
8;29 PM…

8;29 PM…


Harmony Being I.

Aligning us from 372 Face Book Friend name meaning

Sam Nnam

Nenad M. Djurdjevic Bergamo Italy B.I…66

to Zeina Hanna… Z.H…3-15-85…29 Yrs old

to Sophie Anastassia Maverides… S.A,M 8-14-85…29 yrs

Meaning The name of God, IS, My Father…F.M.

The Unexpected, Gift from God, is the Conqueror of Satan the Adversary called Nothings matter you were dreaming having a nightmare…)

is the Farmer who planted the seed of Mother and Father…

see men…

Beauty, the Gift of Grace and Favor…

Wisdom, Ressurrection and Rebirth, from the deep blue (MA-VIE) sea Of Surfing the Waves to retrieve your I.D, as Expression Supreme..

Energy Supreme…


Fractaling As Emeka Eze


4th Note…to EE

Sacred portal 55

Putting the fractals together through Alberto Santana..A,S…Awareness through a non stop stream of being aware of everything is the Bright Noble Intelligent King Emeka… King of Doer of Great Deeds…

praise, Well Done…

Welcome Fractaling As Emeka Eze…my 373 Facebook friend to what might surprise you as a 47, then 26, then 14, then 42 months journey made public as I linked all the Illusion of broken humanity back together again publicly and transparently using the E consciousness of Harmony, which debunks the Theory of Everything, to demonstrate, the Truth of Everything, and the proof of Everything, to the Solid Fact of Everything being, whole complete and Well Done, in the very beginning before the Forgetting and Dreaming

(F.A,D..E). began..

But it was a Fad, to believe, and even conceive of the idea that nothing last forever and Beauty, as well as everything Fades..

The Truth of Nature and the Understanding of Energy proves both this ideas untrue, for Nature never stops being Beautiful and we know that energy never dies… It simply transforms…

For what is created out of Energy and Nature..

Expression (Harmony) Naturalness

3-15-85..C.O (AE) H.E…..3-6-4 C.F.D…


C,O.H.E…Consciousness Perfect Symmetry HE

Circle Full Devine….

Harmony Natural HE…HE, E Da Vide…

29+29..58…M.D…Maria Donna O’Sullivan

E Harmony…M.D…17…Q.E.D..


Infinity…Harmony…Eternity…= Immortality..

Continuous Self and Cellular Regeneration from

X Y Z and beyond…

The Fractaling As Emeka E.Z.E…King is a response through the meaning of your name aligned to the conclusion of a conversation with God..4.O.7..47..11 28…39…C,I…Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna….my past, and with my mother Cecilia 1947..44 code, who in the Espirit realm of Truth is my little sister and brother Ceclia Michael Umeano Kolo…-Harmony Huan- set to represent the Harmonious Beings of this World, Humanity evolving to Hue manity..

The True intention of the Creator.

The choice to go further from H.B (28) to 1O, To Alpha Omega then to 1 Alpha J.O.Y..then to E.A..Switch…is your choice, though I have shown all the way..

By putting all the pieces of the picture, the fractals, fragments, Glimpses in perfect clarity, Rising only Fall, to forget, into a one complete picture called Remembering Memory …


Ritz Montes

That you are in a Room with a View

of Beautiful Harmony.. the Gift of the Creator..

The Room E…RUMI…

Fred Delshad

The Persian Boy and the Macedonian Conqueror

Alexander the Great…Defender of Man…D,O.M…( Dominic Temp- Dominique El Mallah)- Dom in..I.C. K..Q



Emeke (Praise)



As you might perceive Fractaling As Emeka is the King…

I am doing the meaning of your name as we speak.

And since, we have established in this long play of 42- now moving to 43 months, that the name is simply a reflection of the DO- The Doing and that the name arrives to symbolic frame and represent the meaning of the deed already done…

Fractaling As Emeka Eze..

my 373 Face book friend aligning sacred portal 37 and 73 in every which way as One.. backwards forwards…




D. O.N.E.

Four One…


Sakib All Hasan…


Supreme A.H..



Sakib means Present…Reward Patience


Hassan means Handsome Beautiful


The year Nnamdi passed away age 13..M…

43 years later..

see sacred portal 43 Portal True Life



Dike Wisdom

Wisdom John JONN-J.OY

Is Reborn

SAH! Present All, the Handsome and Beautiful ones, for your patience there is a just reward..

Fractaling As Emeka Eze..

Now that is some kinda cool name…

Emeka K..OLO

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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