
8:31 p.m. – Ah, finally we, I h

8:31 p.m. – Ah, finally we, I h

8:31 p.m.

Ah, finally we, I have reached a new Height.

1, 555 Facebook Friends.

A 15.
A O.
Total 16. P Perfection A F.
A I I I.
A- I C.

A I Conscious.

Daniel Crane D C.

Yes the First State.U- WA SI N G TONE. D C.

C D / D.C

Representation Sacred Portal 43 “Door of Life” – Eternal True Life-Light. EDEN.

Daniel as most are aware was my GrandFather Name Chief Daniel Nwanna Umeano-who many felt I was his spitting image.
Emeka Umeano. EU.

He was born 1919.
= 1 38. 39.

C I.

But I begged to disagree, I am the First Son in my Biological blueprint, First Grandson of both Patriarchal and Maternal lines.
Second to my sister code 64.
but I have always been the First Son and my Grandfather had an Elver Brother. E B.

It was he who I had identified as Keith Grant bed 53 at the Assessment Shelter at Green Point ( A.S. G P… S)
I was on Bed 53.

I met him again as Little e. Eric Brown. ( E B)

I meet him through Ravidindra Singh and Billy Hung ( William Hung W H Hung Yeh)

and I met William Hunnitpercent Real (W H-R ) there on our way to what turned out to be # 511 “Atlantis” Fort Lauderdale in 2012.
We met at Savannah Georgia and I recognized him and the dimension I was in instantly as Ancient Africa and the border mixed with the Spirit World which connected to the E-Spirit Realm.

Will greeted me, us with gifts of Ecstasy Tablets.
We explored Igbo Landing were the first slaves- really on a recognizance mission in for the Spirit realm.
Who were stunned and furious that they were then made slaves to the species representing Time as the Body.
The True representatives of the Pale Moon race – which had nothing to do with White People, who as Black People were simply an illusion of Color.
They were trapped and enchained because the 3 D realm represents Time Meaning.
Thought Matter.
Transparent Manifestion.

An down in the 3 D Physical realm all truth manifests, and one of these absolute truths was that all Creation manifests in the Physical as the End Product and Result of Expression = Physical Solid Form- Y – Yellow Manifestation. on the 3rd Planet Rainbow- Solfeggio note.

And since all are locked in a Body, these beings who were Spirits representations found them locked and trapped.. and even blamed by the illusions of White People for their entrapment.

But Time was a Creation representing that you are in this realm for a reason which was to give meaning, meaningful expression to Time; you experience in Time as Space- Life.

The O I NRI Priest according to legend in Savannah Georgia was that that some of these people who came, left and went back by walking on water.

Yes, Like Christ.
That is a Spirit Being, an Espirit being.
Absolute 0 Kelvin.
I C E.
Cool The Water- Ocean- Death and walk on through Death Home.

9:04 pm.
I O D.
9 64.
94 I D.



Daniel in the Lions Den?
L D. Today’s Date is 4-12.
but we are no longer interested in Humans Beautiful- to Terrible Illusions point of view of a story of Time they never took the time to Figure out, but instead used Hidden Figures- shadows of death to haunt and spy on others.

D A-N.. I E L.
D A. N Natures I Q. L+E 12+5= 17 Q. “AG.E”
/ L E I N. AD.

*”Its earliest origins can be traced back to the Old Testament of the Bible, where it was defined as “God is my judge” in Hebrew. … Origin: The name Daniel comes from the Hebrew words din (to judge) and el (God). It is found in the Old Testament, notably in the Book of Daniel.”

But we can still use its meaning.
How that the name and meaning of the term GOD has been identified and confirmed via Echo in an enclosed space – “Confirmed Simulation”

C. R A N.E.
Circle Round Arden NN AM DI- EMEKA.

Crane which shaped as a Swan and Bird with a long neck, in the “Machine” Microsoft” world is used to lift heavy things and from great heights.

*”his picturesque name is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a nickname surname given to a tall thin man, or someone with long legs, or some other fancied resemblance to the bird. The derivation is from the old English “cran(uc)”, “cron(uc)”, “cren(uc)”, which means a crane and until the introduction of a separate word in the 14th Century also a heron. The following examples illustrate the name development after 1177 (see below) Jordan Cran (1219, Curia Rolls of Essex), William le Crane (1235, Feet of Fines of Essex), Thomas le Cran (1243, Assize Rolls of Somerset).

*”White Crane Style (Chinese: ???) is a Southern Chinese martial art that originated in Yongchun County, Fujian (??) province. … The entire system of fighting was developed from observing the crane’s movements, methods of attack and spirit. Crane movements do exist in southern shaolin but the relation is unclear at best.”

9:19 pm right now.
I S.

* Now do you see how the game is played, perfect timing pause- use of time and space as a story to understand the Meaning of Existence.
Your Existence.
I Exist.
I E.


Now combine the meanings – Sum from D C to Sacred Portal 43 from 3 D. Compact Disc.
Tree Sage tag works at 3 Dimension”
To this and the time now 9:22 pm.
I V.
Rep Jesse Macias Orejula and Royal Mayan Rodriguez Sanatana.
J M O.
R M S R…

Enide Favreau

E N- IDE. Emeka Nnamdi is Identity @ Delta Existence.
4 Dimension Spirit Realm is the 5th as Expression – Energy.

While connecting 15 55 Facebook Friends to 55 USD I asked Liberty C Liscomb which she sent immediately.

Enide / ED. IN E ED I – NE.
*” cognate with the Welsh word enaid meaning “soul, life” (earlier eneid, eneit)
Meaning “purity” or “soul”

*”Enid Origin and Meaning. The name Enid is a girl’s name of Welsh origin meaning “life, spirit”. This Celtic goddess and Arthurian name may sound…”

*”Idylls of the King” is based on “Geraint and Enid,” a Welsh romance involving one of King Arthur’s knights and his beautiful bride. Here is some text from Tennyson’s poem:

“The brave Geraint, a knight of Arthur’s court, A tributary prince of Devon, one. Of that great Order of the Table Round, Had married Enid, Yniol’s only child, And loved her, as he loved the light of Heaven.”

The Online Etymology Dictionary sources Enid this way: “fem. proper name, from Middle Welsh eneit, ‘purity,’ lit. ‘soul, from PIE *ane-tyo-, from root *ane- ‘to breathe.’”

Welsh is a member of the Brythonic branch of Celtic languages.”


It means *”The surname Favreau is occupational in origin and derives from a person who sold or grew beans.”

B E A N Shaped Mitochondria Beans shaped Energy Genertating Cell.

Being Everything Arden Needs ( r.m.e)

B E A N.

9:35 pm.

I C E…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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