
8:31 p.m.

8:31 p.m.


6-23- 1 O…

F W – A O…

23-6-1 O…



* This is the third time, I am attempting to post write this, I am literally fighting my own computer…


Terrors of an Unfixed reality

Screams the New York Times today on the Weekend Art Section…

By Ben Brantley…. B B…

2 2…

That of course is not the Truth according to my own empirical and evolved experience and data.

2 2.. Is 4… + 10 8.. 18… D.R… = 4 +18…22… V..

Victor.. V= 5..5th Dimension…

Reality is not only Fixed, but it never had a problem except of the Fixation of Fixing the Facts to make it seem Chaotic.

As many of my Face Book Friends are aware, the year 1984 is listed as my Date of Birth on my Face Book Page.

This was written in full consciousness years before I came to Face Book that this would be the age I would incarnate here on Earth, after the awakening. I had decided it as being the age I would be here, evolving from my Eternal Age in the 5th Dimension as 21… Eternal Youth to 32….

That It turned out to be the date of George Orwell’s book 1984, was something which I noted and then addressed on these very pages when I came to Face Book.

But I was really indifferent to the meaning of its translation in this reality.

We are at 994 Face Book Friends for the 2nd Time…

2nd meaning B.. Being…

The First- Aware..Awake.. was represented by Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon… K.W.G… Which represented K.EW. Gardens where Billy Hung had set me up, and sponsored the what was meant to be my own space and home, after he getting for him, incontestable evidence that not only do my codes work, that I was ‘For Real but that I represented and equation of an Eternal Infinite New Energy Source.

He accompanined me to Forte Lauderdale in 2012 via Savannah Georgia with Ravindar Singh to apt 511….

And we returned together on August 4th, 2012…

8-4…2012..32… 5… E…

19 84 E….

You will note the number of people who share the code name of George Orwell in this Script.. from Georges-Philippe Roc to Nenad M. Djurdjevic to Lota George Odabi, To George Smith….

George Orwell’s novel was written in 1949… When I entered the B.R.C Assessment Shelter to experience what I knew was entering the System. The Numeric and Alphabetical encoded environment in which I could be seen through only those codes and to see if my expression aligned….

I was indifferent to the meaning as translated by this reality or other.. the Unseen..

Bed 49 was the First bed assigned to me, in room B… The book was written in 19 49… but I entered that space knowing that 49 represented my Sacred Portal 49 which is Existential Death as Death Ray.. D.R… 4 18.. 22… V… Which is already knew as attained and confirmed with the arrival of Robert Vlaun.. R.V… Who is 22…

I then moved from the B of 49.. meaning of D.I… in OINri Igbo means ‘Is’ .. and D.I/ I.D… Then I moved to Room A 007.. representing Awareness….

I was aware from the moment I was moved to Delta Manor Room 5B bed 5-019.. That I had already attained the 19 of the 1984…Through the Play of The Bean 1st and 9th as well as 910 Starbucks ( Star Bucks as in the Buck.. Doe Buck.. not money…)

I was aware of it when I was placed in Room 3A.. 31…And bed 3-002… 32… which was in 1996…Oct- Nov..making me 32 approx. I was aware of it through Room 4 B.. Bed 4-016, to Room 5A bed 5-006, and to room 4A.. 41..Bed 4004… And by the people I was drawn to and who were drawn to me, and the Id;s I used to get the moneies ‘Assigned to me..

I was and am aware… what surprised me, was the Hate…

The Hate…. which is really the code of H.A.T.E… HAT.. E… E.T..A.H…. H.A… 8-1… T.E… 20-5… 25….

I was aware to Caesar Rivera.. age 38…bed 5-012…

Just as I am aware that a Species, created can not deny their own Source, and to do so would to cancel out Their own Existence, because to deny the Truth which is manifest, no matter how it is cloaked and veiled, serves no purpose onces the Source or His representative is Aware..

And I have proven that I am aware….

From Goktu the young Japanese man who saw me off to Miami whose Father came from the Dragon line, to the Samurai sword which was in Erik Ebrights home to the sword hanging and overlooking the Terraced Cage in Delta MANOR..

I am aware and that is what is important….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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