
8:33 pm. – To Exist, your words

8:33 pm.

To Exist, your words- your actions must have Awareness-Meaning- Embodied- Knowing.
Either through Knowledge of experiencing yourself through Hindsight.

Otherwise your just a number- a symbol of something which could have been but never became… therefore Never Was.

Memory is not fickle.
Only your is.

8 6 Infinite Sixth Sense which stands up.
Being is Harmony Facts- viewed here in Balance of Past to Present- how you got here.
And in that center porint of H F meeting comes the C of your own Perfection.

And that the only Gap of I C and 93 as Sacred Portal Response= Recognition is the one created by that sustaining of your own point of view.

Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme P.
111 175.

W M.. and the only thing else required outside of you, is just one person being able to recognize you being “Jeron” Jerome- Satya”

The W.E.
The V.V..I E W.
T W O.
T V V O. I C E!.

But if your Word have no Meaning- Nothing of substance, worth or value- nothing within them other than the expression of Non Existence- that which is only true to you.
Even that number A-Z
0-100 you were occupying as support and bed- ceases to exist or support you.

And you, as well as your existence has no meaning- and serves no purpose except to occupy Time and Space- created for the sole purpose of creating Meaning.

That which is recognized by THe Source.
Memory Banks Crowned.

Or that which is recognized by Alien Father Alpha as that which does not exist.
Can not exist and after such effort of 4.5 billion years 45 of effort to bring that frequency to Life- Light- is proven can never exist.
And identified as having no place anywhere.
as E.V.I..L E V I C/ L I V E… C I V.E.
Victor Emeka.

Happy Birthday Jeron- only you and I know and perhaps Arden of your Identity.

8:50 pm.
H E F.
Hugh Hefner.
Howard Hughs.
Harmony Hues.

But one is enough. and you are aware why that child in your mother’s womb is now approx 5 months old- almost a full circle to when I met you in your mother’s womb.

It only takes one person outside of you to recognize you.

See Kims- Tree Chiefy’s post I shared today exactly two years ago today while I was here on the third floor… meeting you a few days or weeks later.

H E.A.R T.

5 letters each.

E A R T H= 52 E B. / B E. Y25
H E A R T= 52. E B/ B E Y-25.

52 +52= 104.
Judgment Day.

52 52= 1.


104 +1= 105.
J E.
Aurelia age code 15.
J E-E.A.
J..E F.

Yes, of my Eternal Family.

105 Wiltshire Bay,
St Boniface, Windsor Park.
(B W P)
Winnipeg Canada.
Tel 247 25 39.

9:03 pm.
I C.
“Do you really?”

I O C… Arden Morgan.
9 63… William Brad Pitt.
96 3… 96 % Dark Matter Energy.
15 3 Bill Ever Source.
O C.
Onuabuchi Cecilia.
O.Kolo. Chukwuemeka?

Who is present here now… with a Body?
Onuabuchi Cecilia?
Or her Son O.K.O.L.O CHUKWU- E.M.E.K.A.

Who is O C?
Full Circle?

9:07 pm.

John Mack.
Anne Mack- Mchughs.
Who is here Present, Alive, here in this world, and simultaneously in all worlds aligned to one perfect High Way?
from Earth School E S… of 111 P.
To E S P.
Emeka Sacred Portal Door of Life.

C D.C?
Center of Disease Control.
C Earth Consciousness= Door of Life.

The Judge who determines what and who passes through into Life.
E D E N = 27
A Full Circle +1.

Who is the E.A.R.T.H.
H E A R T?
E H. 58.

Present Here with A Body Alive and not “Dead or of Death”

I .A M.

I Carried you in my Brazen Beautiful Brass Balls.
And the Caul Sac?
Ah, now that was my Scrotum- Baggage.

9:16 pm.

Delta Manor bed 5-019.
4 Man Room.
Room 5 B.

E B.

9:17 pm.

I Q… 🙂

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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