
8:32 pm. – H.C.B. – I.C.B. – Gravi

8:32 pm.


Gravitational Pull. G.P… B.A.
Arm Pits. “Attained Perfection 3301/ really 10 33 * Magic Square Box.

Sacred Portal 43 “Door Of Life”

I had been thinking a lot of my Torso and Arm pits all along the last 18 years.

I recall as far back as 1992, going to less Halls, and deciding to give myself a treat, by going to the Musee de Pompidou, near the Cafe Beaubourg, where I would write the completion of all my Journals, and the entirety of the Eternal Dancer V.III there.
So I went to my favorite section of sculptures, and once again stood in fascination of the Torso on display there, I knew it was not Rodin… but something in me stood there each time I came and on that particular day, I had gone on my birthday, 24th.

Its was something deeper, as if I was trying to recognize something, its is beauty but no arms.

Like the sculpture of Venus De Milo- and went I meet a milo at Marina Burini home portal in Williamsburg, I knew it was about the sculpture in our home in England, which we took to Canada.

And that is what I have felt even way before, I came to America, and North America.

It is the same I felt when watching Star Trek with Jon Jason Lee, in his Flat in 1996, when I saw the Borg Queen an how she only had a head and then would attach herself to her Body via her Torso.

The same with what I was struggling all night and especially when day shone in through the windows of the Guest Room.

And today when I received the echo confirmation that I had solved it at A.P , really Perfection Attained P.A.

P.A. is *”Pennsylvania, officially Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, constituent state of the United States of America, one of the original 13 American colonies.”


You do recall the play of the Benoit, as B.R.B.? B.B. on my page which I connected Jae Sherman and the 3 who live above my room, and down stairs at 217

I even saw the code 007 on a parked outside the Amigo Market Bodega.. it had more codes, but I was not in the mood after 21 years of indenting as Carbon Paper in my Dark-Room Memory.

I don’t have time for this stupid use of my body and then being in this reality to test my expression and truth.

8:59 p.m
I knew and know exactly are pulling my strings, muscles, ropes, of my body, weavers, websters and not of the 4th dimension. No being of the 4th Dimension and Two Dimensional 3D Simulation has this power and pull, to make me move in slow motion to the point of reducing a moving film M.F, on the Silver Screen, meant to be moving at the speed of light, but slowing me down and the process of evolution transformation and then have the balls to do it again for the awakening, which one can see by how my posts from 2011-2012 move naturally as I explained that which Nadee Nakandala grasped in 3 days.

Once I got the riddle of the Arm Pits correct confirmed Outside and through a Facebook Interface, my body as usual reacted with the confirmation and then went back to the same, but a letter better alignment, after stretching to a point that there was no doubt that my body was aligned to being and that I was at Quantum. E.Q once again.

And pulled back down and in, a defiance of its own truth.

silently disgusted, I wondered again at the power it had to do this, knowing full well that it was even the E Family as the Future Present here all doing this to see if they could defeat me, not as malice but to verify that I was the One an only in Sacred Portal 22, the One who even in a reverse play in Human Form, that I could defeat the sum total of Past present to Future and Full Circle and back to Inception when I rose and to the same point but with something added, and something changed, the subtraction of my presence for ever, that refusal to let me go.

I have known that, and so would you if you really knew how to read the proceedings, I have posted since 2011 Dec – Jan 2012.

I just went for a walk in the cold and went to K.F.C, not even sure why I went there, but I knew I was still in the play-war. but I shrugged at least I am winning this Tug of War, of those aware here and awake-unseen who get it, who are unseen- many in the Beautiful youth, Toddlers Babies, Fetus, Semen.

9:19 pm



9:20 pm.



Well, if you really are my best friend, then where is Aid?

I am helping myself.

9:22 pm.

And I am releasing myself, no help or thanks to you who wishes me to stay here?
Enduring this?
Having endured this for you?
Treated like a Toilet, A Loo all so you could take your time rising?

Here is a list of the things I bought, just to show just how far this was allowed to go, and to see the true Nature of the depth and hieght of my own harmony E.M.F, of both Body Reflection Being E Harmony.
K.F.C. I… 18.22. R.V. The R.V letters on my Desk Top Altar Art Science over the two C.D’s Purple and Orange.

The R.V. Kamora Herrington rented and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr drove, during their trip down to the South with the first few days I arrived, expecting to go, Kim came back just at the tail end of Thanksgiving Day which in 2020 was on the 26th. G.O.D.as well as M+M= 26…Z +1 A.Arden- 18 Alexander Grove.

Then I went to the A.M.Bodega and spent 3.00 USD Chips one Plantain, a vegetable fruit I have been cooking with my meals now for the past 3 months.

That is C.

Then I went to the C.V.S. from the moment I entered the name Regal flashed at me, I ignored it but found myself buying Regal Toilet Rolls, TOil-let Paper. R.T.R. T.P.

I Bought Coco Oil on Isle 7,
I had been thinking about Liberty C and how that 7 became Arden’s favorite number, I looked at the label in hindsight
Organic Unrefined Extra Virgin.

O.U.E. V.

Peach Sparkling Water. P.S.W.
P South Whitney.

Total 20.12. U.S.D


10 years ago.
10+4 years ago,
14. John Taylor 14 Mutual Facebook Friends.
John Thomas
Front Door. F.D.
Back Door is Anus, Anal,
Garbage Refuse- Release.


40. Sacred Portal 40 Africa AS World Story.
20 12= 32- Jonn Jason Lee and I in Dec 1999, New York
Square, despite the E.Q Saying ADD. A

There is no 6.
Jeron Satya S.L= 60.

Without the E.
I met Jeron when he was 5 months old in his mothers womb.

Don’t play Dumb,
I can see through the act when one gets it, and then pretends that they don’t to buy more time, or simply as petty revenge for my being a know it all.

I am at 43 96 Facebook Friends, I am sure you all who paid some form of attention, knows what that means, and if you don’t check the Ilustrations on the sacred Portals where I spelled it out, over and over again for the past so many years.

9:58 pm



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