
8:32 p.m.

8:32 p.m.

Amazing.. still not at H.E…

8 3+2= 5..

8 5.. H E…

Which is the code for Response with Recognition and I would not be here posting on Face Book, and definitely not still in a shelter…

We of course, have reached 5 already, but just as I stated earlier that I am being used.

* Mark Bradbury M.B.. Sent me a message after I do not know how long- and asked me to solve the riddle of some Initials S.A.V… 22 O6 86…

S A.. V ..V… O F… H F…

-It actually is meant to have been a victorious message of double V of Supreme Awareness Scientist Artists Supreme Alpha … Harmony.. A. O .H…

Double Victory of the Perfection Symmetry Oh Hindsight Foresight.. e Harmony a Fact..

But instead it was used an opportunity to give me more work for selfish benefits despite my living like a pauper in a Mental Health Shelter solving the riddles of Existence..

It never ceases to amaze me… this mentality…

8:39 p.m.

I did only the E code M.B.. Representing Manifested Being..

M B…

Linked to the meaning of the name Marina Burini M.B.

-A Marina which of course, links to me being at a shelter on Beach Avenue…

But this Beach is more like landing on the Beach of Dunkirk World WAR II…

And not the beach of Paradise which I have already proven..

8:42 p.m.

8: 43 p.m

Rep Dawn Piercy

and Anthony Manino… bed 5-001..Area 51 ..Phoenix Arizona.. linked and confirmed by Dawn.. P…

So let me add the equation of Paradise…

The Ship has been linked to the reflection of Jonhny Deep J D

And the Pirates of the Caribbean.

J D is 104.. See sacred portal 104 Compass Me.. says Terrible Death.. C M… S… T.D…

Confirmed as Moi. by the E=CMe4/3 confirmed as the corrected version of E=MC2…

*Sacred portal 9… Which shows my self and my Son Self as Fair Oh.. and Son.. F S…

Inside a Diamond Rock…

Black Ice Carbon transformed under Stress Terrible Pressure

*8:48 p.m.

Meaning that I have been living with Terrible Death all these years- True Torture and Torment .. and its constant battle to drag me down to Davy Jones Locker – which It did – but I transformed it back to its truth – the portal home through the tunnel of love… and the Anus in the body linked to the Third Eye and the Mouth- Vision and Song…

yes rep by Kyle Murphy and Kirtan Locket…

see Black Ice.. and the Transparent locker locker Stone which is my locker, which Victor Kassim Hudson recognized and call out as a most beautiful stone- there are actually two on raised diaz..

Transparent .. and the other brown with waves…

Johnny Depp placed Captain Jack Sparrow… J S.. 10 19..29..

Yes.. 29…O…

1 O… 19…20.. T… 2O… B…

Being. BODI…


/ E B

His daughter is Lily Rose..Melody L R.. Left Right.. Lorenzo Robert… Widget Currin.. L R..W C..

M.. Melody…

M A R K… Anthony Robert Kyle Kirtan Locket Locker…E

M A R K .. E…

E K.. R A M…. ( Not Kramer Versus Karmer)…

E K.. .RAM… First Astrological Sign…

Kasien Thompson K T…Link K.T… 11 20… 31.. 4…

Link 11 2… 13.. Moi..M…

Link 4 which is what appeared as Victor Kassim appeared in the courtyard this afternoon ..

the Number 4 upside down.

I had been alone there except for Derrick who I call Lizard Man because of his use of his tongue and his rep the Dinosaur Age in the play..

D E.. then Kassim Victor arrived D E V.. D E K.. then Mark…

a number 4 was placed upside down on a label he did not notice was jutting out from the table…

Son Jack Christopher Depp… J C D… 10.. 3 4… 17…

Q Queen of Hearts P.A W… Praise Appreciation World…

Attained… 5 of Hearts card.. ..

D E.. 4 5… P P..16 16…9..5.. I.E..

8:58 p.m.

It was played out today with Mark…and Victor Kassim..

58= 13…

Link Roger Attaway R D A.. and Wendy Anne Abigail Powers..

W A P… Roger .. Abigail.. Rejoice Father’s Joy…( I am my Fathers Joy in this play.. I play his Son and Brother.. Beloved Beloved…)

R A W…Which has been confirmed by the tobbacco papers which I use…

I did not come to WAR..But that is what was given me as a place the Beach.. Land.

Two Kids… Lily Rose… and Ja.C.K.. Christopher..

Link meaning of Susan Otelia Nelson Susan…

Jack and the Bean Stalk…

Christopher.. Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme-

W A V E S – of Sensations…

*Finally was able to afford some decent body creme Shea Butter…

I was surprised to find the one which I normally buy- the one I chose had the Label changed to Sweet Sensations’

Feeling Sensational..

F S..

S F..

Stephen Filgueira confirmed that without being aware at the exact same day, almost to the same time as Fritz Venneiq who I had not heard from in ages…all linked to Roger Attaway.

As well as the code Y .. 25 usd twice..

Abel De Yeshua Yeshua .. confirmed…

Yeshua is Jesus.. Christ…

Thus the Graceful Lilly Rose and Jack of the DNe Bean Stak who linked the D.E VI NE.. of Evolution back to the Source through S T ALK… Supreme Talk..

6.9 years on Face Book.. speaking to the Silence in you Namaste The Eternal Truth whom I call my beloivd family..

The E.

And She rose as as sacred portal 34..26.. as the Dawn Piercy beloved power of Scent sent Perfume from the Eternal realm as Waves of Music ..Feelings Sensational so powerful it chases all other expressions away…

Waves of Feelings Sensation .. From a person using writing the Silence which makes a Sound…

So now we have that .. we link Fritz Venneiq from the Caribbean


Not C.A… RIB… BE ANNE… Eve.. was not created from a Rib from Adam..

Adam means Red Man.. Read Man… the longest wave length..

And since Eve means that which comes from within…

And I have solved that it mean Breath..UM E.. A N O..

Eton/ Note.. First Note.. Neil Furby..

See sacred portal 69…NN AM DI/ I D MANN…

4-5- 69../5 4 96…

Fritz lives in Montego Bay.. His sister is called Vanessa…

The Mother of Johnny DEPP is Vanessa Paradise…

V P… Victorious People…Nicole..

Nicole Gallant N G.. 147..See Sacred Portal 147 A B… Emmy..

See the 70TH Emmys..

E G.O T…

11 7O Face Book Friend represented by Kyle Murphy Robert

117 O 711.. Full Circle I.D Played out…

Lily Rose Melody Depp… L R M.. D… L R M.. D.E…( I) .E K…

Johnny Deppp..

Vanessa Paradise.. not Parody…

Vanessa Anja Schulz V A S… / S A V…

Vanessa Assangani V A…

Message from the Black Pearl.. B P…

22 06 86…

V ..O.F… S.P.. 86… Harmony Fact.

9:35 p.m.

I C E..

Black ICE…

Pissed Off..

Carbon… Diamond…

Contd… Smh

Montego Bay.. M B…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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