
8:35 pm – H-C.E. – I-C.E. – 12-18-

8:35 pm




Today began with an interesting play, especially after the arrival of my Facebook Friend Ogochukwu Obiora.
O.O. Early in the morning.
Then the twist in my body as it untangles itself, amazing me at the level of deformity, I have been carrying about, it’s correcting itself, at last- but as always over the almost two decades, I am always in amazement, at how I have lived with it for so long, making think of all those people living with deformities, it is just that mine is not natural, but literally imposed.

I had 23 USD in my wallet, and last time it was 14.

I went to C-Town and spent 19.66, and then it came to 20.46 U.S.D.

8:46 pm.
8:47 pm right now.

I was aware of the play of Umeano, as the 4 Divine Breaths as one, and that somehow, the deformity in my body, large intestine which began showing signs as I prepared to leave Istanbul, was imposed upon me but there was no way, that the Ancestors who sent Durrekk Verret to “command” me to come to New York, to “Finish the mission” could have such power to inflict such a condition on me, or so I thought. So I ignored it, ignored them until I could not.
It took me a long time to realize that in these Ancestors, who sent Durrekk Verret as well as many others, had within them the seed of the 5th Dimension in them from First Contact, and that the true ancestors were entwined with the Human ancestors.
It was the Family of T.E.N. and to get them free of the Ancestral Curse, “The Binding” that Legend of the O.I.Nri People, linked to Eri and the Market Days, the 4-5 Directions and the 5th Element as the 4 in One led by Eri-Chukwu would literally be able to do this to my body because he was “The Worlds Truth of the One True God”

I just came back from taking a break, to take a shower, it was to feel clean, and decide how much I would invest in this post.
You see, I have told this True Story of Africa Pangea, over and over again, for the last 20.9 years tomorrow.
The problem with this Script is that I receive new Facebook Friends now every day, and in order to continue the Narration and solving, I have to find a way to get newcomers up to speed.

If it was possible to present the book, but the book film is, was being created as I solved again and again, what I had already proven.
It has been torture and torment.

10:11 pm

But from the very onset of this play, I have found myself constantly derailed to link then connect the OINri Igbo story and align the truth of which I have written about, demonstrated to Truth of the O.I.Nri People, seen often as a branch of the Igbo people, in a way the merged with that peoples but as I had to prove we’re actually of First Contact and the beginning of the story of the True Fifth Element.

I noticed this from the moment we met our extended bio family, I knew from the first moment that they were not ordinary or of the 3D realm, rather they would come undercover from the Spirit realm into a Body here, and then leave whenever they wished because this realm was an illusion and never seen as their home.
This was particularly in the case of the I.Nri People, who had a memory of First Contact in their DNA as it is called here and where in a way lost, missing a piece that would link back home to the 5th Dimension.

The Binds in my body is a sort of ancestral curse of the mission of Eri,and his son Nri and his daughter who would give birth to that line of a new species, similar to the 5th Element and then Dark Crystal, and His Dark materials, so much which linked to Liberty C via her children and her ancestors.

10:20 pm.

This is why I kept posting the novel Nri Warriors of Peace.

Why I chose to do my thesis on the OINri People and their sacred Circles which they filled with Architecture and Planning.

I wrote about how the late Professor Catherine Achulonu, and how I was led to her in 2007-2008.

I wrote so much about the battle between the Igbo people and the OINri People, and that war to dominate and destroy them, and the same way the Yoruba and Hausa peoples, took over the rights of the Igbo People, and sought to dominate them in turn.

I wrote about the Racism and added superiority of the Caucasian race, as a people who used a spell to almost erase the truth of their origins, which is why Stephen Johnson is so integral in what he represents in the play.
Racism is ignorant, but when you feel innately superior to another race while knowing that they were you, and the first people all from Africa, and as Pangea Africa and Asia – America’s when all one land mass where all “color complexion races lived n harmony as one, and all else were outsiders who did not understand the nature of Oneness, Brother Hood of Man.

My being moved by a story, a true story, which had to prove through story-telling that it is actually the Truth, and the Origins of Man – Man Woman, in a realm of people who had so easily and quickly for forgotten that they were of that one story, “King Arthur and Merlin, Lancelot Adlaon, Morganna which is just one of the many stories and traditions aligned to the O.INri- and no matter how clear it is, the racial sense of superiority woven like a spell, a block which refuses to acknowledge the common sense which link and connects all people rose from Africa in the Story of this world planet, and further and beyond linked to the 5th Dimension and the E… Eternal and Infinite.

Then, as you witnessed, you have a big chasm and block, gap created but which in truth was never there, there was no Gap.
Just a mentality of Non-Existence, a refusal, a temper Tantrum which then becomes a convenient lie.
And we all know how the western world right to the Middle East battles with such fury the “Inconvenient Truth”

They Western world, landing of the setting sun, had mastered the technique of looking away, blocking their ears, ignoring the truth, even after the emergence of many Caucasians of True Common sense like Bertrand Russell, Joseph Campbell, Madame Currie, Coco Channel, to clarify. No matter what these heroic individuals represented by Man- Alexander “Defenders of Man, was too great a self-deception and delusion the embraced by the Masses, who loved the idea of beings Masters, which began with Colonialism, where that Spell. ( Ink Spell, Ink Heart, Ink Death) No matter the delusion they knew it was.
But it was a convenient Lie.

I watched the series season 2 of The Witcher, some days ago. It starred Henry Cavill. A.K.A Superman, whom I recognized as the line of I, Arden, and Ferrill.

*”Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill is a British actor. He is known for his portrayal of Charles Brandon in Showtime’s The Tudors, DC Comics character Superman in the DC Extended Universe, Geralt of Rivia in the Netflix fantasy series The Witcher, as well as Sherlock Holmes in the Netflix film Enola Holmes. Wikipedia
Born: May 5, 1983 (age 38 years), Saint Helier, Jersey
Height: 6? 1?
Education: Stowe School”

I linked the story, to the story of the Annunaki, and then to the Amazons, Gail Gadot

*”Gal Gadot-Varsano is an Israeli actress and model. At age 18, she was crowned Miss Israel 2004. She then served two years in the Israel Defense Forces as a soldier, whereafter she began studying at the IDC Herzliya college, while building her modeling and acting careers. Wikipedia
Born: April 30, 1985 (age 36 years), Petah Tikva, Israel
Height: 5? 10?
Nationality: Israeli
Spouse: Jaron Varsano (m. 2008).”

G.G. V.

38- 36.
33 86.

While noting that I am now at 30 86 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 86.
Clark Kent
Dianah Washington,

To the images, illustrations Liberty C and Gemino home at 900 South Road, and her image of the spitting image of my Great Grandmother on my bio Fathers home, Okolo, to Umeano. U.O/ O.U. Y O U.
I knew where I was, and what was going on, the True Story of Blood and Espirit Line.
Arden and Fred.
Arden and Morgan ( Husband)
Aurelia and Jaden.
Aurelia and Micheal.

I had explained this over and over to the point I was aware of the Superiority, Inferiority Block and the Generational curse of that need to forget all facts and dwell in the delusion of racial superiority, economic superiority, so primitive in this notion of modern man that the ancient Romans and further back to ancient Nri people who lived and created the original Camelot, just as Greece had inherited from the HE-Brew, Male Dibia, mystics, healers, the original truth of One and the story of Yeshua Christ and what became the hideous nature done to the story telling as listening and hearing- Understanding absorbing, replaced by recorded history, what was called writing, but was meant to be Documenting- Recording the Facts, to mirror and reflect what some call the Akashic Records, which sprung from a Well “Zeem Zeem” , well being and from a Fountain ‘Robert Lafont” R.L. Laurent Lafont. L.L.

P.T. A.
T.P. A.

Spinal Tap.
Gregory Hines.

*”Gregory Oliver Hines was an American dancer, actor, choreographer, and singer. He is one of the most celebrated tap dancers of all time, and is best known for Wolfen, The Cotton Club, and Running Scared, … Wikipedia
Born: February 14, 1946, New York, NY
Died: August 9, 2003, Los Angeles, CA”

*”Mikhail Nikolayevich Baryshnikov is a Soviet Latvian-born Russian-American dancer, choreographer, and actor. He was the preeminent male classical dancer of the 1970s and 1980s. He subsequently became a noted dance director. Wikipedia
Born: January 27, 1948 (age 73 years), Riga, Latvia
Height: 5? 6?

White Nights- 1985.

*”Rudolf Khametovich Nureyev was a Soviet-born ballet dancer and choreographer. Nureyev is regarded by some as the greatest male ballet dancer of his generation. Nureyev was born on a Trans-Siberian train near Irkutsk, Siberia, Soviet Union, to a Bashkir-Tatar family. Wikipedia
Born: March 17, 1938, Irkutsk, Russia
Died: January 6, 1993, Levallois-Perret, France
Height: 5? 8?

The Keys were always there, the Link-Connection.

When we moved to Nigeria, we lived in my Grandfather’s house in the city.
5A Ibagwa Rd. I.B.A.G-W.A. / A.W. G.B.I.

I had figured all these things out long ago.
I knew who my Grandfather was real, and his Elder brother, and why they were just two boys and one girl, his sister Monica.

Nnonyem. Chukwu- Emeka- Nnamdi.

Ferrill, Arden, Aurelia.

I had mentioned how the E story via the play theater of Nnamdi- Eri was the Underdog of all Creation Stories submitted to the play of this realm.
I had screamed out to Nnamdi as the Eze Nri, and to my Grandfather as my mother notes, and loved so deeply, as why she called him and evil man,
I called out why he chose to lend me 19,000 Niara in 1988 and made me record it and sign in a ledger, what turned out to be what I had asked for 5000 pounds, and that was the amount I found out that my mother boyfriend, Uncle Sam, had given my sister when she left in 1986,
500 pounds, 500 pounds from Nicky Levine.
Lisa Levine.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Father Born 1955, age 66,
19.66 USD at the C-Town today which when I added Lemons and Limes became 20.46 USD.

11:23 pm.

A-A. W.

A-A B.C.

Do you really think I did not understand when Liberty C noted that Arden Gemino had inherited his father Chris Gemino’s Black Honda Pilot A-A 45009.

Do you know how much I spent yesterday at the Amigo Bodega/ 5:09 USD,

And this early morning and all afternoon till I finally got was the code Sacred Portal 59, and 49 swimming about my conscious mind screen and my saying, it is finally solved and aligned or was that Arden- Alexander, Gemino- Gemini sharing my thoughts and mind. I felt no jubilation when I got up, when I walked to C-Town, I felt nothing, not even relief that this would be over…

“I am sorry” can you imagine how absurd and ridiculous this sounds to me?

That I was correct, right all along about everything from a boy age 8, to age 16, 21, that my own bio family kept such a thing secret from me, when I had already figured it all out, but they would not come clean and confess because they had chosen Nnmadi’s play, and left me out in the cold, Sacrificed me, performed the ritual, left me with blame and false accusations, while I walked through death alone, to solve the riddles of Evolution Awakening, and Evolution of Being linked to the Body in a script where all were designed to challenge, contest the most comon sense.
To pass through all the Evil in the World created by Humanity, when I knew myself that none of it was real.
That embracing of suffering is good for the soul, while they sat back, and I went out and did all the work, which they refused to acknowledge, and left me for the Mob, to do things to…

Lie to me every day of my life, at what I had not only have Eternal Knowing of but which I could read, right here and now each day as Eternal Knowledge. Put me through this, right to here, bind my body muscles, which by the way is the ancient legen, myth, of all the lines of the Igbo, Children, Descendants of OI.Nri had to go into world and fullfill the wish of Chuwu- Erie-Nri which was be as Missionary Shamans, Priests and go forth spreading the Beautiful Truth to the world and then Outward to the very edge of the world, and then backward, collecting all the E Family, of every race creed, color and moving them back to E.Harmony bring them home and pass through the stories, lies and create the Opening APRIL in Winter for Everyone All to pass through.

11:43 pm.

You want to know what Evil is with the Purest Intentions is?

P.I/ I.P.



11:44 pm.

Let me get my body back, I will respond with the true Boom E Rang, that you will never be of me and my world, no longer E but of I.

11;46 p.m

Go on playing God, and that you can do to One, who can handle it, whatever you please.

Goddess Bliss… My Ass wipe.

11:47 pm

A Woman?


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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