
8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m

H C E.

Yes Liberty C Liscomb and marvelous Jerone came today. 28.

And for the First Time I met our landlord Quan..

He came into my room to open through a tiny portal over which I had placed Kim Arthur Hines painting of me bowing… to signify me having to Bend as Light to pass through

* My entire room I had created as an Art Science had inutively, Instinctively, naturally and in hindsight, consciously into a Japanese Chinese Fengui Shui E.Quantom Space- Ship and had designated a small door, portal..

Which for some reason, I never opened that door..

Or changed the Light Bulb near it, which went out after I first arrived.

Jesse provided bulbs but I never changed it.

Today Quan did, and he told me that whoever did this plumbing must have been a genius.

And he was surprised to find a system which he felt might take half a day.

Take only a few minutes.

I asked how he had figured out this unusual water pipe installation ( to fix the shower) so easily.

He said he basically followed the logic of Its Designer.

Common Sense.

Today is the 28th.

I was born the 28th 11 28

My bio sister was born 7- 28

Libertys first son Pharerll Farerel

( must check his name spelling)

Was born 7 7. At 11 11..

7 11. 7 11.

Johnny Newman! 7-11..

28 28. 56. 28 28. Our conversation lasted 56:56 mins.

8×7. 7×8. 56. 56

4 7. 4 7. 4-7. 4-7. 16-7’s = 112.

K B.

B K. Book.

That came up today a number from Indiana called 5 113. This morning.

E. A.M.

112 +1.. Book and Author.

56 56. = 1

28 x 4 MAN. For Man. Four Divine Men

Four Divine Breaths


Chinedu Umeano C U

* 3:21 Code Adam Waldron

Code Yoruba Nri I.O. .U

ME A.N. O. Alicia Norris

Intel on point

The 4 Divine Breaths in ON.E.

4 1


David Alexander.

Sacred Portal 41. Self Penetration brought forth the first child.

Gods Favor.

Hueman G-R. A. C.E..

* Liberty brought Holy Basil.

H B. 8 2.

It means The Comparable One she noted.

She gave me some and I put it on my Altar Installation on the Bamboo.

After all she is also called my Sister Self Line Goddess MA’AT and her Sons

Eye of Horus and Anubis


/ A.H O. E! * I met Jeron first.

He Sings!

Amazing Grace. A G. Silver. Ariadne

How Sweet The Song… H S..T S.

/ S T. S H. E. Spencer Thomas Lincoln L Is CO..M.B. CO M.E. B .E E.. F. Family

9:17 p.m



E I Q. Quantum.

Yes I Jump when I converse as Rob Barr first noted in 2002/2003.

9:19 p.m


And gave some to Jesse and David.

J A D. E. Stone from Heaven.

J D. Judgment Day

She brought Tea… !

And a herb called Money Tree.


M.A N. Life And Death.. 28. 17.

5 USD Money Code 17, I retrieved from.18 Usd change after solving Mother and Father in John and Libertys intel

Today the 28th came M A N

* Emeka Liberty Jerone. E L J

J E L.

John Mack I last saw on the 26th

Yes John is 8 26 8

He represents the E.N D of the Script . In Balance Justice.

On the 25th Y. B E

Tree Sage. Kim Arthur Hines and Serenity.

Benjamin C. Krajewski

Lucas Maximillian Roca

And David Brown. ( Eric Lile Brown)

T S.. K H. B K. L R. D. B..

The Script

The KAH. Over Soul.

The Book

Left Right Left Right the RD in being.

And The Centered One.. in 4

EK/ J.M. with Serenity.

9:32 p.m right now.

John MacDonald arrived last.

Finally 4 in 1 as E.K John MacDonald

U ME’s. A N O.

See the Two posts I shared

From Arinze Umeano. Au. ( Gold)

Devina Nund. D.N. D.N Umeano Eri.

Arinze Devina. A D. 1 as 4.in 1..The Point.

4 Men.

And a Child..

4 Divine Breaths in

E.K As John MacDonald.. Alexander Andrew.

And on the 27th A-A. I was alone here with

Jesse Macias Myself Emeka and Lucas Roca and Dave.

L E J….And D.

J E L. 28th and Quan. Q=17. Yes 5 usd 17..Q

L.E J…27th as well as the One Constant 3 people live here ( Zion on Holidays)

And the 4th David upstairs Wife or ex. Abby..

Quans wife who I met first is called B.

B Q. P.W.

Being of the Quantum Particle Wave.

Liberty arrived after Quan

Emeka Quan. TU M.E.

E Q…

5 17

5 USD. 17 on it

M L Lynne McTaggart The Field Liberty.

181. AHA. ! Pharrell to Jeron.

O. 94. O I.D. Full Circle Idenity I DA V I.D. E

70. G.O…

H. 8.

GO Harmony Lightbringer

G O. H. 7 0 8..

76. 8

It means I am free to leave Deaths Equation

We are Free to Evolve and Awaken.

My Freedom and Liberty means Your Freedom and Liberty

I passed John MacDonald as Fathers Descendant Avatars Test Cable Guy.

As well as C in Liberty C Liscomb higher selves test-

My Aunt Caroline Afulenu..( Man of Praise has seen the Highest Point )

Libertys middle name is Simply C

My Mothers was called simply C by everyone.

Johns Mother is called Christ-Y

Liberty told me the story of how her parents chose 3 middle names for her all Begining with the letter C.

And not be able to decide which one, settled on the letter Capital C.

Before she arrived. I saw the time code

333. I wondered now who the Devil could this Be…?

Mannn I am really not focused on this play any longer

… after all after 29.11 Years, can you really blame me?

We conversed and I saw her morph..

Jesus our ladies rising are Beautiful beyond Belief

Creedo. The Company of Lucas.. I Believe

I B. 92. 1992. 27 years ago.

I Kid you not..

Creed O.S. E. John MacDonald

Wu Assassins Creed. OS

CREE. D O.S. Delta Operating System.

Donna O Sulivan code.

Lady Hawk.Eye


Isis Osiris

Isis means Seat Throne

Liberty Cee. Bell E Vue..

10:11 p.m

Gave me no doubt that In Deed it is SHE

Rep of the Wu Man/ Go Man


Wu means 5in Cantonese Mandarin:.Chinese

Go means 5 in Japanese..

My Room is in the Style of the Japanese Tea Master.

J A. PA N. E S E. Quan.

CH I. N. E S E.

P.S Nese Erbek a former and first Ms Europe was the owner of the Modelling Agency in Turkey I was in working as a Top Model in 1997 -1998 and the companies Choreographer.

10:17 p.m


I had to find the line of John Spencer MacDonald and Liberty C Liscomb.

And gather full Circle all the Descendant Avatars of the E on both Virtual realities

On Eath and Heaven

Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze and Facebook: Holographic Universe.

And link them through Silence and Sound

Posts and Conversation back to E


10:21 p.m

F L. 12. 6. 18

18 USD in my W. ALL. E.T. Right now.

10:22 p.m



By Jove!

Including my evidence of the use of Money Circulated to Control plsce humanity in bondage and a web.

I earned it with that last Jewish Kaballah play.

10:25 p.m

I am quietly too pissed off

But to.the lines of John and Liberty C 1/3 of Humanity

2.33333 Billion of you who will Ascend To Memory

Total Recall I wish you


E.N. J O Y

10:27 p.m right now is

Sacred Portal 92.

10:28 p.m

Completion of C . 47. 11 28. 39. 12. 3 C play.

11 22. 1947

10: 29 p.m

J is A MAN


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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