
8:25 PM

8:25 pm.



It is easy to read the code above.

So there is no need that I translate.

It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game.

Highlander play of Immortality.

Jet Li ( J L) The One

A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play.

Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they reflect the polished and refined version of the same play. Right to the technics and teaching tools used here in Nursery school, kindergarten and Grade School to High School.

( N K G S- H S)

Its a play of the last man standing, or the last person standing after the end of a marathon of 7.9 billion contenders and Trillions of lifetimes- Since the inception of the planet 4.5 Billion years aligned with the Universe 13.8 billion years.

And the difference between the two aligned being 9.3 Billion.

9-3 9 Billion is 9 Zero’s

9 3 is I C…

939 I C I.. Here. Ici means Here

The play is now, at last concluding- moving through the Kim to me, the last intel and expressions of awareness.

Sigh… A conversation took place earlier with Kim,

And now another one took place.

The last post I started vanished as I listen to the Intel flowing through Kim.

I knew it was about the Humanity evolving and gaining Super powers, Super Natural abilities- Intel through Kim.

intel Dec 21st.

And it all began with Kim- painting body art of a 21-year-old he knew from Heaven with her boyfriend present.



I had began my carreer or entered the western world and the play, in the west via Design and Dance.

Dance then Design followed

9:30 pm

By having an Exhibition in Camden at my friend and Boss at the time Nicky’s hip bar and Cafe in 1990 called The Body As Living Art.

T L A L A.

Ala is the African and Igbo name for the Earth Goddess.

The battle which i have been engaged in for almost 9 years publicly and with idea who thought She was real.

T L is 2012 which was 8 years ago.

Mission Impossible 8


Acomplished 2 years before.

The Play ended in 2010-2011 with Marina Burini and Tom Truman.

( Mackayla Burgos M B but it is Man Bella rep of the y chromosome)

T T 2020= 1.

A.. Alexander – Arden.

The L is not Liberty as we have resolved it is Lucifer.

represnted by myself and in the play Jeron Lang. Jesus/ John Lucier

John Mack and Jeron Lang.

( Thomas Lang lived in a space rented and offered by John Mack before getting back with Liberty- with her inviting him back into her Life a month or so after I left, because refused to be dominated or disrespected as The Source – charcter I was compelled to play as a man what it would be look like.)

2010 + 2 = 2012.

2011 + 1= 2012.

2020 10 11.

2020 11 10.

11 10 is the one one side facinf the story but to facing the correct direction 10-11/ 11 10.

1 110 A E Family.

11 10 is the Exit out but obviously I had to go back and get the E families Body and Being

which of course was quite uneccessary because i had completed all this in 1996 when I was 29.

@ The Collection hotel in London.

There was no need for me to come to Istanbul Trukey, New York U.SA.

But Something felt it knew better than me, and that I had to explain via reason logic to a realm i protested, had nothing to do with the true Conversation between Energy E and Atom.. AHTom.

Why would i have to prove anything to those who are not even aware of the existence of the E Family- teach them who are yet to be- a language and prove The Collection T C.

all the way to Connecticut the 5th state. T C.

Yes, i solvedit by 1996.

I was age code 28-29.

That was 24 years ago.

24 letter X.

Me at Generation X Garden X Gardens 8-26-2006. 268 East 4th Road.

24 is the code on the tunning fork.

24 is the code of E M F… The Electro Magnetic Field.

24 is the code of One Day.

12 hours in a day two full cycles create one Day.

12 12… 24.. 1…D.A Y…41 1 25.

52 114… Mission Impossible 8 release date.

EB 114. sacred portal 114 Grant Moore.

The last man standing is E K.

Emeka Ekolo.

representing Eternal Knowing and Eternal Knowledge Expressed Knowingly Explained.

But there are Two men standing present one is E I V K and the other is K A K…

Doppleganer Twins are A and E AA EE From A-A BB CC DD EE FF GG HH II.. KK LL MM NN OO PP QQ RR SS TT UU VV WW X YY ZZ

But there is only one Jay.

10:00 pm right now.

And Only one X

Source of the X Men.

2010 J T Add 2 years 2012

T L 2012 A L A… Alexander Lucifer Arden…

A L A = 14.

A M 1 13 ..

Arden Morgan Thomas Lang

A M 2012.

* 8 years later and 11 months alomost to the day I entered this play, and the space I left after hearing a voice on nnamdi’s brithday 4-5-2012 telling me to leave that place because I would die there.

I did not take that voice that seriously but I knew it was my cue to leave, I left and I was led right to Albert Santana’s home- where before I even knocked on the door, I heard Alberts voice call out Nnmadi.

I am Nnamdi, I have known this since I was a kid.

Sacred portal 131 SIA MESE TWINS. S T/ T S.

The original Tree Sage and Sad Tree is of couse moi.

T S E.

Do you think for a sec that I have or had any doubts who Arden is?

Even despite our not being in contact since 8-6-2020.

see the heater here, as well as the play 86 non stop.

Tree sage is the Carbon Copy- the past rising up as the sum total as Mass Matter of the Original Universal Body copied in Physical matter and rising now indented charged activated with expression and power supreme to align to E and A. K.

P E A K ..

Peak of Perfection the three Espirit Being and Body

Awareness Beauty= Consciousness Dedication Expression Fact.


Grace Harmony


Jay is the one Balance of everything, nothing can equal tat which rose before anything rose- and thus he can only compete with Himself, evolving continously beyong where anything else can go.

Just as none could do the journey I did here in this present realm.

+2=2- 0


At 8

Kim gets all his intel from T V which he reads and then translates and transforms into that hwihc he has understood researched of my truth aligned to his pown personal experience.

I just provided the Blue Print.

10:33 pm

I am not my Body Being and Spirit Sol divided by my brother Self story to break down the nature of how I rose with a Body in the Enternal begining.


I am representing undercover, the embodiment of the One Completion in his story where I am undercover as a Human with a Hueman Body used as a tester, and a measuring rod of the process he created to understad the True Body ( undercover and fighting this body suit which limits my true body from being free.)

Expose your soul and be free was kims latest intel and

Vision 85… 8-20

Yes Thomas Lang , father of Jeron was born 4-7-1985.

Chris Filgeueria, Arden’s father and the Gemino’s 4 offspring father born 5-8-77.

( we moved to Nigeria in 77… 77 = 8.

78/ 87… Chris and Kim were both born.

12-14/ 14 12

11-4/ 4 11 Kim and Nathantiel and they met in Oregon and there was Harmony.

8 22 H V

15 15 O O..

1 A.

I am at 1526 Facebook Friends

Rebecca Ceraci.

* Rebecca or Rebekah (Hebrew: ??????? (Rivkah)) is a feminine given name originating from the Hebrew language. The name comes from the verb ??? (rbq), meaning to tie firmly; Jones’ … Origin. Word/name, Hebrew. Meaning, Moderator, To Tie, Noose, To Bind, Captivating, Strong Combatant, Hearty. Other names.

Kim just came up to me and said basically that the code is Jones

J- Ones.

Jones means John Grace of the Creator

He also spoke of Binary where he saw everything as 1 and the the 0’s ( Zero’s) would crowd around the ones to make it feel like it is a Zero.

Yes in Binary is 1…

No is 0.

In the True Story of the family of TEN 5 hands times 2.

Two hands.. Handsum… Hand Some..

How many creatures have hands in creation …?

And beuatiful hands… dextrrious and agile..

Wisdom John rebels againt father playing the the role of Power Authorited unbending, rebels from the family departure to go back down to rescuse Mother ( yes Father) who buried herself and her essence in the earth to prevent the alien council from giving her creations ( the begining of matter body beings_ Light and Consciousness.

Lucifer John.



Jeron Lang.

John Lucifer ( Yeshuah)

J L= 22.

Sacred Portal 22.

Ass Hole



Victor Victorious


Ceraci means:

*Italian (Calabria and Sicily): habitational name for someone from Gerace or Gerace Marina in Calabria, or from Geraci Siculo in Sicily. The places are named with medieval Greek geraki ‘hawk’, classical Greek hierax.

Now this is a trick…

The name also means Vulture

*Aug 15, 2004 — I also came across this: The name of Geraci derives from Greek Ierax that means vulture or Falcon, perhaps because there are these birds all..

Now, see how I kow its a trick.

Do you recall my last facebook Frined 1525= 40. Sacred Portal 40 Africa?

1 5 2 5= 13 M.

13 is the days date and we are at Singular as well as Pairs.

53 is my new age code i am representing.

40 +13 = 53.

E C Emeka Chukwu-emeka.

13 is todays Date and the date the age that namdi passed away but the last time I saw him alive he was still 12 L and it was aligned to this time of year to the week if not day.

12 L A B… Loves Lab…Lab-ours

John came for mother.

And yesterday I posted a car from Donna O Sullivan wife of Jon Delguidce Blackwell.

Delguidce is Venuzeulan and means From the Judges Bench

or Chambers


J C 10 3 13 M

Yes see the photo of Jae on the Bench at the cemetry at Penn stae with the words Faggot and two stars of Baphomet.

Recall what I recounted happned to me in 1985 of a person called Frank staying my room, and his advances which then created a scandal blown way out of proportion and which was a set up to destroy me for daring to go against the norm of the full circle all connected and simply dare be comfortable.. much more comfortable walking on my own.

That was literally around the time Thomas Lang was born.

I ended up turning it around, but I never forgot and knew that it had nothing to do about if i had or had not been intimate with a person who I had hardly known whom i had gone to Hi school with and now found ourselves in the same university.

It was my daring to walk alone and act as though I did not need anyone.

Of course, that was their own false porjections.

I loved being with people, part of something but I had learnt that my life and that which made people so… fucked up and afraid was this idea or notion that to be alone meant you would not survive in the wilderness by yourself and that you were tunring your back on the authoritarian nature of Nature of Animal to insect to all life on earth.

This eco system.

Order Logos

assigned roles.

or you do not belong.

I know this, rape for the last 35 years of my body and being by unseen wills which for reason the E know, I had to agree, was only to humilate, humble and break me to concede that i need the Full circle… the family.. others.

My entire being rebelled against that, just as I have rebelled for 17 years + straight at the unseen bidnings of my body, day and night, i have struggled aginst what i knew was a story based on the code Mummy which is not only the name we called our mothers as childen at which on our moving to Nigeria, we reieved alot of curiosity, teasings and insukts… for what it would seem, was our being different and consequently acting suerior.

No, I am not tricked

Osei Bonsu Safo Kant A.N.K A..

Arrived after I posted the image of the starving child with a Vulture waiting.. phot by K C.

I am C K. E K… V K…. KC is backwards.

wrong side.

I posted an poem by Donna O Sullivan The Lady

Its title, her understanding through my own expression and explaination, her version summation of Infinite Love.

I L… Serenity and Erabella.

S E Spirit E Sacred Portal 90

I O… Morgan Car Iron Grey Iron John.

15 25 O Y…Full Circle of the source of the y chromosome Y C Yeshua Yonathan Yoseph Christ…

11:22 pm.

I did it before this Facebook friend arrived.

Donna O Sullivan.

Sillivan means Hawk.. Hawk Eyes.

Lady Hawk Eyes…

her codes all 58 Age at the time Car liscense. E H

Opera for children

Daughter Sophia.

Transcendenatal mediatation.

Tunnel of Love.

Father Robert O Sullivan,


Jeff Sullivan J S and his Paintings all of the E Blue print.

I could tell the differnece between the Africa Pangea play and usurpers of the E True Story and that frequency of the which referes to the Eternal.

I even told Kim, Chiefy.. shaking my head at the ruse.

see sacred portal 37

11:28 pm * Yes my Birthday


Sophia Oscar Laurence .. of Arabia.

Evolution Transformation.

Not revenge We shall never Forget

The Black garbed King as the Night wixards holding a rifle.. bringer of death and destruction to the White race and all the mixtures who betrayed their roots.. of their tree of life. Since all humanity started out as Brown Black People.

Jonn was the representation of the Egyptian he was born August 1964.

But aligned to Donna LSD and the blue people she saw in her meditations and the numbers of the matrix surrounding her, numbers single moving changing.

Egypt was the story portal Jonn D Blackwell.

Jonn was rage and anger… not able to grond things in fact but on desire to be that which he felt he deserved to be… and he was Supernatural.

But have you seen all the movies. series about the fear and the irresponsibility those with Super Powers.

And its cause and effect on those who do not.

It alwasy amazed me this notion that there would be no order, as to who would inherit these superpowers.

This is was never about what happened to me in 1985…i had long since solved that riddle that same year and completed it in 1986


The People roared.

No, this was about the evolution.. by proving and demystfying the C of consciousness

And this is what T L represented and the 2 years added 2 cents

the Two 1586 1 Red Truck.

K A Ferrill John Valorious Victorious Man in Male and Female form balanced to perfection in One.

See sacred portal 10

The Dream of the One father

Baphmet Beauty with his John Thomas Erect as S J in balance as his Cock, kiss and embrace as 1.

See sacred portal 12 and see what the two on puppet strings are doing but see how undercover their feet are playing footisies.

No, the mame Rebecca is Jones.. no one had bound me… I captipivate, hold spell bound an yes carrying the noose.. or lasoo.

I do it by my elaboration through stories to express the Beautiful truth .. actuality.

And no it is not a Vulture, sacred to the Ancient Egyptians but linked to a post about starvation – starving children .. and of course i will never forget and consequence is comming for all not just one race or time period in a time line going way back to the roots… lierally the 5th Dimesnion.

I am the one given a blue lighter.. Kims also told me he got one, but his is red.

Red is Adam story red terracotta earth… Story of Earth.

I am blue.. its Expression 5th chakra… travel to he stor to reach C then speed of light SOL…VE… Sol to 5th note, source of the expression which manifested with the Word Breath, Intention Intended, Definition and Identifcation.. as well as the path as Creation for all to See Cee..

11:47 pm

Being A 1 became 11 4 7… 11 28.. ( 56 10)


10 years after 1996 The Collection.

2006 Generation X Gardens.

The Examination Test was for these Super powers only those who gradated to C Speed of Light of Vision 85…

C V E…Will Evolve because they have embodied Harmony I.E.K and understood how to read so even if i am not present, it is already activated, as well as it process and methodolgy.

11:51… 11:52 pm

1526… is 41… Yes not 40 2020 = 1 40 40 1 41 D A / A D.

O Z./ Z O

1 5 2 6… A E B F


Todays Date.

11:54 pm.

K E D.

N A K E D before the entire world.

No one can repeat such Transparency… I have nothing to hide.


Total Solar Eclipse.

It was never about a Physical mattetr…

It was about Expression

11:56 pm.

Symmtery Logos.. Beautiful Ones…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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