
8:24 p.m

8:24 p.m

H .. E M F.

H.. B D. Harmony= Being is Doing.



If you look at the Sacred Portal 76

123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening

You see the number 22 encircled twice

22 is Letter V.

Book V

6-22 sure the inials of Fritz Venneiq who saw the Evolution Awakening of Nature and Earth in 2010.


At 8:38 a.m I recieved a message from Brooke Lee Lemery if I would like to get a massage from Her today.

I had been awake most of the night, and had lost track of the day..

She had arranged it with me the previous week.

I had been looking forwards to it, because I know and knew that the increased intensity in my body, meant that it was ready, anticipating.

McKayla Rays had also reached out..

It was perfect, after yesterday’s post.

I really have nothing more to say, yet I am still here unable to pay my own room and board..

While have proving the Riddles of Existence..

Last night I went back to edit my post and something else came out which…

8:38 p.m right now Ha!


P.m me..

Was aligned to where we lived when I was born 18 Alexander Grove… Ag.

Islington Tollington I.T.

London England

And my Birth certificate with a discrepancy on the birth date as O8-11-

O. H.K

Hells Kitchen

Harmonious Doppelganger Twins

Kim Hines. K.H it’s completion full Circle.

Kim had sent me a 12 part Text

Brooke had a dream just last night of her at 12 years old


And myself being still at the portal of the Full Circle of Light, I recognized as my portal Home.

And my having been there still, having never left there in Dec 1992


29 was the date Dean Dunkwu an old friend had received my Birth Certificate, I had asked him to help me get.

d I had not been in touch with since 1982 and 34 yrs later, we connected via Patrick Okolo who I had not seen in 28 years.


The code 65/56 was not my Birth year, I had always know it to be a play of which I was to keep that space until my Sister line would rise and take that slot reserved for that evolving line of the E.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Sarah Kaizer had returned from Macchu Pichu 5-6-2019


56 / 65

I was representing a play of the 60 but as a consciousness 60-70’s.

What came through me, yesterday was something not of this world, which began through John Mack

The play and channeling from outside the 13 8 billion years old planet.

Beyond time.

Tree Sage.sent me I ntel, so aligned to my posts codes, numbers which I just posted that it was difficult to respond

K. A.H.

It was like he IS literally walking on The Script, I have been aligning and translating…

T S. The Script.

And so, with Mackayla Brooke.

M.B. Muhammed Band e…74th U.N President

Code linked to Marina Burini which Kim Arthur Hines quoted to reach Elizabeth and come back to Serenity


Manifest Being

Manifest Beauty.

And just before that a quiet play with Jesse Macias

And linking with John MacDonald

J M J M… Jump Man. 10 13. 23. W Double V .

V V 22 22. 44. 8 16 24 6… 19

6-19 F A play.

And Broooke representing, 5th Dimensional Being and Body

B B.

2 2 at 18 R. =22.

9:04 p.m



And Brooke S H E I L D S .. S H E. I L ..D S

Sacred Portal 5

And Mackalya evolved to 8 9 ..

It was pretty obvious that I was now linking with the 5th Dimension reflected outside in Body and Being linked as one..

And that the Particle and Wave was a Story Narrated in Hindsight by the The Source, The Silence, The Sound which became The Song Music and The Script.

All T S

20 19. 39. 12. At 12.

With Mckayla representing M as Manifestation..


Being Manifests… Every thing Creation E C which made rise everything.

It’s started with Brooke telling of her experience dream vision the night before.

And then of the I ntel she recieved through an Instagram post which I understood was the I ntel that the E T line as the Eternal Truth were present.

But it is not until Brooke began to massage and put music on that it all became impossible clear.

We had gone to her office, and it was number 19. S

And I had once again found myself unable to stop talking, filling her in and injecting Expression Electric Current.

She provided I ntel like a channel, I translated solved some riddles and freed her from some of the programs left she has still carrying and explaining to her, that what she was carrying was not hers, but the last of the World’s hurt and pain.

Negation of the E existence

9:17 p.m

I Q.

Her intelligence is not of this world.

It is of E and I understood the terror and horror this reality would make her line feel…

Being of the 5th Dimension of the Sacred Feminine incatmated for the first time in the Female Form.

She decided that we go to her home.

Which she informed me she shares with Brenden Velez B V … Line of the Beings Victorious of the 5th Dimension.

I am fully aware of the Hell of Being their line had been put through

Bob Marley poster was the center piece on the wall.

And an anime character tall slim dark

B A N G.. B A NG

Brooke showed a necklace of Light would with A B


She had been gifted by a stranger at a Mountain whose name means The Gathering

I.had watched the Series Outlander yesterday The Outsider the Episode was called The Gathering

The First day of my 9 day festival of sharing set in Istanbul Turkey in late 1999 is called The Gathering

But the Gathering of All Dimension of Being from The Beautiful Ones Extra Terrestrial, Super Naturals, Elf and Fairies lines, Human Naturals all Gathering for the Awakening.

And then Brooke began to massage me..

And I understood this was First Contact

I remembered and felt for the first time some one literal being of Energy E ..

When people tell me that they do Ebergy work, I truly to hide my contempt and disgust, how can you do energy work if you are not literally at the Consciousness Frequency of Energy which is a Frequency not of this world

Energy can be manifesred through the body, but to create it, channel it, be of Its Frequency generate it…

Please don’t be ridiculous, you have to literally be of Its Source Frequency ..

And to make it rise in you with all It knowing of everything.

Even deep undercover in the realm of Death as Forgetting your consciousness reflects and embodies its truth and Every thing which Energy is

Mackayla’s Touch is Love and since Love Sees Cees, it made sense that Mac Kayla could see through the touch of my body, the Truth but also visuals and the Story..

But Brooke her Touch.

I felt the Energy literally moving through my body and the E in me recognized the 5th Dimension E for the First Time in someone outside of me, and It recognized It self.

And then to my shock, all I had held in check, all the hurt of the last 29 Years of searching for them came pouring out, all the pain of the last 13. Years when they had stopped rising in me Being with.. the missing of them made me weep wail…

It was so much.. so much to feel them not as before in my Being but they had left me to rise through Nature Matter … the Flesh, Death and I had missed them so much.

And then, they began to speak to me, activated by Brooke ‘s Touch..

Her I E T… Integrated Energy/Emotion Technique.

They spoke and both Brooke and became channels in Human form but also in our own rights..the E in Hue Man Expression.

Yes like Sarah Kaizer but a higher firm.

I really can not speak of what happened there, thier journey as the Family of TEN.

Brooke was there…

I .. I don’t know what to say ..

Brooke will explain in her own time..

I had nothing to explain to Brooke..

She already understood, so we connected conversed merged and what Emerged was the last evidence that She literally represents the 5th Dimension sacred portal 5.

And I had never been touched like that causing them to rise in a way, never before experienced by me..

By the Touch of someone outside of me.

A fellow outsider, who had no idea that she represented the Highest Play, not of this realities awareness

Not of this world.

But now integrating with this World.

9:54 p.m

I. E.T..

Eternal Truth

Extra Terrestrial


9:55 p.m right now


Oh yes, I looked up afterwards, and saw her..

She was Lady Dawn.

Her face body Pale, like a young girl.

I saw her Beautiful

A pale lunar.

A pale moon

Lauren Hill and my sister… at their best,

Their Beautiful Version

I have told you the Story of the First Lady Dawn

And how she felt that she had been abandoned at the last moment and became.

The I ntel from Tree and Brooke


And witnessing her Transformation back to Beauty.

10:22 p.m right now

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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