
8:31 p.m.

8:31 p.m.

1-15- 2018…


A- O- T.R…U.E….

1025 Facebook .. Blair G Andrews is confirmed as I.Emeka sum total of the past… Anthony Bienke Bien K.E… See Igbo Anthony’

And with the play of Allen Murray as the Avatar used and his life put in such danger, because my rage was written here…

That one can not challenge the source or waste that much time in investigating that which brings you only good fortune.

Allen does not know my true I.D but he has given not gift of appreciation and gratitude at the good fortune he has attributed to me…

And those moving him are full aware of my I.D…

And so this entire cruel, cruel cruel… shudder.. play…smh, was a ruse to get Al.. Albert Santana.. whom I had said no to because the play he went to far and kept flip flopping, and yes, I was aware of the connection and link between my brother Oboom, Joseph Carey and Albert from the get go…

For goodness sake.. U.S.. aka Alberto is the one who took me to meet Joe, a beautiful version of my brothers E-Spirit later corrupted by the test of Father.. Test of Ego…

Where he is selected as the One Supreme over the one who he knows is the true Supreme, but says nothing because Father singled him out to be that one… but not directly/..

That was the beginning of the play of the Great Computer – recall his vision and that the size of our shoes determined who was the Favored. ( That was the assumption.. His size was 13…

Which is the code… mine 11-12…at the time…)

But it was not about that size.. or the other.. Penis Size..

but the 10 12.. 1O 12… 13…M…

But before the M… There must be Awareness.. Awareness is Life..

Awareness brings Life…

A.M… A. M…

A M A…

A M M A…Z- A….

A A… Bed 4-010- 4012… 4 10.. 4 12… 4 4.. 10 12.. ..4 4 22… D D V… Durek Verrett… D.V..is moi… Double V.. Double Vie…

8..V… 8 5.. H E…

Owed the Arab Bodega A.B.. 8:50 USD… To I.D Myself?

8 22..

9:03 right now…

I note this because my second coffee – from Chris at Starbucks has the number 693.. in this increasingly Anal and foolish play Script..

F ..I.C… Not longer Fiction.. Fact I C…

MTCN Code.. 2 93… 393.. 41 32….

2=B..Blair… not Al…

Blair had the Light Blue B I C..Which he told me to hold onto.. his E-Spirit knowing the play of the Bic Lighter…

B.L.. L.B… Link Brittany Lynn 1022 Facebook Friend..

1022.. 32…. 2 93…393…41…DA… 32…5..E…

Yes. he is my Bio Father restored.. My Self that never Was in this World… The True Mystery.. Alien Father Alpha.. A F A..

Awareness Fact Alive… Full Circle.. F.C…

Former coffee… 50… Arab Bodega.. then 603.. 6O3.. F C..

And now 6 93… F..I.C… Father Infinite Consciousness…

149 was the number I discovered was on the Micro Wave.. MW, when I went to use it..

Sacred Portal 149.. (19)..Supreme Sway of the Play…etc..

Brittany .. B.L…U.E… Light Blue and my own Royal Blue.. Blue Marine…

*Karmina Marine…

Link the reps of Brittany Mightbe, Brittany Mightbe, Britt Mightbe, that is 3 with the B.M…/ M.B… Link the portal of Marina Burini where in 2010 I began the Sacred Portals and translating the Language of the Alien Consciousness A -Lien, to the E.T.. Eternal Truth.. to the N.. Naturals.. Super Naturals to the Diseased current evil done to language Words and Expression.

B.M.. is Being Manifest… Manifest Being…

Hello Amoza Born.. A.B..

Brittany means

English Meaning: The name Brittany is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brittany is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France to become the Bretons of England…

Amoza Born will respond in a sec when I have finished this post…:)….


It is of English, Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Lynn is ruddy-complected. Variant of Flann. The surname is also possibly of Old English and Gaelic origin, meaning lake, waterfall or pool, and probably would have been given to a family living near such a body of water.

France to England… F to E… 6th sense moved to E… it source.

I was born in London, England.

F to E 6 to 5…5 to 6….. THE Lake.. Water Fall.. Pool of the Sum Total of the Sources Reflections…

The Mirror…

Sha’dazie Dotson

Sha means Little One


Sha means: Natural; Goddess Durga; Form of Shakshi / Shatvika


Daisy is a feminine given name, commonly thought to be derived from the name of the flower. The flower name comes from the Old English word dægeseage, meaning day’s eye. … Daisy is also a nickname for Margaret, used because Marguerite, the French version of that name, is also a French name for the oxeye daisy

Dot.. Son…

The Dodson surname most probably derives from the once common Old English (Anglo-Saxon) personal name, Dodda (Dodda + son). This name was quite widespread during thedark ages and early medieval period. It is found as a root in place names throughout England and on the fringes of Wales and Scotland. Although the exact meaning of Dodda in the Old English language is not clear, it likely denoted a fox (see below). The Dodson family name is found most frequently in the Northeast of England, from Northumberland to Lincolnshire. The Anglo-Saxon linguistic roots remain strong in that part of Britain to this day. These areas were also heavily settled by Danish and Norwegian “Vikings” in the ninth andtenth centuries, suggesting that the Dodsons are primarily of Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian descent as opposed to Brittonoceltic descent. Some scholars attribute the Dodson name to the old Norse word for barehill, dod. This may be taken to mean someone who held land associated with a bare hill, or some have even suggested this to have designated a man with a bald head. There is a rather compelling legend associated with the Dodd surname which may be relevant

New York Times today Sports Section…

As Time Expires, The V.I Kings Leap to Life

DO DD.. A..H… TO DD… Todd was the name of my second Host in New York, I met and moved into his apartment the 2nd day I arrived…

Fox.. BareHill… I have a bald spot.. all apply..

bed 4-004..

Too much… sigh,….

9:38 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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