
8:33 pm. – I feel that I just t

8:33 pm.

I feel that I just touched Freedom.

Dancing Me.


That was the piece of prose- poetry I had traveled all the way to Cincinnati Ohio, from Istanbul Turkey.
My Aunt Ijeoma, Theresa, Iaesha, Grave.

She was married to a Professor, and Indian Brahaman called Jay Koka.
I had also come with questions, as to how a then 50 years old woman, had plunged to her death by falling, being pushed? of a balcony. And yes, the Balcony near my room behind and the one in front of this First Floor.

Her immediate younger sister was Caroline, her Igbo name was OINri “Afuluenu” ( Meaning “Is the Height of Truth”).

I.A. The initials of their O.INri names.

Theresa- Caroline. T.C.
Iesha Caroline. I.C.

All my mothers, direct sisters loved to read, my mother was always reading books.
Her younger sisters became mainly scholars.

9:43 pm

And though annoyed and irritated that a play of Hindsight Foresight which requires no motion of the body but can be done in stillness and movement, the motion of Thoughts ad Reflection, Ijeoma Uchenna, something I really connected with Iesha.
They were all young, my mother was the Eldest and she was around 45 when I left her as a young man of 21-22.

So being in a play as a Clock -Work- Orange, like a Time Machine where my body and movement are liberally moved inside and outside to demonstrate a concept one holds in one’s Heart-Mind Space, Library, Editor… Yes, like Susan Train. She traveled everywhere… and wrote down her stories and her Life Story when she was reaching the end of her life here, in her eighties. Her Grandfather as I mentioned was the Inspiration for Jules Verne’s book, Around the World in 80 Days”

I am sure you are getting the point I am making.
Sacred Portal 80.

Why I had become a literal body as Time have to align it with Infinite Time as Inner Time with the Outside world?

But I did become freer in my body since I first arrived in the United State. America. A.M. E.R. I.C.A-E.K.
On 3-20-2001.

It was actually a taste of the incredible and yes Indeliable, Superman, free from Spiderman and Wonder of Woman’s Web.

My new body.

9:59 pm

And that is when I truly understood my two aunts’ life stories and their connection to my sister Nonyem Ijemaca.
“Murder She Wrote” (Me. S.W)
And Murder, Madness Insanity, and Chenyelu insistence that Igwebuike, “Lord Charles” go down after death, to retrieve Afulenu,-Caroline,- the Highest Pont, Peak, which in this reality inverted would appear to be the lowest point, the abyss the Bottomless Pit, from which no one returns.
“Diamond Cut”.( D.C) Black Diamond Transparency Supremacy Coal Pitch Black.

It’s actually the Light Fantastic-Luminosity, Smiling back at, your Expression Beautiful Expression fulfilled and so when I was summoned to the light age 24, and 26 in the realm of illusion ( though I never went in so I remained 24 EMF and entred into Death Coma, as a Comma at age 25.

I am sure you understand what I am saying..?

The last person I saw in 1992, was Erica, then Manu… and finally Stephan Gascoigne- Elemental Gas,

And I met Stephen -Esteban Miguel, Filgeuria S. E.M.F. J: E.M.F when I left Delta Manor. Dark Matter, “Dancing Me” and it all began to end and begin and complete when I was led through 61 Days wandering the street while living in an Alley, and on the 62nd Day. Afterwhich I was led to the shelter where I spent a total of 29 months, 2 months x 2 at the Assessment Shelter at Green Point and 27 months at Delta Manor. 29 months, 27 Months when Stephen, Esteban found me, and lead me here. His address was his grandmother’s house, Esther Isabel. E.I ( 59) Sacred Portal 59. and Elegant Imagery,

10:19 pm


I am too knackered and bent over to post or say anymore, so let me at least give you intel codes,

José Ricardo Beltran Bejarano
( J.R.B.B) J.B.

Tamie Shawn T.S.

Angela Chen A.C.

Freeman Freeman F.F. ( no, 66)

Kelsie Jazlyn. K.J.


J.B ( J.R.B.B) A.C. F.F. K.J.

J. B.A.C “K” F.F. K.J/J.K.
See my post today 10-11, No, it was yesterday, today, tomorrow.

First Letter.

J.A. F.K, Fort Knox, Fred Knox 6 11 play versus Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka play.

Last Name,

B.C.F. J. Jeron Aged three at the End of this play in red Pants with A Lizard, your idea of Reptilian consciousness, smh

8:35 pm



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