
8:32 pm. – Alerted by a Little

8:32 pm.

Alerted by a Little Dog, and its owners true intent,
I posted the Aurora Borealis A.B.

But it did not stop there, I heard all the intel required to activate Sacred Portal 109. J.I/ I.J.

“Danger Danger U.S.A” and because of the depth of malice of the Two males and Females, I have added the interest to be paid in the realm of Alaska ( Not Pluto) but the 49th state while singling out the true culprits and actors for the 4th Kind- Blackest Darkest Demonic Monster and those condemned to that fate- to have at last something and those who they can indignantly blame and hold them- adding to the torment that the Demonic Black Eyed with Oil Hatred, 4th Kind.

Now you have the Scapegoats to Blame in that Pitt in which they will never escape.

So I lit the Incense and saw that Kim had already done the same.
It was Black.
I sat on my seat and throne of Rice Bags, and I reached for the MEOW S.P. 59 Black Ashtray and there was my big Black Lighter- I smiled and lit up the incense of Blue Satana Fury and added it to the Satan Devil as Sum of Black Hatred for this species. and lit it…

This has little to do with ASPCA. or The Landlord in this dimension as Julie.
But Julie Azuka. J.A, the 8th Child of Ojugo Lucy and A= S.P Sacred Portal.A. I Portal.

And the Eternal Landlord aligned to Nature and even to your idea of Common Law- right here.

That is what this last play was about, that consequence manifestation right here and now.

The Micro- Wave stopped at 13.M
I was so quietly incensed… but as I said, I can carry it lightly.

I went to the Amigo Market A,M- AM-Bodega. 527.
The fury in me was almost blinding but I was Serene- Serenity and Calm.

Nature did turn Evil- from looking at Evil as Humanity to long.
But I have at least, rescued its once beautiful truth.

But that is what was my Anger Fury, the play script they left for behind for me to solve.

I took out 20 USD and I found that I had spent 6.

Leaving me 14.
N. Nature. A.D. After Death…?
Sacred Portal 49. 4th Kind. 59. and 109 and 47…
You will never be able to die, never be able to forget the play in this world that brought you to this destiny and fate.
I have ensured that. You will be ripped to shreds, your souls are eaten slowly RIP. and you will regenerate and it will never end until you find a way through a true eternal maze and labyrinth, and only then by returning by some miracle to your original intended Light, can your suffering, true suffering end by you Fading into Nothing.


No Problem – C.O. C.6/9 responded to my Darkest Rage.

8:54 p.m.

Nsi in OINri Igbo means Shit- Feces and I am so sick and tired of your, and thinking, believing you have escaped Justice and Consequences.

Then C.E

I C E…
Ice Rage.

8:55 pm.

Sacred portal 55.

8:56 pm.


I Hells Kitchen.

S.P 122.

I Smile.


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