
8:28 p.m.

8:28 p.m.

See what I mean?

Back at 860…

All because of a simple mis-understanding of my expression by P Frank Onyekachukwu..

A Simple Mis-understanding because he just became my Face Book Friend and had no idea what was going on.

But he sent me a text, with a graceful request and an apology if he had offended me…

Which of course he had not, in fact he had revealed something in the Spirit World play with Ancient Egypt still still holding the World in bondage…

By their understanding the passage through Space.. the Heavens linked to the Underworld-

I have been there.. remember. just as the legend of Jesus and the Shamans journey…

Recall I was summoned to New York through a Shaman now well noted in your realm but not mine… Durek Verrett…

Code D.V… He did his job and delivered the message from my realm and that of the Spirit realm… and then came down here…

His healing was his reward from a condition terminal…

That Spirit world is always based on Barter… which is why I always ask people to give some form of appreciation.. when I do the work with the even especially on Face book because as far as they are concerned they have made it clear my Worth…

I am not their enemy humanity are….

Angry Spirits…Righteous Anger of Ancestors…

Look at the code of initials of P.F Onyekachukwu….




P is the line we are a right now…

Bed 4016…D.O..P… Praise… and his expression was that elegant and gracious…

And just a moment Rahul D’Silva came in, Elegant and Gracious show me that he had understood my mile long text that this is not intellectual to me but literal and that I have been undercover and retrieved the Data.. and the Evidence why the World is coming to an end.. Why When, and How….

And the Retrieved the Truth..

Traishon called me three four times your Jesus Brother…

His older brother…

I said Jesus Yeshua was a character… from a Story…

He understood by he said your representing the Christ Consciousness.. its true expression…

Actually the E but yes that C consciousness had to be cleaned up…


Code Elizabeth Clarizio… 5+3=8…. The 8 + 5…again… Expression Energy… 13…. M… Manifestation..

Which is why I am so harried…

I can’t believe more is being sodomized out of me…

To have that feeling of being so completely fucked despite having full memory of who you are… you know, what you have done and what has been accomplished but the process was so fucked and you were so unbelievably fucked…

That most of the time when you are not battling the Unseen and the Seen or seeking where the next meal you will be manipulated through a certain way which carries more work and conditions..

You are walking around in disbelief….

Utter this is impossible…

This can not be done..

This is real, this is fact… and I am carrying this…

Alone before they wake up and remember….

Awake alone on the Mother Ship while the Avatars sleep and are in a battle so epic where Evil as a force in them is taking over their bodies and ejecting their Souls and Personalties into a Void..

And though it is real..

Non of it is True!

8:55 p.m.



O.F….P.S.D.R…. Praise Supreme David Robert…

Perfect Symmetry Dios Robert…

and Please Stop DR…Phd..The Mad Professors…

P.S..D.R..I.V.E…. the Driving each other to the Brink of the Abyss… Madness with rage..

That is the play in the World… Mind Games.. Mind Fucks….

And so it is in Delta Manor…

…But we all know no one here cares until it happens to them…

This is the way of this world… N’est pas?

9:00 pm



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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