
8:23 p.m – H W. / W H Y – H VV –

8:23 p.m

H W. / W H Y


So, you are still asking who is the one moving this Solar System
This world as well as this Universal Simulation Awakening.

Is it the Bidden Figures, moving the weather.
Moods as the 4 Divine Breaths.

Are you witnessing then Being and Doing.

Is it Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton and a league of extraordinary women… no ladies no gentlemen.

Who is controlling the Climate.
The Delta Operating System. D.O.S.

Obviously there is a real Truman Show.

Edd Harris.

And what, or who was challenged by Nature as a Simulation, and why did Noni Promise drag me here to the U.S A, to defend Nnamdi’s Truth.

Aka Nnamdi means “Our Father whose ART is on Heaven and Earth..
And declares. Though art, ART.
& Science.

Did Nature as the Ancestors believe or begin to doubt that they as Ancienr Secret Societies had convinced all Ages that they were the Gods. Highter Beings whi were in Control, but were not sure, because they realized that even the quarantine playing field, really a Nurse6 School, A Green House- Effects
could no longer conceal the fact that there were not.

And did they send Durek Verrett to Istanbul to get me, because they were panicking, and yet would never conceded why they needed me here, but never reveal why.
And did Nnamdi of the past, rise in ne to insist I complete the challenge and teach them a lesson that they would never forget.

A promise made…

The True Conversation between
Energy Expression and A.Tom and AH- Tom.

Of the one breath, which rose from the Point .
Mouth Onu.
One became Two
Two became four
Four then at full circle it point made merged back the same way it came in
As 1 but now, 5 back to 1.
1 Expression
1of Two
Which 4
Then 4 in 1.
5 1.
5-5 6.
5 11.
And all now leaving as the 1 and O N.E
Who became T W O.
Just as his big brother had done

And now He had achieved what is bog Brother had done by creating a Toom, Space
A Ele Mental counting and accounting room
With another who came to be called Big Sister.

And all now as
I I I ..C.

And the I.I who never entered the play, but were the Guide Father, and Father Guide.

And then the Original I.

3 2 1.

7 Harmonies.

7 in O.N.E


8 pm.

So, who owns the play, the sawy..
Scared Portal 19…aka 149.

Or that which had forgotten that the Cosmos Cooker is both an OVEN & Microwave Micro Wave. Set with a Timmer.
Which says Done!

Serving dual purposes but one End.


8;57 pm

H.End Game.

I End Game.

Harmony E
Attaining it was always the Goal.

Nnamdi was the Brain.
Maurice Moor Dark Energy
D E / E.D
Was always the Goal…Catch Two Birds with one stone.

9;00 p.m

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