
8:35 pm – I am rather knackered

8:35 pm – I am rather knackered

8:35 pm

I am rather knackered now from all this…

I posted from the Future Present almost of you will grasp this all in Hindsight when it manifests for you Individually.

I am sure you will grasp how it was such an uphill battle to communicate with you and through such Script of the End.
Through a script of an Enders Game idea made real fact.

The End Game in which most of you were sleeping so content in our Limited Time Line so set and to so many who have forgotten how easily how you see reality and time

Of course I was engaging with the highest Freque6ncied in Creation and those from beyond Creation of the E Frequency and in a battle of past versus Future to meet in the Center, the present, the True Present of here and now.

And in that play of me as a man who was the central receiver of Emissions Frequencies serving as the Reciecer and Transmiitter Transformer.
It is not that difficult for any of you to become as I did.
I was placed in isolation for most of my life so as to amplify that which as you know was my anger that I did not require such Solityde and Isolation all my life to do.

But I suppose it was that you could see and understand.

The Truth is that even the End of this world and Creation- itself a Story – hence my ending up on the second Floor when I started out as a being beyond the E because I was already A Fact.
The Infinite Eternal Frequency Waves.

8:54 p.

I will leave you all with one last code from C Town Supermarket
18.16 USD.


River Phoenix
Reflection Perfect.

P.R was the play of the true End Game which was to spread the News and Knowedge of the Eternal Truth, Extra Terrestrial
Full Circle to each other of another way of seeing the world and each other.
That was the added mission I was briefed or willing to do.

But it was done and in a way that is not even known as possible in this world, apart from fantasy and fiction.

Today is 4-29-2022.

So this was still about 29+ years ago First Light
F L = 18 R. Red Read F.L.A.G. E.K.

What does a Red Flag Signify

What does a red apple with pale and yellowish color mean?

What even does Perfect Symmetry reveal?

The truth this is not how the play of Existence was meant to play out.
Extinction Evolution was all meant to play out, its even Natural Law right here.
It Expression was the Key

How we cee and speak address one another.

So yes, I am made very quiet by this 29+ years play.
So quiet and shocked that a Human being could rise to such high frequency and communicate what he sees and that it could be transformed into a children’s game.

9:11 pm.

But when did this species ever listen to the Truth even as in this instance it was spelled out daily for 10 +years with Evidence AY

I saw Serenity today for the first time in well over a year.
Serenity is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr daughter, nor do I wish to explain its relevance and significance
My job was to complete a mission of the Full Circle Round so I would not be bound of my body muscles and given constant Electric Shock Therapy to keep posting until Manifestation was completed by you getting the point.

It did not require any of you believing it.
But that you keep an Open mind and learn a new language which Manifest Harmony Hen E Facts
Like teaching a world population real Magic.
And it comes into Existence Creation via Imagination and the understanding of Symmetry = Beauty Beautiful.

Thus, that is the one great, truly great problem with this my being brought to New York 21 years ago.

Yes, one can finally see and grasp Symmetry and how things Naturally Connected and come together.

But there is no Beauty in it personally not anything Beautiful and the Harmony I am seeing is and was gained through lies Cheating Correcting Cleaing of one man posting his body used day and night and True understanding coming when it is way to late.

Or perhaps when you are at last deemed ready to awaken from a deep sleep and coma which went too far .

The truth is I have longed since stop caring, once I saw how Script I have been posting was cortupt by it use of Lies and lies of omission by the very frequencies and Waves which were meant to be impeachable, Impeccable pure and beyond reproach.
Using even extortion power advantage to get what it wanted.
It’s way, and not of Eternal Law but coercion.

I.lost interest

There is no inegrity.
And Inpersomally was se up to do the work and bound up physically wriggling my body 24/7 while being made to post daily on Facebook
There is no Beauty. … even at achieving Symmetry.

How could a Universal Simulation Awakening based on an idea of Universal Mind created from a Blue print of Nature as its foundation then created a Universal Mind from the hearts of the First light.
First Ray’s of Existence Create such a Cosmic Entanglement
Such a mess of ages when the way was always open clear highway?

9:43 pm

Tomorrow is the 4-30-2022.
Sacred Portal 43.Door of Lifes

It has been confirmed as the correct equation over and over again for the last Ten years.

It’s like the Latest Batman movie, how can you trust or obey the people elected to the highest offices in the land if they take advantage of their jobs.

It is the same way I feel about this play so savage and brutal of the one play ing God
The Universal Mind Micro to Macro Cosm.

And though I am aware that it was still a story narrative in which people were invited in to find their own truth, it ended with.such a play of constant consistent challenge and contesting that even though the point of the play set up was finally won, it was so hard fought and won it completely missed the Point

Beautiful Ones.

9:56 pm

Even beings of the future which humans only suspected of being real and present took part on the foray.


Being Forced to even prove the Truth to obvious liars and go toe to Toe with them for long, long fixed moments of time.
Controlled even ones own Sovereign Body and being Controlled.

I have completed the play of numbers and even Colors and yet the Response Comfirmation is so miserable and miserly and the problem with all that is that I know exactly where it is comming from.

Face of God.
F.O G was replaced by a liar.

The true face of God in the Past Present was correctly Identified by Kim Arthur’s Hinds Jr and I on the 26th.
And Obe IRoh

But that was his past also present

There is the Future Present
And the Face of Harmony God right now.

Do you see what I mean?

Because I know the True Play.
Past Present and Now.

But I find that the Author of this Universal Simulation Awakening is not sure or wished to see it as he or she… it want it to be as…

And that alone proves that the Still Playing God is Insane.

Much like in the books Ink Heart
Ink Spell.
Ink Death.

Only in books and a Story is such a feat possible and if all are trapped in a Story
The whole 9.7 billion but as Reflections Expressing then even the ones waking up once they get up from sleep as Gwen King recently posted about Lucid Dreaming

12 4= 16.P

Then only by breaking that Universal Spell from Incdtion and Conception can wake people up from that 4.5 million sleep incupaion.

I have done my bit.
I will take a ripple and Butterfly Effect
B E.

I know I have programmed the Antdote and remedy Cure.
It will take effect
But as for now I am aware and constantly made aware by my Reflection Kim Hinds now Embodied in own right…
That there is nothing more to be done.

10:26 pm

36 =;360

Other that let 10 26.
To 36..=9 18 = 27

And then Transform Naturally
To 10 29. = 39. C.I.

That is why There is Truly Nothing more I can say or wish to Add.

Facebook I met some True People but will always remain a horror a nightmare to me, personally, of my being have to constantly as How is this even possible when I know I told the eternal Truth
The essential Truth.
Acknowledge by a Universal Simulation Awakening Outside and the Truth Energy in people which will acknowledge the Truth even if every fiber in their being wants to lie

I am satisfied with having witnessed and experienced This and for my self.


And there is the response

Do you realize that itself was a play?
I just recognized the moment I saw the time code.
I have no desire or inclination to be part to this any further.

What was done to the body and Being..
I can not say on Facebook book and perhaps a living Soul.

10:43 pm

Electronic Gasgets
Can also be used as Traps.

10:44 pm

Like Phones.

I Pads.

You have to have developed an immune system to elecctro Magnetic Impulse and Stimuli.


It is a fact


Your body is an electric circuit.
Another Electric Circuit can doninate your own system and take it over.

Electricirty is after all Energy and Frequencies…
competing for attention.

That is my last post and play.

Shutting Down and Off.

10:51 pm

10;52 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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