
8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m

H C E.

Christopher Filgueira has gone to dinner at his grandmothers Isabel/Elizabeth, and Cecil with Stephen.

Tree Sage, Kim Chiefy is with his lady A.

C S .E C… C S.I. C

( Christopher lived in New York ( Staten Island.. where I was during 911 with Donald.. which means Universal Ruler ..S I.

S.I with Michea l at the B R C.. bed 005 me 007..

7 5… 5 7..

E B T card play 2016.)

K A.

Ka in Ancient Egypt is the Over Soul.

They are on the 2nd Floor.

So I am here alone



A-A. T S… 39. C.I… L… Lisa.

C…C E C I. L. I A… Intelligence Alpha ( B egining was based on the use of Sixth sense which when Investigated linked to see how it worked and manifested, it evolved through Logic- linking the Dots.. which formed straight lines.. leading to Reason..Long Hand .


The issue with beloved Stephen Filgueira is Trust..

The issue with the Human Children of the World is Trust.

But first you had to learn to Truth yourself, fight to master your Illusions and Delusions.

To SEE them and then fight to refine them.

You had to feel remorse for wounding others, lashing out at them.

You had to love them as much as you loved yourself. And if you could not love yourself, find inspiration in others who had passed through that test you are trying to master and who do not have to, but who lovingly share the intelligence and techniques required to do so.

Love them, and let them be your inspiration to find the Will and Self Mastery to face your Demons, the Hurts Rage Betrayals… humiliations slander…and even violence and childhood abuses you went through.

Rise above the It’s not Fair and it’s a cruel world rise above the What Ifs

Rise and face yourself, defeat the false idea you created of how you want people to see you.

And embrace the actual truth of you, not the false one of which you felt you had no value because that is the spell you were put under in childhood. Rise above the injustices and contempt for your voice done to you by reaching for the Truth of You.

See the Beauty, and the other works to refine it will come easy.

Learn to read…

OPEN wide…Big Deep Breath..




And the Dee Devotion Practice Repetition..

E…Evolve.. Evolution Naturally kicks in, this is the code of Naturalness and Nothingness nothing is wrong with the E.

Easy like Sunday to Saturaday Morning.

Arts and Science 6th Sense, understood.

Ah why am I still posting?

Ah! It’s because I am in pain, in every level ..I am fine but I truly need to rest and not be focused on solving riddles in mind space and with Human Beings.

And carrying this alone for so long, while being in The play of the Evolution Awakening which everyone saw through their way, play or that there was no way.. or better still, Why Me… why is it that Emeka is the one who found the way

( it never occurred to them that it was perhaps because I did the work and paid the greater price of all to bring this to the World.

And yes I expected something, certainly not a reward that would be an insult to me and why I did it.. but at least something real.. True Praise Apprecition Gratitude because that is the natural response when you save a life, an existence or heal strife… and bring a Solution Harmony..

Only through the World being forced to awaken and come to their Senses of how the World truly is.

Sacred Portal 87

Christopher…was born 1987.

McKayla Rays 1998.

Age code 19 31.. 88.. 89 yrs old.

And so E. 3rd Floor.

Kim with A. 2nd Floor



5 11 South Farmington

E K.

S C @ 29 L..street.

With I C.. E C.

29 years since 1989 when I began documenting Talking To The Silence

The journey of The Elegant Nomad,

Wandering through this World as Universal Mind meant to be Music.





U N…E.

I post still because despite knowing that I am currently meant to be where I am.

9:16 p.m.

It’s is not my manifested Destination Point


Because I know what it looks like, feels like..

It a place where there is no work, just conversation a place I am taken care of instead of healing others..

A place of Natural Harmony where I can Be..


Without explaining how I see.

9 :19 p.m.


I post because my equations, formulas, codes, ( E F C) and all is activated moving forwards..

I see it, read it, I ntel also being confirmed by Tree..Kim..

I post because I have to get home to me.

And to my Mother the Q

9:22 p.m

9:23 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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