
8:26-7 P.M

8:26-7 P.M




G-A H.


8:33 P.M

I am in the Spirit world and the World of Mind weaving my way out of those worlds I was Spirited away to, and Born into- into my world here in the True Present.

This world is the world of Spirits and Mind.

None of them are real.

Because an Echo response means thus realm you call Life has a limit Walls…

Which expression goes out and then resches the outer limit and comes back as Echo.

Eshe Chuki Asale…Eshe means Life -Echo

How can life have an Echo unless it is a room with walls-mirrors…


This is not Rooms.

See code Abraham Madu Abraham Jahova Sinnott…A.A.M.(J)S..

Hello I have a new Face Book friend.

Oluku Joshua…

O.J…J is the 1Oth letter

O is the 15th letter A.E

151O- 1O15




Making him my 238 Face Book Friend.


Dina Singh said she knows me as Superior…

I am not Superior.

But I am the representative of Supreme Consciousness and Supremacy of Being E

All were born with the ability, the choice to attain it was left in everyone hands..

Except mine.

It is 9:16 P.M now, today is the 16th, and I reminded Dina Singh of the story of my rising as the Black panther in a short film I wrote in which I move through 16th century Europe with quiet intent of assinstion…not murder; but assassination of a Queen who knew I was comming. For the assassination in subtly og my character.

Having created a weave in which was such an affront that she knew Death himself would rise to answer such a audacious weave

She wished death but as I enter a great Warehouse where waited on a lush bed to grant her wish to die…but only by the hands of Death himself…I recall placing my hands on her neck to squeeze and her arousal and pleasure…

And my taking my hands away…realizing that the best consequences for her was to live…in this illusion of Spirit Mind which only she realized was not real

But she thought it was a prison but it was not..

It was school..Elementary school..

And she as all the aElementals was here to learn about thier Ethereal nature….

S=19th Letter.


Consciousness Harmony…


The Past even in Time was called the Golden Age Harmony… G A H…

(HAGAR-E…The Mermaid Goddess…

Jewel from the Sea Marie Magdelena

* Angela Marie Alexander…code rep

Treated so unfairly by history..

Lilith Adama..LA..Sir E.N

Pls see Bambi and Artemis…

Nnamdi Aphrodite… N A

Code Neel Akash..

See post of Pamela Stefaniotis..P.S shared on my time line.

Welcome Ol’ Chap…O.J

I was investigating the name Oluku..

Which strangely means Fool in Igbo..

But not in IO-OINri Igbo where my mother is from…

It comes from what had been described as the Yoruba Igbo mixture of cultures as one Family including the Edo Igala (Idah where my mother was Born) Onisha where my mother went to finishing school after living in an Irish Catholic Convent boarding school with her sister Iesha.

-The original the from the word for Onistha is Yoruba Edo Oniuche Orisha GodsLord…Onistha has a great river and is said filled with Mami Wata..Mermaids-Sirens…Yemoja Goddess of Beauty similar to Aphrodite…And which is legend which I heard about my mother. The legend that she came from the sea in search of perfection. She found it in a man and asked her Father the King of the Sea if she could live amongst man. Her father told her that she must return on her 16th Birthday.

My mother did not return but got married.

And the consequences where phenomenal.

My Grandmother and aunts tell the story of my mothers beauty was so Ethereal and surreal that people used to run away from her believing she was not human.

Nnamdi my brother had a similar effect on people many people going as far as to say that it was better that he passed away, that he was better that he passed away that he was not for this world.

Yeah, but U ) where abd Benin empire…

I was reading an historical account on the true origin of this name…works which is Oluku Mi

It the story of strangers surrounded by aggressive peoples when they came to that land.

But instead of fighting or engaging in warfare…

Courtesied, to all front of thier agressors saying Oluku Mi…

Meaning My Friend

Mi Ami

Royals of Majesty ..the Beautiful Ones

I wonder how it came to mean Fool in Igbo…

Oh but of course, after this Facebook play.

I know…

Tarot 78 Cards.

A house of Cards which come tumbling down

Joshua means Saviour- Deliverer

Thus 2 38 to the 16 aspects including the Edo Yoruba which make up All the Ibo (not Igbo)

The message is My Friend the Deliverer of the Message

And to the Igbo The Fool actually Delivered


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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