
8:31 pm – H.C.I. – I C I. – I sho

8:31 pm


I C I.

I should have known…

At 4999 Facebook Friends

5000 had been attained and I was Ecstatic Euphoria Incredulosly Happy, that this was all at and completion, until I stepped out of the house, and it was so like walking through Goo, that I had to rest, pause again and again.

It was not finished.

There are no words so let me just describe what was expected of me

5.00 U.S D.

8:58 U.S D. Code Ticket 2041.

18.85 U.S D.

1.30;U.S D. 527 Amigo Market Bodega

2:51 U.S D. C.V.S.

40. U S D in my Black Brief Case on The Shelf.

The codes told me a story, as did the car Liscence Plate on my way back after reaching Tremont Av
Same Tremont as the route I took, and the Street in which led to the Shelter Delta Manor
Which explains the Dark Vidcous Glue.

Which was confirmed as E Family 110.
First Last
One and only aligned to Sacred Portal 22.

See the last code at C.V.S.

50 cents change.

In the Hood
In the Housing Projects.

Price for Liberty of Erik Eclass Mateo
In the 31st State L.A.

Then Liberty C A.L.L. E Y.E.

Eagle Eye.

And led to Columbia Dentist.

I almost stumbled and collapsed on the street twice thrice.. only my will.

My mind was mostly blank.

But I understood what was happening
I knew that they had gone too far…
Way too far, and I literally felt Nnamdi Arden Sob.

I knew why.
I had 17 USD when I was about to set out.
Then at the last minute added 20 USD.

That made it 37

Liberty Liscomb is line of the code 37.

I saw the Rooster glaring at me as I rejected the idea of an Impossible Butger or anything from Burger King.
It had to be K.F.C.

He is still using my body…N.E.
Before attaining 2:51 C.V S

And one last detail. I did not post or code the intel on my last Facebook Friends

8:56 pm

That time code should explain everything.

And 49 99 Facebook Friends

Delta 3 9’s.
C I.


I had sent a message yesterday to Julia Black the Project Manager
There was a response I just saw.
Cordial and Polite.
C A P.

I saw a car Blue a deeper shade of Light Blue but akin to the Liberty Lang Gemino Gemini mug.

At the 519 Pegasus Gas Fuel Station with the words K.EY.S on its Liscence Plate.

That is what my message had been about to the Project Manager

I saw also the code.
L.P on another.

Sacred Portal 40.

Brought back from the most ancient and Terrible Past Story To The Present here in the 5th State
10th State

It was a True Story of my true anger and rage and being kept waiting by Noni Promise
Aka E version of Queen of Sheba as King Solomon…

They would not dare.

But they did
See my Covering Letter.
And now Liberty C.

See Stephen Johnson and daughter Stevie

Stacey Stacey S S


Sight now aligned with Stephen seeing that code number and then to me as “Peefect Timming on a Microwave 133 with me the next day.
I understand why Patrick Okolo who was in the same boarding School and house as I, as well as the Alpha Fraternity in University which I was in for but a moment until on catching a whiff of that trumped up inquiry into my Private Life and the play with an almost stranger named Frank.

Alicia Norris & Frank…& Dakota
Why arrived after 28 years and found me, sending me a Total of 510.00 US D

And Dean Dunkwu after an absence of 34 years showed up on my Page from London England and sent me my birth certificate and paid for it himself

Chike Nwosu sending me a Donation of 330.00 U.S.D from my High School class of 1982.

The year Nnamdi “Died” on Easter, the same time he was born

Its Easter now is it not?

Easter Veronika E.V.

No, I completley understand understood what is going on.

Why at the Amigo Market Bodega I spent 6.50 cents x2

1 30.USD
13 Is M is it not
M in Manuel
M in Manudest.
M as Manifestation

M in James Bond 007.
Jaymes Bond- Age.. A G E

M as Q.

P.S Easter Day this year is the 17th.
17 is letter Q .
17 USD in my Wallet
And I added 20 U S.D

See Sacred Portal 20.
The Sacred Portal Liberty C instantly chose for he Phone Screen Saver that first day.

I know why I returned this evening and sat here to begin posting why it was 8-29 p.m


No, I do my Mother was not the only one who competed with me.

O O.
Nnamdi Nonyem
Eri. Erik.
E E.

Cecilia Chukwuemeka

Brian Brian.
Keith Knights

Jessica Knows and Knights

Llama Knights

Here are the names.

Annie Olivia A.O.

Opal Raven O.R

Tina Joyce T.J / J.T

Reyna Kelly R K.

Nidia Viola N.V.

Message intelligence

A O. O.R. T.J. T K. N.V.

First Letters

A O.T..R.N.

It would appear Accurate that not only was I so contested and tested but also Arden in his turn too.

A. O.T.
*A ( 15 20 = 35.C E. H..I… one and the same person different versions)
A. ..O.T.R U.E ..N… they.. you asked?

A. O. T I.C E …N..E.

Last Name First Letter.

O. .R.J K.V

J.R Rowland

J.K. Resolution Response.

Somewhere only we know.

9;51 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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