

Which I have stressed, is a Frequency which many call the God particle.

It is not a new age expression.. it is literal.

And the fact you can not read this script of understand the facts laid out before you in this script and the coding being done- demonstrates Humanities Insanity.

I am not addressing the Illusion of yourselves, the Ego projections you have created of yourselves to deal with reality.

i made this clear over and over again because so many people kept on meddling, interfering with a Play and a Script which I myself who never lived in this reality – meaning never saw it as real, but rather as a Story manifested by Human Expression… A Universe School, College I later surmised as I moved through it in my late teens and early twenties.

I am addressing the only thing which is real and true- that which is in you called E..

The portal is Naturalness which is exempliefed by the point of view of a Child.

Not a child, but that which a Child represents- Naturalness- Free Streaming Inhibited.

The E I address, is accessed through the Child.. of Naturalness..

Consciousness Nature. C N. 3.14… Pi

Children of the Pi, if you will. The Full Circle.. They mov with the Naturalness of nature- Creation.

This is the Natural Matter of Physical representation of you as Energy.

This play script was about aligning the Natural through Exression to vibrate on the same frequency of your Origin Dimension called the Eternal Realm – which is the Nature of Energy .. Indestructible, every transforming yet constant and always in Harmony with its blue print, which is consisten Harmony with everything in creation.

-Hence Infinity transforms into Harmonics.. music… / C I SUM/ MUS IC.. MUSE… A M USE.. IC … The Intention of comming into Existence was to amuse one self…

For Amusement.

Amusement Park.. the Earth.


A Muse… I Consciousness..

Music came into Existence through the sound Uhmmm..

Not Ommm..

Ohmm became the Universal sound after the Full Circle of Ummm Lets Cee.. Lets Be Conscious… lets come into Creation.

Ohm Homme as Man… we came and experienced to full circle of ourselves including our twin self Male… and our Complete Expression we met in Creation. Woman.

I do not address the illusion- the E recognizes my expression- this is what this Script demanded of me to do as well as Document .. FOR THE FUTURE… and to demonstrate.

It is a challenge created with the outcome already known.

And my expression is that, that is not the point, the point if existence and comming into Creation is to Amuse…

To also find your self with a Muse… Nature… Is Naturalnesses muse, it brings forth expression; Laughter Delight, Joy Mischief, Adventure, Passion, Fire, Chill, Flow, Cool, Hot. Desire, Refinement, Elegance, Grace, Dance, Voice. Song… Expression.

And that Evolution of through Nature actiating the Naturalness you are born with to Expression leads you to Evolve back to who you Eternally are.

E E= E… But now as a F.. FACT… F-ACTION.. By understanding action of Sixth sense ( that which feels natural ) to what that expression causes to manifest in completion, Fact…

Being it finding a person or person who become you family and whom you build create have childen together with..

To becoming a great artist, preformer, scientists… self discovery to that which was already there…

But it can only done be being true.. Truth…

Expression has to be truthful which is the way of Nature. Truth, as Nature has many manners of expression from a Snow Flake forming to a Tree growing to maturity to the Earth Quake Cloud formations, Comets… etc…

All natures and natural expression has logic reason, harmony, creates Music, has a function, fullfills a role in the grand Tapestry.

The Lie serves no function apart from Father Mother playing the Great Lie Deniars in order for you who are passing through the realm of themselves as the SUM IC /M US I C…E) as Light SUM I C..Energy or Dark- M U S IC … E E-mot-ions…

They are reallu one..Transparent Expression

The passing through Them as Light.. Truth is reinforced by Their playing the Lie- for you to be True… T-Rue… Touch the Rue.. the Street car and route called desire….

In that the Lie is used as a sort of devils advocate for you to reinforce that which already know is true.

By the End of the EZIOKWU… Meaning Speech is the way of Truth…in OINri Igbo.

Truth as Light and then the T-RUE.. the journey through the realm of the Lie- Non Existence ( as this script and this realm represented) brings you in the end full circle back to the portal of the realm of Truth.. but noy you have a solid body of Light.. not simply ethereal but Elemental… these two merge to create a self generating eternal body because body and being are merged.

When Bjron Beckerman left his ridiculous and rude comment- though I eventually responded to the illusion simply for it to realize its functions as MEAT.. ( unconscious Human expression end up being literaly Meant- it vibrates so low that its only function is that of food to nouris the physical body ony) but his presence was required beause he represnted a code.. B B..

It infomed me that once again we are at body and being mergeing with and through R…reflection.. Robert..

B B.. R… … Full Circle… 20..T.. is really 2 O.. Two Full Circles… B O ..R… B O R E… B R O…E…

Last night that equation literally formed when I went downstairs at after two in the morning and completing the posts…

People with the initials B and R… Bean and Rob had formed upstairs even before, i realized later I had written it…

Kirtan was the first person I saw when I went downstairs…

B R O.. E … E K.

The realm of Non Existence which is this reality existing for periods of Human society.. was allowed to exist as the lie only so that through the experience and rejection of it, which makes one sure of thier truth, it woudl then in consequence revert to its Truth.. T T…

Truth Through T-Rue Transparency ( Naturallness .Natuaral Fearlessness )

T T T T … 20 20 20 20.. 2 O 2 O 2 O 2O… 8 ‘4 Ohs….

Creates Fact… Through ACT I O N…S

I address only the Truth in you… The Eternal.. the literal Divine Spark..

This IS done by linking weaving.. Love Links…


The Eternal is the Truth in you which is why the people present who have retained enough Naturalness in them ( which was your personal batle .. the great great war that each of you went through as this Lie peolple call the devil of the great witch sought to take it from you..

You know like the fairy tales.. take your purity… innocence…

Actually the world is Natralness – we the e are certainly not Innocenct or naive we are just Natural and curious which is why we prefer being little devils rather than angels.. we start in this play as seeming to be little angels, but lets get real.. look at a baby they can be little angels .. and boy little devils….

That is the fact.. truth… anchored on not what I wish to belief, but to that which is fact.

The Natural makes way- gets out of the way of the E… because the E tells it to, because the natural is Truth and is aligned to he E and naturally without even need of reason trusts the E..

I have been invited to and live and lived in 55 Homes of people in New York. I was invited for a reason, I have value worth and made enormous contributions to each house hold because I was working through the Naturals to get to the E… who ad intel for me.

But I had to battle the Incorrect self projections of self which some mistakenly call the Ego..

Ego means what you self project as the Image of yourself. The projection could be correct.. so why should the this world assume that all self projections are distorted?

The truth is people are deluded… they live in thier self creation of a reality they belive they deserve and which pethaps they may but it is not the reality as a fact manifested earned by understanding your riddles… the T-Rue you have to pass through full circle to reach the Ezi Okwu’ E .O..

You have to ground….

From Donald Trump to the mst powerful men and women to children in poorest section of the Bronx, South America, Rural places in China.. and all over the world…

are living in false relities. reaities they have created and which the industry has created whch fuels that escapism and encourages that ability to create Comforting fortresses of delusion.. andthey fight thier for thier illusions.. not even beliefs…

but illusions which they believe in…

Because it is the only home they know.

It is thier fortress of Saftey thier sanctarties which no matter how I scream shout prove call out, they will not listen or come out until they world around the- they system and society reason that people chose to first wear masks, costumes and finally evoled to these billion of fortressed.. which you truly are insane enough to think I am trying to get you to come out of those…?

When I am fully aware of why you all retreated to Head Quarters?

Ha.. you truly must think that I am as insane as you are…

I base my existence on facts and it grounds right here with respect to the Blue Print of this reality.

The facts of this reality are all doctored to accommodate and reinforce a lie…

10:29 a.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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