



I am solving the way back home still!..

I just completed a play through a person called Kahl El.. K.E…

S.P 115…

( D M I C T P/ K 115 AGE )

And Vaïhéré Cardonnet.. V C…

K E V C… / Chukwuemeka Victor Emeka Kolo…

Linked through Dawn Piercy ( E Rose Anne Barr… B A R R…

E- B A R…

/R A..Be Emeka…

Dawn links to me as David Dawn bed 4-017… Now Francis Frick..

D D.. F F.. 44.. 66… Both of these codes I have earned…

And Isabelle Ilic.. Linked to me as Ikemefuna…

My other name

Chukwuemeka Victor Ikemefuna David Anthony/ Alexander Kolo…

C V … I D… A A…

Vaïhéré Cardonnet V C/ C V…

I.D… Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic… D I.

E.K… Kahl El.. K E..

How can you not see that it is a play…?

Ikemefuna the one code I am earning which links to my namesake Patrick Okolo who sent me 510;00 USD..

We call him Ikem because that is his name Patrick Ikem Okolo… I was Emeka Ikemefuna Okolo.. before I shortened my name to Kolo…

The play has been about the I…

Ikemefuna… Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

T FA… True Facts Action…

Ikemefuna means May my Strength not abandon me

And now understand the play…

Because it is not my strength that is being tested but my patience- hence in this play Patience: is the symbol of Strength…

The Igbo word for Patience is Ndidi

I have a first cousin, the daughter and only child of my Aunt Iesha ( Ijeoma..Theresa .. I.T)…

She was born 1972.. Is married to a Caucasian from the mid west and has three kids- both are Medical Doctotrs and she is very close to my bother Obumneme.. Boom Boom..

She came to see me with my brother in 2013 at Kew Gardens but I had to turn them back without seeing them because they were Not Clean’ and I was in the place constructed as the Energtic E form of the Holy of Holies…

She us called DIDI… Short form of Ndidi.. D I D I…/

I D I D I…

This to me is not about Patience or Strength…

I have strength to go on.. but for not something which takes advantage of love, that is manipulative, cruel decietful.. Evil…

*Arturo made a comment that once a person becomes Evil.. There is no way back for them..

I agreed.. because they have become Non Existent

Recall I proved to him (his higher Self as Father the equation of Evil being non Existent through the Equation of Delusional Illusion.. Satan.. Truth can not be contested because it is Fact Awareness Manifested…

Anthony Manino… .. A M… .

Aturo Niege… A N…

A M A N… N D I…D I…? No it is not Patience which is Strength…

It is the Will which is Desire.. W.D…

W E D… W E B…/ B EW…The code on the TEN Usd bill…

B E W… F R O M.. J A M E S…

* I am currently at loss for words because i find I am still fighting and Unseen but Oh so thoroughly perceived force of the Igbo ( Forest People)

I.D I D … M A N N is the Correct Sequence…

And it is not F O R EST People…

It is W O O..D.S…

W …23..

Bhushan Wagh …

Otzs Odu contacted me yesterday… O O…

As well as DeLores Spratley..

W O O .. D S… Woo David Supreme…

W as Double V… VV.. O O … D.S… Dharma Santana…

And Forest People is really F O R.. EST… P.E… O .P..L E..

/ T S… E R… O F… E L… P O.. ( Patrick Okolo P.O..Planet Full Circle…) E P… Emeka Planet… Expression Perfection which is the Full Circle expressed…Symmerty…

M E T R O P O L I T A N…M ET.. (Rob Barr at the met with Emeka..)

R O… R R= Rainbow is the Full Circle..

P O… Perfection OH..

L.I.T… Love I.T… *Arturo spoke about It yesterday the Clown or was it Robert Kyle MUR P.H… Y… That the book IT…was actually funny and thus, they turned the book into something Fear based and monstrous…

Ah it was Aturo…

A.N… Aturo Niege…

Can you believe this play… ?!!”

No it is not Patience.. it is Will Desire Sex…

That was the debate of Kahl El and Vaïhéré Cardonnet they forces in them were challenging me.. Knowing full well that I am the Creator ( Not the Human Avatars… they are ignorant to the fact that they are being used by Ego… )

Ego means Money in OINri Igbo..

And Ego backwards Oge means Dawn… Time

D T… Donald Trumpet…

I should have known, my coffee number here is 73…

My youngest brother born 1973… 5-20… E .T… 5-2O.. E.B.O..

Kimani is in bed 5-002… 5 2..E B…

Ant is in bed 5-001… 5 1… E A…

A B…

I was at the Arab Bodega at the literal joining of Beach Ave and Archer… B A..

And Anthony Appeared…

E A…

Ikem Patrick Okolo…

I P O… I P MANN..is the O…

Dean Dunkwu sent total 800 USD…D D.. 4 4… = 8… 44 4 4…

16.. P.. Patrick Okolo 510…

I have completed both challenges…

44= 8… H

16…Square 4444… 16… P..

On my H P.. Computer…

51… E A.. 6… F …

E A F/ FA! E

9:25 p.m.

I Y…

I B E!..

I A .M… I D I D… M AN N

J .. A .M… E ..S… E Spirit… Bed 5-019… E O S.. Eos Dawn..

Dawn and Isabel are loyal and love.. they Cee me.

non of them challenged me, they took part in the play, read the posts. Checked with their own template of life my codes…

They took part in the play and each sent gifts moved by love and heart…

Dawn Piercy linked to Sacred Portal 8… Her Painting which mirrored my sacred portal 8..

Isabelle Ilic linked to sacred portal 42… Ohm Home Homme…

But non of these men during this 6.8 years on face book sent any gift, or did any research or checked or read or were even patient as the ladies of Cynber Space…

Nenad and Nnaemeka both betrayed the play.. And the only males who were part of the play who remained loyal were

Axel Love

Fritz Venneiq

Rob Barr…

A F R….F R A … N C E.. N C IS…

A F R I E N.D… Ikemefuna Emeka Nnamdi David.. I E ND…

F A R… Do re me Fa… Far a long long way to run…

I ran far..

All the males loyal apart from these three who I have meet… were all present embodied in solid form..

Only the ladies are the ones I never Met….

All the men competed.. and lost …

9:35 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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